The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1399 Yin Seeking Beast

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More than ten days later, Zhao Fu and Black and White Wuchang finally arrived at the inner realm of the underworld, but were blocked by a large forbidden area.

This forbidden land is called the Forbidden Land of Gods and Ghosts. It is rumored that a powerful ghost died here, causing many ghosts and creatures to exist here.

These ghost creatures have strange abilities and are very powerful. They are a kind of terrifying creature that combines gods and ghosts. Their bodies have the power of ghosts. Their biological levels are far higher than ordinary ghosts. Once someone breaks into them, they will definitely be attacked. .

Hei Wuchang's suggestion was to take a detour. They could not leap across this forbidden area with their strength, and the forbidden area also had the power of sensory failure, which meant that they could not identify the direction. If ordinary people entered, they would probably be trapped and die in it for the rest of their lives.

The time required to cross this forbidden area may be several times longer than the detour. Generally, people who come here will basically take the detour.

Hearing this, Zhao Fu thought about it and was about to take a detour.


A huge roar sounded, and then the ground rumbled and shook, as if a huge creature rushed out from inside the forbidden area, and that terrifying and huge aura hit like a strong wind.

"Ms. sir!"

Bai Xiaoxi felt this terrifying aura, and his face became very solemn, because this aura was already the same as that of a strong person in the heaven and earth realm. It is very likely that the ghost that rushed out was a heaven and earth realm ghost, and listening to the sound, the monster was huge, maybe It will also be stronger than the ordinary heaven and earth realm.

Zhao Fu's expression was not serious, just a little serious, because now Zhao Fu is not afraid of powerful people in the heaven and earth realm, and Zhao Fu can also use the weapon of the country in the underworld.

That huge creature also appeared in front of Zhao Fu and the others. It was a kilometer-long creature, resembling a humanoid, lying on the ground. Its hands were like sharp claws, and there was a sharp weibo, with three heads on its head. It has vertical eyes and a mouth of sharp fangs.

Hei Xiaojie was a little shocked and said, "Mr. sir! This is a Yin-seeking beast. It is born with the ability to find various Yin veins and Yin treasures. Moreover, this Yin-seeking beast is so large that it can be said to be very rare."

While Hei Xiaojie was talking, the Yin Seeking Beast stared at Zhao Fu with its three vertical eyes, because it came for Zhao Fu and felt that Zhao Fu was a living treasure from the underworld.

Zhao Fu also looked at the Yin-seeking beast and found that it still had some injuries on its body. It was indeed a little stronger than the average Heaven and Earth realm, but Zhao Fu didn't have any fear.


The Yin-Seeking Beast let out a huge roar that shook all directions, and then rushed towards Zhao Fu with a huge and ferocious momentum.

Zhao Fu stretched out his hand to signal Black and White to retreat further. Black and White also understood that they would not be able to participate in the upcoming battle, so they honestly retreated to a distance.


At this moment, the kilometer-long Yinseeking beast quickly climbed up in front of Zhao Fu, raised its huge claws, and with the power of splitting mountains, fiercely slapped Zhao Fu, making a huge sound.

But its huge palm was blocked by a small cyan energy shield. Zhao Fu didn't hesitate and directly used the power of the Twelve Golden Man.

The Yin-Seeking Beast's face was a little stunned. It didn't expect that Zhao Fu, with his cultivation in the Saint Realm, could actually block its attack. What surprised it even more was what was behind it.

I saw Zhao Fu taking out a blood sword full of sharp teeth, and then slashed at the claws of the Yinseeking Beast. A huge bloody sword light was slashed out with terrifying ferocious power.


The Yin-Seeking Beast screamed in pain, and raised his hand after his arm was chopped off. There was a wound on his palm, and gray blood flowed out.

At this time, Zhao Fu looked at the Yin-seeking beast with cold eyes, and slashed out with another huge bloody sword light. The huge sword power flew the Yin-seeking beast dozens of meters, and fell to the ground with a loud noise, and the ground shook violently. As it fell, countless leaves fell like rain.

The Yin-seeking beast got up from the ground angrily. A huge yin force burst out from its body, a strong wind sounded, and the surrounding area became extremely cold. A figure like an evil ghost slowly attached itself to the Yin-seeking beast's body. back.

The power of the Yin-seeking beast increased significantly, and its aura was stronger than before. It also brought up a huge Yin wind. All the creatures around felt the aura and fled quickly.


The Yin Seeking Beast once roared at Zhao Fu, and then charged at Zhao Fu fiercely. Its momentum seemed to be able to collapse a mountain.

Zhao Fu was blessed with the power of a country-suppressing weapon, but he still didn't have any fear. He raised the killing sword levelly, and a huge sword light spread, and countless shadows emerged, including angels with broken wings, headless demons, and careless elves. , a human with only the upper body...

A huge force of murder surged like a tide, making the world feel scared and trembling continuously.


The Yin-seeking beast rushed towards him with huge power. Zhao Fu also slashed out with his sword. A bloody sword light burst out and spread out in all directions. A shock wave also turned into a violent wind and hit the Yin Beast's body. It flew out and directly knocked down a hill, causing rocks to explode.

Now the Yin-seeking beast fell to the ground, its momentum weakened, and there was a bone-deep wound on its left shoulder, and gray blood continued to gush out.

Zhao Fu sneered and flew towards the Yin-Seeking Beast with his murderous sword in hand.

There was a little more fear in the Yinseeking Beast's eyes. Knowing that he was no match for Zhao Fu, he got up from the ground and ran away quickly to the other side.

Zhao Fu smiled disdainfully, stood in the sky, stretched out a hand towards the fleeing Yinseeking Beast, and a huge force spread.

Qiang Qiang


The sound of iron chains rang out, and countless iron chains were shot out from the ground. With huge and swift force, you tied the Yin-seeking beast to the ground. The Yin-seeking beast kept struggling and roaring, but could not break free.

Zhao Fu flew to the top of the Yin-seeking beast and looked at the Yin-seeking beast in front of him. The Yin-seeking beast looked at Zhao Fu with an angry expression.

At this time, Black and White Wuchang flew over, and Hei Xiaojie said, "Mr. sir! See if you can tame it. The original Yin-seeking beast is very cherished, and such a huge Yin-seeking beast is even rarer. After taming it, there will be Not a small role.”

Hearing this, Zhao Fu turned his gaze to the Yin Seeking Beast and spoke in the language of the underworld, "Are you willing to surrender to me now?"

The Yin-seeking beast is very intelligent, and it should be able to listen to what Zhao Fu said. However, the Yin-seeking beast roared angrily at Zhao Fu, and it was obvious that it would not surrender to him easily.

Zhao Fu was not polite and directly injected the power of thunder and lightning into the iron chain. Thunder and lightning can be said to be very capable of restraining the Yin attribute. Countless electric arcs flashed across the Yin Beast's body, and the Yin Beast also let out a huge roar.

After a while, the Yin-seeking beast's aura became quite weak. Zhao Fu once asked it if it was willing to surrender to him, but the Yin-seeking beast initially refused.

Just when Zhao Fu was about to teach him a lesson, a stream of light emitting powerful power flew towards him.


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