The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1393 Gate of the Underworld

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This time the harvest population reached 45 billion, and there were 80,000 cities. Because of the obstruction of the heavenly realm barrier, most of the population and cities were not lost.

Now the total population of the Qin Dynasty is 370 billion, which is already very astonishing. There are also 520,000 cities. It is a pity that the city lord seal cannot be used. Otherwise, if you think about 520,000 city lords, the total number of city lords is enough to sweep everything.

Leaving some soldiers behind to continue cleaning up the Shroud World and gaining full control over it, Zhao Fu began to return to Da Qin with his army.

Zhao Fu also got the seven keys. These keys were a bit strange. They were one foot long, gray in color, and made of iron. Each of the tops of the keys was engraved with a mythical beast, namely the dragon, the black basalt, the red bird, the white tiger, and the unicorn. Taotie, Qiongqi.

Zhao Fu didn't know what it meant. He wanted to open a passage to the underworld when he returned to Da Qin, and then explore this ruins.

But a very angry thing came. The Wind God Empire forcefully announced that the three worlds of Half Wolf, Greenland, and Elf would be owned by the Wind God Empire.

Because this involved two empires and one world, the Fengshen Empire was relatively polite this time and just asked him to leave. He did not directly say hello like before. He was extremely arrogant and domineering.

Of the three half-wolf worlds, Da Qin occupies four, the Mermaid World occupies one, and the rest are occupied by the Demon Horn Empire. Moreover, the Da Qin Empire and the Demon Horn Empire are also the two strongest forces here. The Fengshen Empire has a slight advantage over the two forces. scruples.

Because the two empires were destroyed, the Fengshen Empire also suffered a huge loss in soul. Moreover, the Fengshen Empire also had enemies, so it was impossible to mobilize all their troops here.

But as an inner kingdom, they still had the confidence and strength to directly pressure the Demon Horn Empire and the Great Qin Empire to leave on their own to avoid unnecessary wars and losses.

The three worlds now have almost no population or cities. They are just empty shells of the three worlds. Because of frequent turmoil, no one has moved the population and cities there.

Some of the original population of the three worlds fled to other worlds, some were absorbed by the Qin Empire, and some surrendered to the Demon Horn Empire.

But even if the three worlds became empty shells, occupying them still meant that they would have a lot of luck. However, the Fengshen Empire said that they wanted it and had no intention of discussing it. They did not take the two empires seriously at all and made a strong announcement. is his.

This is the most irritating thing. Not only is Da Qin's side very angry, but the Demon Horn side is also furious, because the Demon Horn Empire has occupied the most continents in the three worlds and suffered the greatest losses.

Especially now that Great Qin has captured the Shroud World, which already has five worlds, and the Demon Horn Empire only has three worlds. If it still loses so many continents, then the Demon Horn Empire will be obviously weaker than the Great Qin Empire.

The key now is not that they can decide whether to give it or not, but that the other side is strong and must get it. Facing a kingdom in the inner domain, neither empire is a match.

Yao Ming tried to contact those outer kingdoms that supported the Demon Horn Empire, but no one expressed support, because it was difficult for them to resist the inner kingdoms, and there was no need to pay huge losses for others.

Zhao Fu also contacted various parties, but the result was the same, no one was willing to help, and Zhao Fu also spread the news to the inner domain, hoping that some forces hostile to the Wind God Empire in the inner domain could do something.

The result was still disappointing. Although they already knew the information, they did not take any action. It was impossible to rely on anyone.

The time given by the Wind God Empire is also three days. Within these three days, all people in the three worlds must evacuate, otherwise the Wind God Empire will attack directly.

Seeing that Yao Ming could not protect so many continents, he could only hope to get some benefits, such as letting the Fengshen Empire attack the Qin Empire, or helping the Yaojiao Empire capture a certain world.

But the Fengshen Empire refused unceremoniously and did not give the Demonic Horns Empire any face. He was a kingdom in the inner domain and did not take the Demonic Horns Empire seriously at all. How could he agree to the Demonic Horns Empire's request.

This is the attitude of the Fengshen Empire now. If they don't give you what they want, then just grab it directly. Don't expect to negotiate terms with him.

This demon was so angry that it was rare to suffer such humiliation. If it were in the ordinary world, it would attack at all costs.

But in the end, the Demon Horn Empire still withdrew its troops, because the Demon Horn Empire could only withdraw its troops, and since it was no bigger than the Fengshen Empire, it was impossible to fight with it!

The same goes for Great Qin, which can only give up four continents. Fortunately, the four continents are just empty shells, and the losses are not very big.

Zhao Fu was also angry about this matter. He had finally obtained the continent and wanted to go to it, but he was not as strong as the other party. He could only take a step back, gather his strength, and come back with revenge later.

At the same time, Zhao Fu also felt a huge pressure, because the purpose of the Wind God Empire at this time could no longer be obvious. The previous Charm World, plus the current half-wolf, green, and elves are three worlds, which is four. world.

It is really enviable to obtain four worlds so easily. Now the strength of the Wind God Empire ranks first here, and the territory also ranks second. If the Wind Spirit World, which is still in the barrier, is added, the territory reaches five. This world is already the same as Da Qin.

The Wind God Empire will definitely take action against Da Qin, and Zhao Fu must prepare a way to deal with the Wind God Empire as soon as possible, otherwise Great Qin may still be destroyed in the hands of the Wind God Empire.

Now Zhao Fu has two choices. The first is to continue to gain a lot of points in the outside world to deal with the Wind God Empire. The second is to rely on the ruins in the underworld to obtain rare treasures.

and props.

Zhao Fu thought for a moment, and he didn't need to go to the outside world personally, leaving it to Bai Xihan and the others. He could just go out and kill the insect beasts every day, and he would also get a lot of points, and he could also go to the underworld in his spare time.

After making the decision, Zhao Fu no longer hesitated and called Black and White Wuchang, because they were people from the underworld and bringing them along would save them a lot of trouble.

The first step is to open the gate to the underworld. Zhao Fu came to the place where ghost soldiers were transformed. A special treasure place has been formed here, which is connected to the Nine Netherworld. A large amount of the Nine Netherworld's Yin Qi gushes out from here, which is most suitable for opening the door to the underworld.

Zhao Fu didn't know what he would encounter, so he was carefully preparing various things.

Black and White Wuchang is also relatively happy, and can actually return to the underworld. They are from the underworld, and they also have relatives and friends in the underworld. Naturally, they miss the underworld very much. They came to Daqin during the Ghost Festival, and they have been there for seven or eight years. time.

Afterwards, Zhao Fu prepared various things, brought Black and White Wuchang, and a hundred Nine Nether King Seals, and went to the place where ghost soldiers were transformed to open the gate to the underworld.


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