The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1422 Treasure House

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Hearing these six terrifying cries, everyone naturally affirmed that the ghost clan emperor star that appeared before was the one in front of them. They never thought that having such a terrifying emperor star was already scary enough. But now there are four in front of them.

This is probably unexpected. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would never believe it to be true. They seemed to have a big secret unintentionally.

Among the ruins, inside Zhao Fu's body, the old man was also extremely horrified. Looking at the four emperor stars in the sky, one emperor star has huge luck. If he wants to occupy his body, he will be backlashed by terrible luck. , and there are four in front of you.

Even if the old man had a great cultivation, he shouted in fright, "Boy! Wait, maybe we can live in peace."

Zhao Fu's heart was cold, and killing intent appeared in his eyes, because he didn't trust the old man, and he had no ability to control the old man, if he didn't take the opportunity to kill him now, there would be endless troubles.


The four Emperor Stars radiated strong starlight, forming four star pillars, which landed on Zhao Fu with formidable power and terrifying momentum.

The vast power of the Emperor Star poured into Zhao Fu's body, and the old man let out a scream under this power, but there was no movement, and then the green fireball dissipated little by little, and Zhao Fu also quickly swallowed the power.

After a while, Zhao Fu opened his eyes again, a green light shot out from his eyes, and a smile appeared on his face. Now Zhao Fu's cultivation has reached the human level, and there is still a trace of the source of power in his body.

This ray of great energy is already very weak, it was already very weak, and it was consumed a lot by the old man, and it was also backlashed by the luck of the emperor star.

However, there is still a little gain, Zhao Fu obtained some memories of the old man, and some skills used.

Hearing the sound of fighting outside, Zhao Fu shouted, "Everyone stop!"

The two people who were fighting also stopped immediately, and looked at Zhao Fu. They didn't know what happened when they were caged. When Zhao Fu told them to stop, they stopped fighting. The other side was uncertain. It was Zhao Fu who occupied the body Fu is still their master.

But because it might be their master, they also obeyed Zhao Fu's order, but looked at Zhao Fu suspiciously, because the process of the old man occupying Zhao Fu's body just now was not smooth and might fail.

Facing their suspicious gazes, Zhao Fu absorbed part of the old man's strength and memory, so he assumed the old man's previous appearance, exuding his aura, and said, "I am Mingyou!"

They also feel relieved, because now Zhao Fu's aura, as well as his tone of voice and demeanor are their masters.

And they didn't panic when they were caged, because the restraint Zhao Fu left in their bodies was still there, which meant that Zhao Fu was fine, but because he didn't know what happened, he showed a strange and puzzled expression.

That cold woman also came to Zhao Fu's side and called out coldly, "Father!"

This woman, Zhao Fu, also knew her name, named Ming Lengxuan, who was once the eldest princess of the Ghost Empire. Zhao Fu nodded with a smile.

Five extremely beautiful women also came to Zhao Fu's side. They all shouted happily and charmingly, "Your Majesty!"

One is plumply dressed and has a graceful and luxurious temperament. She is the queen of the ghost empire. Slutty, also a concubine named Gongdanduo.

There are also two former concubines of the Ghost Empire, one is slender with a virtuous temperament named Hua Xuan, and the other is mature with a gentle temperament named Ye Fang.

Because Zhao Fu obtained some memories of the old man, and also obtained some things about the ghost empire. The ghost empire was really an empire, but it was still destroyed by people, and it was also destroyed by several terrible forces in the underworld.

At that time, only a very small part of the ghost empire hid in the ruins and transformed into ghosts, and survived until now.

However, the king of the ghost empire, that is, the old man, only kept a very weak remnant soul, because it is impossible for several major forces to let him go, and it is a miracle that he can keep a trace of remnant soul.

That's why there are so few concubines and soldiers, and because of the battle just now, many people were killed and injured, because their strength has degraded a lot in order to survive, otherwise they would not have survived for so long.

On Zhao Fu's side, Guiji is a strong person in the Emperor Heaven Realm, and that Youqinglan is also extremely powerful, and the strength of the others is not very weak.

Now they can only believe that their master occupies Zhao Fu's body, otherwise they will definitely die, and they are not opponents on Zhao Fu's side at all.

"Your Majesty! Now that you have a real body, you should pamper us well." The hot figure and dissolute Gong Danduo said hungrily while hugging Zhao Fu.

As the king of the ghost empire, the old man is also very fond of women. There were originally thousands of concubines, but now only five remain. They used to be favored by the old man day and night, and the demand for this aspect is not low.

Even the graceful and luxurious Empress Mingyue, her eyes glistened with water, and she looked at Zhao Fu with a beautiful face full of spring.

The lust flower on the fourth floor was also cultivated by the king of the ghost kingdom, and used a lot of lust beads to defile many women.

Zhao Fu looked at the beautiful women around him and didn't mind, he hugged them into the next room and called Ming Lengxuan.

Five beauties turned into sluts under Zhao Fu, and then Zhao Fu raped Ming Lengxuan,

There was no pity, because now Zhao Fu didn't have to hide it, this woman dared to harm herself, she must be punished.

"Father! I was wrong."

In the end, Ming Lengxuan couldn't take it anymore, she cried and begged Zhao Fu for mercy, and Zhao Fu let her go.

Even if Zhao Fu raped her, she didn't discover Zhao Fu's identity, because her father also raped her, that's why he was so indifferent, and also showed disgust towards men.

After enjoying them, Zhao Fu was with many women before.

At this time, the girls of Mingyue discovered Zhao Fu's identity. Their men did not occupy Zhao Fu's body, but were killed by Zhao Fu.

But apart from showing a sad expression, they still didn't do anything, because Zhao Fu planted restrictions on their bodies, and they also enjoyed being with Zhao Fu very much.

"Get up! Take me to the treasure house of the ghost empire."

Zhao Fu got up and put his clothes on the bed, looked at Ming Lengxuan who was crying and said in a cold voice, there are still very few treasures left in the Ghost Empire, although there are very few treasures, they are very important to Daqin.

And Zhao Fu only obtained part of the old man's memory, and he just didn't know the location of the treasure house, nor how to open it. So Xiang Ming Lengxuan asked.


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