The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1419 Palace

[End of the God Station] Remind book friends to keep in mind: Website URL: Remember it in a second, never lose it!

"Let's go together! Go to the last floor."

When Zhao Fu returned to the third floor, he had already opened the door to the fourth floor, and found that the fifth floor was a palace, which seemed to be the last floor.

"Sir, you are really serious. If you don't stay by your side for a while, you accept so many women, and you don't introduce them." Hei Xiaomei said coquettishly in Zhao Fu's arms.

Among the many women that Zhao Fu brought back, although they were all rare beauties, black and white impermanence and cold beauty were also top-notch beauties, but they were still a little inferior in front of the green-clothed woman. The beauty of the green-clothed woman, even dozens There is no choice in the world.

No wonder the second sister would remind Zhao Fu not to be too obsessed with her, because her beauty is enough to charm all men, and the charm she exudes after being untied by Zhao Fu is even more maddening, wanting her at all costs.

Zhao Fu didn't know their names, so he looked at them, and they began to introduce themselves.

The girl in green is Youqinglan, the seven ghost sisters, the eldest sister Huali, the second sister Huayou, the third sister Huamei, the fourth sister Huamei, the fifth sister Hualan, the sixth sister Huahua, and the seventh sister Huaye.

Zhao Fu slightly wrote down their names, then thought of something, took out the Lust Orb obtained by killing those monsters, and asked, "What's the use of this?"

Youqinglan's cheeks were rosy, and her eyes were full of spring and she replied, "That is the crystallization bred by the lustful flower demon, which has a very strong aphrodisiac effect."

After Zhao Fu heard the words, he realized the function of this bead, chuckled, and felt that he would not need this kind of thing.

In the end, Zhao Fu and the others came to the fifth floor, which was the last floor, which was the tall and majestic palace.

The walls here are black, with exquisite palace lanterns hanging, the sky of the palace is also black, there is no sound around, it looks a bit weird, and it feels very depressing and uncomfortable.

Zhao Fu couldn't help but look a little serious, because the previous levels were not easy. As the last level, it must not be easy. He asked You Qinglan, "Do you know what will happen on the last level?"

Youqinglan hugged Zhao Fu clingingly, and shook her head, "I don't know what it is, but it feels very dangerous, sir, you should be careful."

Zhao Fu was a little helpless with these words, knowing the danger, he was still clinging to himself, but after untying her, she became like this, as if she was a different person. If Zhao Fu's strength is stronger, she should not be weak.

After walking for a while, a group of soldiers wearing black armor and exuding a powerful aura came out from one side. Their eyes were full of gloom, and they looked at Zhao Fu's people, but they did not attack Zhao Fu, but lined up in two lines to guard on the side.

This made everyone a little surprised, thinking that these soldiers rushed out to attack them, and everyone was also preparing to fight, but they didn't expect this to be the case.

However, these soldiers were also very strong, and each of them had reached the cultivation level of a saint, so Zhao Fu and the others could not easily deal with them in battle.

Now they didn't say a word, the guards were there, and everyone could only stop, hesitating whether to move forward, and they would definitely not attack Zhao Fu's people if they continued to move forward, otherwise they would have attacked long ago.

And with this scene now, the road after that will become unknown, maybe better or worse, but Zhao Fu and the others still have to move forward.

At this time, there happened to be an old man with gray hair and age spots on his face, who came out from one side, bowed his hands to Zhao Fu and the others first, and said, "Everyone! Our master has been waiting for a long time, please follow the old man. .”

Zhao Fu was startled, "Could it be that the owner of this relic is still alive? With such a powerful relic, the owner must be extremely strong. Without a great cultivation base, it is impossible to do it, and things have become very dangerous."

"However, the other party seems to have no malice in inviting everyone so politely."

Zhao Fu thought for a while, nodded, and then everyone followed the old man and came to the door of a large hall.

Walking into it, a majestic old man wearing a black dragon robe and a crown on his head sat on the dragon chair above. , not an entity.

Everyone in Zhao Fu walked in, looked at the old man on the dragon chair, and saluted slightly. This was a sign of respect for the strong, and they said that they got a lot of good things here, so they should be more polite.

And Zhao Fu is not the kind of person who thinks he is the son of the Great Qin Emperor, so he acts arrogantly and recklessly, and kills whoever he wants, because Zhao Fu clearly knows how weak he is.

Seeing this, the old man above also showed a slight smile, "I remember that the key was given to seven little guys, and now you got it, but it is obvious that you are better than the seven of them, and this is where I am more surprised."

Zhao Fu knew who the seven little guys were in the old man's mouth. They were naturally the seven corpses. Originally, the ruins belonged to them, but their world was destroyed by Zhao Fu, and the key was naturally snatched by Daqin.

Hearing the old man's words, Zhao Fu also opened his mouth and asked directly, "I don't know if senior is looking for me, what's the matter?"

The old man chuckled, "Now you understand that I am not the real body, but a trace of spirit left behind, which may disappear soon. I came to you mainly for three things."

Zhao Fu looked at the old man in doubt, and asked, "I don't know what's going on? If I can do it, I will try my best to help senior."

The old man replied with a smile, "Don't worry! These things are basically beneficial to you, and they are all cheap for you, kid."

"Originally, among the seven of them, I would choose one person to be my successor, but since you are here, and you are far superior to them, the first thing I want you to do is to accept my inheritance."

A smile appeared on Zhao Fu's face, this was passed on to him for nothing, Zhao Fu had no reason not to. He cupped his hands and said to the old man, "Thank you, senior!"

The old man smiled and said, "The second thing is that you need to marry my daughter. After you accept my inheritance, you will be the inheritor of the Ghost Empire. If you marry my daughter, your identity will become more orthodox."

"My daughter is also as beautiful as a fairy, you won't be disappointed, Xuan'er! Come out now."

A tall, delicate-skinned, black-haired woman in a silver-white palace dress, with a noble and cold temperament, walked out from one side. She was indeed more beautiful, and she was no longer under the sentimental blue.

After she came out, she saluted the old man slightly, then looked at Zhao Fu with a cold expression.

And Zhao Fu was not surprised. Not only did he get an inheritance, but he also had such a beautiful woman as his wife, which most people might not be able to ask for.


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