The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1445 Great Summer

[End of the God Station] Remind book friends to keep in mind: Website URL: Remember it in a second, never lose it!

Of course, it is impossible to rely solely on the Flying Nest Dragon, because there are eight billion Flying Nest Dragons on the opposite side. Although the Flying Nest Dragon is powerful, the number is still too small.

At the same time, Zhao Fu ordered the saints to be summoned and the archers to shoot.

Numerous attacks bombarded the defensive cover, the power of the defensive cover became weaker and weaker, and the range of shaking became larger and larger. Si Ji hurriedly ordered people to maintain the defensive cover with all their strength, no matter what the cost.

Boom boom boom...

A monstrous aura erupted, spreading like a raging tide, and gusts of wind rang out. Under this terrifying aura, all the people felt cold all over their bodies, and felt extremely scared in their hearts.

Eight giant beasts with a physique of more than 10,000 meters appeared. These are the eight sea beast kings. They followed the Great Qin to fight in the north and south, and their aura and strength were several times fiercer than before.

Zhao Fu ordered them to concentrate on attacking at one point, which was where Si Ji was.

Boom boom boom...

The three gods and big snakes raised their huge bodies, and the three snake heads cruelly looked at the soldiers on the city wall. They opened their snake mouths, and countless black lights gathered, and three destructive black beams shot out, shooting on the defensive cover with astonishing power. .

bang bang bang...

The ground water dragon turtle roared, and countless water elements frantically gathered around its body, forming two-meter-large water polos around its body, the number reached thousands, and they all shot towards the defensive cover with an astonishing momentum. .

Swish Swish Swish...

The Reef Lizard burst out with a powerful force, its back swelled, and rhombus-shaped reefs three meters long grew out, let them fly out together, and shot towards the defensive cover with terrifying power.

The power of the eight sea beast kings is naturally terrifying, and they hit one point to attack, and the defensive cover also bears the attacks of countless other archers and flying dragons, making the defensive cover very fragile.


With a loud sound, the Youhai Demon Whale inhaled a large amount of air, and there was a gust of wind, and then the Youhai Demon Whale ejected a huge air cannon, which hit the defensive cover with terrifying force, making a loud sound, and the defense The hood is also riddled with cracks.


Holding the Emperor Killing Sword in his hand, Zhao Fu slashed out, bringing out a huge sword light, which struck the defensive cover, and the cracked defensive cover shattered.


The defensive cover was broken, Daqin immediately launched a general attack, and countless Daqin soldiers rushed out towards the city wall like a tide, and the ferocious momentum seemed to be able to destroy everything.

Countless ferocious beasts also uttered terrifying screams, and rushed towards the city wall with even more violent aura, as if no force could resist it.

On Si Ji's side, there were only a small number of monsters left here by the Yaojiao Empire, and they also rushed towards Daqin roaring. They knew that this breath was their greatest enemy, but their number must be far less than Daqin's side.

Now Si Ji is also extremely anxious, the defensive wall has been broken, why Yao Ming hasn't come yet.

Moreover, Si Ji could only hide in the army at this time, because he was not Zhao Fu's opponent at all, and he probably couldn't even block a single move. He could only save his life by borrowing the strength of the army.

However, the battlefield was extremely unfavorable to Si Ji's side. The countless monsters that rushed past were besieged by the fierce beasts from Da Qin's side. Their bodies were torn apart, blood and corpses scattered on the ground, and they were quickly wiped out by Da Qin.

The Daqin soldiers on the ground also quickly attacked the city wall, and fought head-on with the Huangwu soldiers. The fighting was extremely fierce, and the fighting sounded constantly. One fell down, and the smell of blood spread quickly, as if in a hell.

A Daqin soldier held a dark sword and split a soldier in half. Blood splashed on his face. Another Daqin soldier pierced a soldier's head with a sword. Another Daqin soldier swung a sledgehammer. Several soldiers were beaten out.

The Daqin soldiers shot and killed them one by one with their longbows. Some Daqin soldiers shouted and held long spears and pierced the soldiers' bodies, causing blood to splatter.

Regardless of the number of cultivation and equipment, Da Qin's side has a lot of advantages, but Si Ji's side also resisted fiercely, fighting hard to kill Da Qin's soldiers, and also causing some casualties to Da Qin.

But after the monsters on Daqin's side wiped out the monsters, they began to attack the city wall. The flying dragon spewed out flames and cold currents, the spiders climbed up the city wall and killed wantonly, and the huge soul guards smashed the city wall fiercely with huge weapons.

The battle situation was almost one-sided. If there was no Daqin beast, Si Ji could still resist a little bit, but after the beast joined, there would be no hope.

On the other side of the battlefield, that is, another army of Daqin stopped the Yaojiao Empire from one side to support it.

And also used the more than 20 million insect eggs just obtained to lay a cursed place, as long as the monster-horned soldiers and monsters step into it, they will let out a scream, and the blood in the body will be sucked dry, turning into a monster. With mummies, the scene is very scary.

There are already many mummified corpses on the ground, which were caused by the Yaojiao Empire's attack just now, and now the Yaojiao Empire can only stay where it is.

Yao Ming looked at Gui Ji standing opposite with a serious face, and understood that she was the strongest in the Emperor Heaven Realm in Daqin, and with the troops she brought, they could stop the Yaojiao army, and this piece of cursed land Actually, it will take a lot of time to break the Yaojiao Empire.

If they make a detour, it will take another period of time. Not only is the time waiting for no one, but even if they detour, Daqin will follow the detour to intercept them.

This time, there is no accident in the desolate world to be wiped out by Daqin,

Yaoming already knew this, and it was useless to rush there now, so she didn't want to waste time and soldiers, so she directly withdrew to the Yaojiao Empire.

At this moment, when Si Ji heard the news, his face darkened suddenly, he glanced at Zhao Fu with hatred, and then fled to the rear.

Now that the world of Huangwu has lost, Si Ji can only run away, as long as he saves his life, he still has a chance to start again, and next time he will make Daqin's life worse than death, forever.

Zhao Fu watched Si Ji run away, and immediately chased after him, because he said before that he would not let him jump off again.

But just as Zhao Fu rushed forward, countless Huangwu archers shot arrows one after another, stopping Zhao Fu with sharp momentum.

Zhao Fu called eight sea beast kings, wiped out the Huangwu soldiers who were blocking them, and continued to chase Si Ji himself.

The Great Xia Palace was already in chaos, and now everyone knew that the Huangwu World had been defeated, and that Daqin would soon attack. Countless people packed up their things in panic and planned to escape.

When Si Ji returned to the palace, he directly ordered that only the most valuable things should be taken away, and all other things should be taken away. These things will be used for his future restoration of the country.

Because of the storage ring, things were packed quickly, and Si Ji took only a few hundred thousand people with him and planned to leave through the teleportation array.


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