The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1391 Battlefield

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Shisaki's face was pale. Looking at the two dead inheritors, his heart was filled with fear. He didn't expect that Zhao Fu's power was so powerful.

And Zhao Fu's eyes also fell on her. She was the defender of this world. If he surrendered, others would have little resistance and would be more willing to surrender. Da Qin could easily obtain the Shroud World.

Shisaki was still hesitant, but next to her was an inheritor who was also a beautiful woman from the Shroud World. She walked up to Zhao Fu charmingly and said, "Your Majesty! I, Shisu, am willing to surrender to you. And I volunteer to become your concubine to serve you." "

In fact, she also understood that even if she didn't say this, Zhao Fu would do it, because Great Qin would not let go of any woman with a phoenix spirit, let alone her as the lord of the continent and the romantic son of the Emperor of Great Qin. They have heard about it for a long time.

Instead of being passive, it is better to be proactive. Not only can she protect the people in her power, but her power status in Great Qin will also be high in the future.

Zhao Fu smiled and did not refuse, stretched out his arms to hold her in his arms, and Shi Su also snuggled into Zhao Fu's arms charmingly.

The other inheritors, Shisaki, were the first to surrender, and they couldn't help but surrender, because they didn't want to continue like this. In the end, Shisaki saw such a scene, and no longer persisted, and was willing to surrender.

As soon as they surrendered, the soldiers below had no resistance and knelt on the ground to surrender. However, some power leaders were unwilling and ran back with their troops.

However, the Shroud World has been lost. It already belongs to Great Qin. Zhao Fu ordered the attack inside the Shroud World.

The soldiers of the Qin Dynasty were like wild beasts, with a momentum that swept the world, killing the shroud world, causing the shroud world to fall into panic.

They also learned that the Shibu World was defeated, and several inheritors and defenders had surrendered. Most of the Shibu people also came to the outside of the city and knelt on the ground waiting for the Qin soldiers to conquer their city.

Some people chose to resist Da Qin and occupied the city to fight to the death with Da Qin. Some people ran to the wilds to avoid Da Qin soldiers.

The soldiers of Great Qin quickly conquered each region. Because a few inheritors have unified the continent and do not have that much power, it is relatively easy to conquer. There is only a slight resistance, but the overall situation has been decided.

Zhao Fu handed over full authority here to Wang Jian and immediately went to another battlefield, because at this time, the Demon Horn Empire must also be madly attacking Da Qin.

The Demon Horn Empire immediately learned that Great Qin was attacking the Shroud World, and launched an attack on Great Qin without hesitation. The ferocious army was divided into three groups and attacked the three continents occupied by Great Qin at the same time.

Facing the menacing army of demon horns, Bai Qi didn't have any fear in his heart, but instead showed a sneer. Shouted "Array!"

Crossbows were launched one after another, and countless arrows with cold gleams were aimed at the countless monster soldiers who were coming. Each archer stretched his bow hard and aimed at the countless monster soldiers who were coming.

The demon horn soldiers were like a green flood, so ferocious and terrifying that they wanted to devour everything. Everything would be destroyed in front of them. The demon horns were also eager to capture three continents this time, so they sent an even larger force.

Yaoming looked at the terrifying and ferocious appearance of his army and showed a smile. Even if he could not conquer three continents this time, he could still stop Da Qin from conquering the Shroud World.


A cold shout sounded, like the sound of hell. At Bai Qi's order, all the soldiers fired arrows one after another. The arrows were countless. The black mass covered their sight, and the sound of breaking through the air made the sky... They all seemed to be torn apart.

Swish swish swish...

Countless arrows pierced the sky and poured down like heavy rain. The many charging soldiers and countless monster beasts felt a terrible chill under the overwhelming arrows, and fear arose in their hearts.

They also used their own means to resist. The soldiers who charged forward collectively sent out a semicircular defensive shield. The monster beasts blew up the monster wind and exhaled the monster aura, hoping to block the incoming arrows.

But they were disappointed. Those arrows easily penetrated the defensive shield and penetrated the armor of the soldiers. The evil aura and evil wind exhaled by countless monsters did not block the arrows.

Puff puff……

There was a sound of arrows entering the body, which stung people's ears. Swarms of monster-horned soldiers fell to the ground. Those powerful monsters, whether they were running on the ground or flying in the sky, were all lying on the ground. His body was covered with countless arrows.

Even the Azure Dragon King, one of the strongest monster kings cultivated by the Demon Horn Empire, had a large hole penetrated by an arrow more than a hundred meters long in his body, and he fell to the ground and was seriously injured.

Corpses covered the ground, blood dyed the earth red, and the surrounding area fell into a dead silence. The originally menacing Demon Horn Empire army came to an abrupt halt.

Yao Ming also had a look of astonishment on his face. He did not expect such a result. Seeing so many soldiers and monsters dying, Yao Ming immediately ordered to stop the attack.

A strong general said, "Your Majesty! Their arrows are of unknown purpose, and they seem to be extremely restraining us. We should retreat temporarily, otherwise the number of people killed in the Demon Horn Empire may be even greater."

Just as the general spoke, another soldier came to report, "The World of Shroud has been captured by Great Qin!"

Yao Ming cursed angrily. He didn't know what Da Qin's plan was this time. The Shroud World was also captured, and the Yao Ming Empire's plan also failed. He could only order the withdrawal of troops and return to the Yao Ming Empire.

Afterwards, Yao Ming immediately ordered people to study the arrows shot by Da Qin, and learned that they were added with materials from the outside world, so they restrained the Demon Horn Empire. Yao Ming also ordered people to find a solution immediately, and they must not be restrained by Da Qin's methods.

Zhao Fu came over to take a look and saw that nothing happened on this side of the battlefield. The Demon Horn Empire withdrew its troops immediately. Zhao Fu was still a little disappointed.

Finally, I handed over the affairs here to Bai Qi and asked him to handle the affairs here. We had just captured the Shroud World and there was still more time there, so Zhao Fu needed to go and deal with it.

Zhao Fu came to a royal city, where a person had been hanged on the wall. They were old and young, male and female, with their necks crooked and their eyes wide open. There were various emotions on their faces, including anger, unwillingness, and fear. , looking miserable.

The Daqin soldiers brutally put a rope around a young man's neck on the city wall, and then kicked the young man off. The other end of the rope was tied to the city wall. The young man fell down, and the rope suddenly straightened, and his neck Cut off.

These are people who dare to resist, and some are their family members, so they will all be hanged, regardless of men, women, old or young.


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