The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1383 Daylight

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"Tell me! Where are you from, what place is here, and what other forces are around?" Zhao Fu looked at the little boy with a pair of terrifying eyes and said.

Now in a dark room, the little boy was tied up with iron chains and hung in mid-air. He had an angry look on his face and kept struggling, trying to get out of here. Naturally, he couldn't break free of any iron chains.

The little boy yelled stubbornly, "I won't tell you people from Apocalypse World, not even to death. You'd better kill me now, otherwise you will regret it."

Zhao Fu's expression did not change and he released a powerful bolt of lightning that struck him continuously. Zhao Fu would not stop because he was a child.


A powerful electric current hit the little boy. His body trembled violently and he let out screams. After a while, Zhao Fu stopped. The little boy was soaked and hung helplessly in the air. He became much more honest. .

Now he also understands that if he is caught by the enemy, he will not be merciful and lenient to him, but will treat him coldly and cruelly.

"I'm saying it again, tell me everything you know, otherwise I will use more painful methods. If you can tell me, I will let you see your brother, and I will not torture your brother. You know your brother But they are often used for experiments and suffer huge pain every day.”

Zhao Fu said to the little boy in a cold voice.

When the little boy heard that Zhao Fu was experimenting on his brother, he became very angry and shouted, "You dare to do that to my brother, I won't let you go."


Zhao Fu said nothing, and another powerful current entered the little boy's body along the iron chain, causing him to scream in pain. The scream sounded a little childish, and it was a bit unbearable to hear.

"Do you still want me to say it again? I want you and your brother not to suffer. Tell me everything you know." Zhao Fu looked at the little boy with a cold face and continued.

The little boy still pursed his lips tightly, stared at Zhao Fu with a pair of eyes, and said nothing.

Zhao Fu was a little surprised. This little boy was quite brave. Are all outsiders like this? After thinking for a moment, Zhao Fu took him back to Da Qin and asked him to take a look at the scarred and weak man in the cell.

Seeing his brother become like this, the little boy cried and ran over, but was caught by Zhao Fu. The man who fell to the ground had some life in his originally lifeless eyes.

Looking at the little boy in Zhao Fu's hands with a look of astonishment, he also became very angry and shouted, "Let my brother go! Otherwise, I will never let you go."

The relationship between the two brothers should be very deep, otherwise one would not be so angry and the other would not rush to the door. Zhao Fu felt like the villain in the movie, doing whatever it takes to achieve his goal.

"Now that you see your brother ending up like this, does it feel painful? As long as you tell me the information, I will treat you two well. Not only will your brother not be used as an experiment, but you will not suffer all kinds of pain. "Zhao Fu continued to induce the little boy.

The little boy was crying, hesitant and about to speak.

"Don't say it! Don't tell these despicable Tianqi people, we Hunling clan would rather die than surrender to these people." The man shouted loudly.

When the little boy heard his brother's words, his eyes became firm and he tightened his lips, as if he didn't say anything.

Zhao Fu was displeased and raised his hand to cut off the little boy's arm to make him suffer a little.

"Your Majesty! There is news from the other side of the outside world. There is a person from the outside world who wants to see you." A soldier walked in and reported.

Hearing that there was another person from the outside world, Zhao Fu thought for a while and planned to send a team of gray wolf guards to the outside gathering place again. This gathering place should be given a name. Zhao Fu planned to call it Qin Di, which is Qin. The meaning of country land.

Somewhat unexpectedly, a woman came with a mature figure and a beautiful face. She had long, fiery red slightly curly hair and a pair of red eyes, looking cheerful and sunny. The body is only made of animal skin, covering the chest and lower body, and has a wild temperament.

"Are you here for those two people?" Zhao Fu had already thought of the purpose of this woman's visit, because it was impossible for outsiders to come for no reason.

The woman smiled slightly, "That person is my husband, and the other is my most beloved brother. I want to talk to you about how to let them go."

Zhao Fu couldn't help but chuckle, "How dare you come to negotiate terms with me alone? Aren't you afraid that you might also join in?"

The woman smiled and replied, "Your power should have arrived here recently. There were no Apocalypse people before. You should be eager to find the Sunstone now. I can provide the location. I just need you to let them go."

Hearing this, Zhao Fu felt happy. He didn't expect that the sun gem that he was looking for for some time would be delivered to his door automatically, and only with two unimportant people. This was a very cost-effective deal.

However, Zhao Fu was not in a hurry to agree, because when Zhao Fu came here for the first time, he still didn’t know where this place was, what things were there, and what forces there were. These must be clarified, otherwise Zhao Fu’s My heart can't settle down either.

Moreover, Zhao Fu was now curious about the identities of the three of them and wanted to find out who they were.

Zhao Fu looked at the woman with his eyes and said, "If you can tell me where the Sunstone is, I will be happy to let them both go, but you must tell me your identities and all the news about this place, so that I can Let you go."

The woman was startled, then thought for a moment, and said, "I can only tell you that this place is called the Withered Grass Domain, and it is located in the west of the chaotic world. As for our identities and things nearby, I can't tell you."

If the woman really wanted to tell Zhao Fu the news, all the outsiders here would suffer, because there were billions of soldiers gathered here in Da Qin, and she understood this.

Zhao Fu was a little unhappy. He only got a rough location and didn't know the surrounding situation. How could Zhao Fu be satisfied with this.

"The location of the Sunlight Gem and the surrounding information. I must know these two points, otherwise you don't need to talk about it. Also, in order to prevent you from finding other outsiders, I would like to trouble you to stay here for a few more days and think it through before returning. explain."

The woman who was originally smiling frowned. Zhao Fu meant to force her to stay here, and he must tell two things.

This made the woman a little angry. It was Da Qin who captured their people, and now she was polite enough to negotiate terms, which an ordinary Hunling tribe would never be able to do.

But he came here without any preparation, and there was still a smile on his face, "Your power should not be a kingdom!"


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