The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1396 Underworld

[End of the God Station] Remind book friends to keep in mind: Website URL: Remember it in a second, never lose it!

Youdi Pluto, as the supreme emperor star of the ghost clan, is like a tiger with wings added in the underworld. With the blessing of various yin qi and huge luck, the power is raised to the extreme, with the power to suppress the heaven and the earth, and the ability of all ghosts to submit.

The world returned to calm, and the Golem of the Six Paths, which had gone mad, seemed to be suppressed by some kind of force. There was no sound, and Youdi Pluto also disappeared into the sky.

Everyone also came back to their senses, recalled what happened just now, and understood that what the Golem of the Six Paths wanted to kill was the owner of the Nether Emperor Star, and the owner of the Nether Emperor Star was also terrifying, directly releasing the power to calm the world .

And what is even more concerning is Youdi Pluto, everyone didn't know each other before, and this is the first time they have seen each other, because they are definitely very familiar with the aura emitted by several emperor star owners in the underworld.

There is also this Nether Emperor star, the breath emitted is not a pure underworld breath, but from the world of apocalypse, "it should be some kind of terrible person from the world of apocalypse who came to the underworld."

Thinking of this, all forces are naturally very interested in this person, because his Youdi Pluto is really scary, and something should happen between him and the Golem of the Six Paths, otherwise the Golem of the Six Paths would not be so angry.

Therefore, all parties sent spies to investigate who came to the underworld, and the top forces in the underworld were also alarmed.

Zhao Fu didn't know about those things. He watched the world return to calm and the aura from the Golem of the Six Paths disappeared. He heaved a sigh of relief and looked at the underworld.

The underworld is full of a kind of cold, the land is black, the light is slightly dark, some places are filled with mist, and the sun in the sky is also grayish white. When you are in it, you can feel the yin attack all the time. The hairs stand on end.

"Msister! You really are, you made such a big commotion when you came to the underworld, it seems that we have to be more careful next time." Hei Xiaojie said coquettishly.

Zhao Fu nodded upon hearing this, but this was beyond his control.

Now his body is sealed with the clone of the Golem of the Six Paths, and he became very excited after coming to the underworld, and the main body of the Golem of the Six Paths also immediately discovered that Zhao Fu had come to the underworld.

This is completely a contempt and provocation to it. In the Apocalypse World, Zhao Fu treats the clone like this. They have no ability to intervene. angry.

"Msister! This is the land, and there is still a long distance from the address of the ruins. It seems that it will take a while." Bai Xiaoxi looked around and said to Zhao Fu.

Although the underworld is only one world, and there is no world integrated into it, the area is also huge and can be said to be boundless. The gate of the underworld can only be used to enter the underworld through it, but it cannot be teleported wherever it wants.

Afterwards, the three of them flew to one place, because there should be a ghost town there, and they could go to the place where they got up through the ghost town's teleportation array, which was much faster than flying.

This place is in the outer realm of the underworld, and the location of the ruins is in the center of the underworld, that is, the underworld.

The underworld is also divided into three levels with the apocalypse world. The outermost place is called the outer domain, the middle place is called the inner domain, and the most core place is the underworld.

And this relic is in the center of the underworld, and it looks absolutely not simple, because the relics that can be in that place must at least have extremely strong power to exist, and Zhao Fu also has some expectations in his heart.

Now, in order to avoid trouble, the three of Zhao Fu also put on black cloaks and came to the ghost town. Zhao Fu also saw all kinds of ghosts.

For example, the red-faced ghost clan with two black horns standing, the ghost clan wearing armor and holding weapons but without a head, and the ghost clan wearing white clothes with a huge eye on its forehead...

The underworld is the holy land of the ghost race. Almost all the people here are ghost races, and there are no other races.

Zhao Fu didn't pay too much attention, and went to the next city through the teleportation array.

Some cities here are connected, and some cities are not connected, because they belong to different forces, and there must be countless forces, large and small, in the underworld to divide up the territory of the underworld.

Zhao Fu remembered that with the seal of King Jiuyou, he could also obtain the orthodox territory in the underworld, that is, the territory recognized by the luck of the underworld. It's just that Zhao Fu is here to explore the ruins, so he naturally didn't think about other things.

After several times of teleportation through the teleportation array, it can no longer be used. The three of them can only rely on flying to go to the next force.

The three people who had been driving for a day under the big tree were stopping to rest. It was already night, and the moon in the underworld was silvery white, which looked very beautiful.


There was a rush of hoofbeats, and a carriage was galloping fast on the ground. The groom drove the horse with fear, and then chased a large group of soldiers. Those soldiers looked murderous, and they seemed to be chasing the horse. Kill the carriage.


A muffled sound came out, and the carriage, which was galloping at high speed, hit a big rock, the wheels shattered, and the carriage lost its balance. Although the horses continued to drag the carriage, the speed dropped significantly, and was captured by the soldiers behind. catch up.

Several people stepped out of the carriage. They were four beautiful and mature women. One was tall and slender with a glamorous temperament, the other was holding a baby boy in her arms like a lady, and the other was holding a two-year-old baby boy with a gentle temperament. Big little boy with a hot and attractive figure.

Among them, the cold and beautiful woman said angrily, "You have already obtained Yougui City, why don't you let us orphans and widows go."

The leading soldier sneered

With a voice, "Our adults want you to die, then you must die. Seeing how beautiful you are, if you give us brothers a good time, we can give you a good time."

The other dozen or so soldiers surrounding the carriage looked at the women with perverted eyes and laughed loudly.

The glamorous woman was furious, she drew out a long sword and started fighting with those soldiers, and the other women were also forced to join the battle.

None of those soldiers were weak and possessed a third-level cultivation base. Coupled with the superiority in numbers, the four women were at a disadvantage. After a few rounds, the gentle woman holding the boy was the first to be captured.

"Sanggong! Don't you plan to intervene?"

Bai Xiaoxi leaned on Zhao Fu's shoulder, looked at the scene ahead, and asked Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu did not intend to act, because he mainly came to explore the ruins, not to find trouble. What happened in front of him was obviously a big trouble, and Zhao Fu would naturally not want to take care of it. Of course, if they dared to take the initiative Offended, then Zhao Fu will naturally not hold back.

Hei Xiaojie laughed meekly, "Sister! You don't need to do anything, do you need me to do it for you? Those beautiful women are not bad, they can be used to serve you."


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