The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1403 Demon master

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Zhao Fu didn't care about that prince either, because Zhao Fu was just passing by. He said that Zhao Fu's son had humiliated him before, so he would be afraid of a prince.

Everyone continued to move forward, using the teleportation array more than a dozen times in a row, and after two days of driving, they came to another big force. After traveling for so long, Zhao Fu thought he should stop and take a good rest.

They found an inn and asked for two upper rooms, one for upper cages, and one for Zhao Fu and the other three women.


Black and White Wuchang came to the room, with a charming and expectant face, he put his arms around Zhao Fu and shouted softly.

Zhao Fu naturally understood what they meant, and hugged the two of them to the bed, the ghost blushed, and couldn't help but think of the first time at that time, that is, the night when Zhao Fu took her in, Zhao Fu took her directly.

She didn't understand anything at the time, but because she was more afraid of Zhao Fu, she struggled a little and cooperated with Zhao Fu. She didn't expect that with such a hateful person as Zhao Fu, she would be so happy doing that.

Now looking at Zhao Fu and the two black and white Wuchang, Shengui took the kitten in his arms to the bed and joined them. There was nothing to be shy about, because it had been like this for the past few days. The three of them were with Zhao Fu.

The kitten watched from the side. With its wisdom, it still didn't understand what they were doing, but it also showed a happy smile when it saw its master, who was very happy under the man.

A few hours later, Zhao Fu put his arms around the flushed third daughter and asked Hei Xiaojie, "How long will it take to go to the ruins."

At this time, he had been in the Underworld for a long time, but the location of the ruins had not yet arrived, so Zhao Fu couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

"Msister! It should be faster to come to the inner domain now, because the inner domain and the Yin domain are closely related, and there are many super-large teleportation arrays that can go directly to the Yin domain." Hei Xiaojie explained to Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

Bai Xiaoxi smiled and said happily, "This route just happened to pass by our family, sir, we can go back to the family to take a look."

Zhao Fu nodded, now Black and White Wuchang has told Zhao Fu about them, Black and White Wuchang is a family, two factions, one is Black Wuchang, the other is White Wuchang, the strength is stronger than an empire.

All the Bai Wuchang and Hei Wuchang in the world come from this family, and the status of Bai Xiaoxi and Hei Xiaojie in the family is neither too high nor too low.

The blushing ghost suddenly said shyly, "Sister! Can you give me a name, I don't even have a name now, and you are calling me like a ghost, I feel a little uncomfortable."

Zhao Fu smiled when he heard the words, "You will be called Ghost Ji there!"

Hearing the name, Shengui smiled and nodded, "Then I will be called Guiji from now on, Mr. Guiji! Guiji still wants it now."

Zhao Fu also smiled and pressed her under him, galloping on her body, Black and White Wuchang also joined in with a coquettish smile.

In the evening, Zhao Fu brought the three girls who were full of happiness, and the cage, to the lobby of the inn, ready to eat some food.

It was Zhao Fu's first time to eat food from the underworld, and he didn't know what it was like. Zhao Fu allowed him to sit on the side of the basket and looked at the woman with a bright face. He naturally knew what had just happened, and he was even more envious.

Because of them and Zhao Fu, their bodies were also baptized by the power of the six realms of reincarnation, and now their strength and aura are constantly improving. It is also constantly being refined.

Gui Ji, who had no power at the beginning, has only been with Zhao Fu for a few days now, and her cultivation base has improved very quickly, which is surprising enough. It's a pity that she is not a woman, otherwise he would also want to get that kind of treatment.

When the food was served, Zhao Fu was a little surprised. The appearance of the food was the same as that of ordinary food, but they were all cold. It seemed that creatures from the underworld generally didn't like hot food, but cold food.

"Sanggong! I'll feed you."

Bai Xiaoxi snuggled up to Zhao Fu's side, picked up a piece of meat with chopsticks, and said to Zhao Fu tenderly and considerately.

Zhao Fu put his arms around Bai Xiaoxi, and was about to open his mouth with a smile.

But there was an amazed and bohemian voice outside the door, "What a charming black and white impermanence, what a beautiful ghost."

A handsome man in white with a handsome face also walked into the inn with five women.

Among the five women, one has a charming figure with a touch of charm, one has a sexy figure and looks bold and cheerful, one is tall and has a cold face, one is petite and cute, and the other is slender and quiet.

The man brought five women and walked directly towards Zhao Fu, then sat down on Zhao Fu's table unceremoniously, and said to Zhao Fu, "Brother! I like you three women very much. As long as you open a price, I will try my best to satisfy you."

Hei Xiaojie glanced at the man with a coquettish smile, and snuggled up to Zhao Fu's side. She didn't have to worry at all, because although Zhao Fu had many women, he would never make deals with women, and how could the man in front of him be compared to Zhao Fu? Well, Hei Xiaojie doesn't like her at all.

Gui Ji only got along with Zhao Fu for a few days, but she was a little worried that Zhao Fu would give her to someone else, holding the kitten, and looking at Zhao Fu pitifully.

Zhao Fu frowned, and also felt that the man might not be easy to mess with, and his aura was very strong, but Zhao Fu still said, "Your Excellency, you should leave by yourself. I am not interested in giving up my woman to others. Let me see how many people behind you The lady is nice, why don't you make a price too!"

The man in white's eyes turned cold, and a trace of killing intent appeared on his body.

Zhao Fu still didn't accept the face, the man in white thought about it, but quickly returned to normal.

The glamorous woman next to him said mockingly, "Who do you think you are? You actually talked to my husband like this. You know that our husband is the second prince of the Ghost Lord Kingdom, and we are even more princesses. If you want to touch us, you can't do it in your dreams." impossible."

Hearing this, Zhao Fu's expression was a little weird, because before Zhao Fu beat the prince, he was also the prince of the Ghost Lord Kingdom, and the Ghost Lord Kingdom is the strongest kingdom here.

The white-clothed man has far more vision than his younger brother. He understood that Zhao Fu was not easy, so he took out a jade slip and said, "This is the curse of thousands of people that I just bought with hundreds of millions of Yin coins at the auction. If you Give me the three of them, and this thing is yours."

"You also know my identity. I advise you not to ask for your own death. Don't risk your life for the sake of a few women."

Hearing this threat, Zhao Fu's eyes turned cold, and he said directly, "Get out!"

The man in white immediately stood up angrily. He was about to make a move, but he glanced at the cage with some trepidation, because he felt that the cultivation level of the cage was one day, and then he could only snort coldly, and took the girls away .


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