The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1388 Sun Stone

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Wang Mukian is the nemesis of all plants in this field. It had an astonishing effect every time it was used. The vines felt the terrifying suction and immediately retracted underground without attacking.

Zhao Fu sneered. The vine was hiding underground, thinking that Zhao Fu could not attack it.

The huge saint's power was injected into Wang Mujian, causing Wang Mujian to emit a strong green light, and a huge breath of life spread.


Zhao Fu threw out the sword in his hand with all his strength. The Wang Mu Sword turned into a stream of green light, flew past in mid-air, and landed on the ground. The ground was directly affected by the force and cracked into a 100-meter-large pit.

The Wangmu Sword inserted in the ground was emitting green light, and countless tree roots surged out from it and plunged into the ground.

The underground vines are also in danger. The roots that penetrate into the ground continue to grow and branch, and they continue to extend deeper into the earth, and they also carry a suction force that greatly devours its vitality.

Boom boom boom...

The green vines were waving underground with terrifying power, breaking the soil and stones. The ground collapsed directly, and a huge pit appeared. The vines wanted to use this method to separate that piece of land from itself and block the huge of suction.

The roots of Wang Mukian's tree were somewhat damaged and broken, but they continued to grow crazily, shooting towards the place where the vines grew.


There was a loud sound under the ground, as if something was moving underground. It was the vine demon that wanted to run away and did not want to continue fighting with Zhao Fu.

With such a large area underground, it was difficult for Zhao Fu to judge the location of the Vine Demon, so he looked at Alasina next to him.

Alasna stepped forward, the twenty-four black wings behind her spread out, and a powerful divine aura spread. She stretched out a hand, and countless black divine lights fell from the sky, turning into a huge hand of light. , extending into the ground.


The ground shook violently, and a huge roar sounded from the ground. Alasna's face was startled, and then she became cold. She stretched out her hand and grabbed it hard, and then lifted it hard.


The ground cracked and collapsed, and a hundred-meter-sized green rhizome was pulled out. What was a little surprising was that a man grew out of the center of the root, but only his upper body, and his lower body seemed to be integrated into the root.

This man looked at Zhao Fu and Zhao Fu angrily with his eyes. He must be the cannibal vine demon, and he already has considerable wisdom.

Swish, swish, swish...

After the vine demon was captured by Alasina, he had no scruples and attacked with all his strength. The vines carried terrifying power and shot toward the two of them at a speed that was overwhelming, as if no one could resist.

Zhao Fu's expression did not change, but he took out the Emperor Sword and shouted softly, "Sword Master!"


A sword cry crackled the stone and penetrated the gold, resounding in all directions. A huge sword intention spread out, and the space seemed to be cut apart. Countless creatures within a radius of thousands of miles suddenly felt a chill in their hearts, showing expressions of horror.


Zhao Fu swung out his sword, and an invisible sword power spread out instantly, causing the world to tremble. Under the force, the overwhelming vines were cut into countless small pieces, green blood spattered everywhere, and in just an instant, all the vines disappeared.

The power of this Emperor's Killing Sword is not so terrifying. If Zhao Fu wasn't worried about causing trouble, he would definitely carry the Emperor's Killing Sword as a companion sword.

All the vines were cut off, and he looked at Zhao Fu with a look of fear on his face. Because all the vines were cut off, he was unable to run.

Zhao Fu came to him, pointed his sword at him and said, "What should I choose now? I don't need to say more. Do you choose to surrender or die?"

This vine demon didn't hesitate and directly agreed. However, the restriction in the Apocalypse World was ineffective against him, and Zhao Fu couldn't control it. Zhao Fu could only use his own holy blood to turn it into a blood restriction, which stayed in his body. in vivo.

Feeling the aura of Zhao Fu's blood, Vine Demon's expression became a little more respectful. He didn't know that Zhao Fu's blood was holy blood, but he was afraid of the power of that holy blood.

After subduing the cannibal vine demon, Zhao Fu showed a smile, stretched out his hand to hug Alasna who was flying to his side, and said with a smile, "Thank you just now!"

Alasna snuggled into Zhao Fu's arms, glared at Zhao Fu, and said, "You will use your actions to thank me later!"

Later, Zhao Fu returned to Qin with the ogre vine demon and a large number of ordinary ogre vines, and planted them outside the city wall. As for the ogre itself, he planted it inside the city because it mainly relied on its vines. Come and attack.

Now the ordinary vines are not seriously damaged, but the man-eating vines have been severely damaged. It will take a lot of time to return to its heyday.

Zhao Fu planned to devour a large number of insect corpses for him, because the recovery items in Apocalypse World were very weak against outsiders, so he could only rely on this method, otherwise Da Qin would have many recovery items for him to use.

Now there are tall city walls and several huge ravines. With the addition of these man-eating vines, the defense is already very strong, and Zhao Fu feels a little relieved.

At the same time, sunlight gems have also been mined in large quantities, and are constantly being transported back to Daqin, embedded in equipment, and then transported back.

Howl howl...

Suddenly, nine huge cries sounded in the sky, and a huge aura surged in all directions, shaking the sky. Only nine thousand-meter-large golden crows in the sky were seen, screaming at the sky.

Because of the expansion of territory, Zhao

Fu also expanded the Sun-blazing Emperor Immortal Formation many times, so the Golden Crow is one thousand meters in size, and it can also absorb sunlight from a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles, and the effect has been maximized.

After the nine huge Golden Crows screamed, they spit out nine two-meter-sized golden crystals. These nine golden crystals emitted strong light and carried a blazing power, and there was also a golden crow shadow among them.

Zhao Fu stretched out his hand and spread his power to catch the nine golden crystals. These were the Sun God Stones, an object condensed by absorbing countless sunlight from the Sun-blazing Emperor Immortal Formation.

Feeling the power of these nine crystals, Zhao Fu smiled, because these nine crystals were used to break the curse of the Shroud World.

These cursed things basically have yin attributes. The nine sun stones carry huge yang attribute power and have the ability to drive away evil spirits and purify everything.

Now with these nine Sun Stones, it should be possible to break the curse of the Shroud World, and then launch an attack on the Shroud World at once.

However, attacking the Shroud World is not a difficult task. The main reason is that the Demon Horn Empire will cause trouble. Without its intervention, Great Qin would not have evacuated last time and would continue to attack the Shroud World.

The Demon Horn Empire must find a way to resist it so that Great Qin can attack the shroud world. Otherwise, it is basically impossible for Great Qin to attack a world under the attack of the Demon Horn Empire.


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