The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1455 Copycat

[End of the God Station] Remind book friends to keep in mind: Website URL: Remember it in a second, never lose it!

The three daughters of Dongmei didn't know what happened because they were waiting outside. Seeing so many people brought out by Zhao Fu, they felt a little surprised. Moreover, those people seemed to be afraid of Zhao Fu, and those people's cultivation base was far better than theirs. Be strong.

If they met such a team, they would definitely die, without any power to resist, and they didn't know how Zhao Fu subdued them, and made these people so afraid of him.

Everyone left the mountain and came to the small town at the foot of the mountain. Zhao Fu had a lot of blood on his body, and the others were also a little embarrassed, so he found an inn to rest for a while, recover the power he had just consumed, and wash up briefly. Put on new clothes.

Fierce sounds kept ringing in the room, and Zhao Fu also began to enjoy the girls.

The sun slowly rises from the top of the mountain, the golden sun shines on the earth, the air is fresh, the mist is lingering, and a new day is coming.

Zhao Fu also woke up, looked at the sleeping girls on the bed, smiled, and woke them up.

The enchanting woman Liu lazily put her arms around Zhao Fu, "Sir, don't you want to sleep a little longer? I'll serve you later."

Zhao Fu responded with a smile, "I still have something to do, so I will leave here soon."

Dong Mei lay sweetly in Zhao Fu's arms, and said softly, "Then can you bring us with you, so that we can serve you every day and take care of you."

Zhao Fu shook his head and refused, "I am going to the Demon Realm, and there is still a long way to go. I don't know what dangers there will be. You can go to the Kingdom of Mountains and Rivers now. Just tell Shanluoshui that you are my woman."

The girls were a little surprised, they didn't expect Zhao Fu to know Shanluoshui, and Shanhe Kingdom and the others knew that they were one of the most powerful forces here, so the girls also became curious about Zhao Fu's identity.

However, Zhao Fu didn't say anything to them for the time being, and asked them to go to the Kingdom of Mountains and Rivers together, and continued to march to the Demon Realm alone, without bringing anyone with them.

Because I feel that the Heaven and Earth Realm is still too weak, if I want to bring at least one who is strong in the Heaven and Earth Realm, it will be slightly helpful to go to the Demon Realm.

Five or six days later, Zhao Fu was resting by a small stream, and a little mouse dragged a small spirit fruit to Zhao Fu, chattering without knowing what to say.

Zhao Fu was slightly surprised, seeing that this little mouse with purple hair and purple eyes, the size of a palm, had such spirituality.

At this time, Zhao Fu was already close to the Tianyu, and the aura here was extremely abundant, so the creatures also had a strong spirituality, but this little mouse was too smart, and he wasn't afraid to eat it by himself.

The little mouse in front of him had a strength of one rank, and the spiritual fruit he was dragging was only one rank. Zhao Fu couldn't understand what it meant, but he felt destined, so Zhao Fu casually took a third rank elixir for it.

Afterwards, this little guy naturally entangled Zhao Fu, and Zhao Fu took it with him after thinking about it, because he didn't know how long the journey would be, so taking this little thing could relieve his depression.

Zhao Fu also helped it to name Ziyue.

About ten days later, Zhao Fu finally came to the Demon Realm. Feeling the strong demon energy spreading around him, Zhao Fu took a deep breath and felt very comfortable.

The terrifying method of eating the Demon King and awakening the Evil Flower Demon is somewhat surprising, but it is far from enough to awaken the Demon Star.

Now stepping into this Demon Realm, it will definitely meet the needs of the Demon Star, because Zhao Fu has no destination, so he still heads to the direction of the ruins, and also slows down his pace, and is not as anxious as before. The main target is still containing a lot of demon energy. thing.

This little guy, Ziyue, is now sleeping soundly in Zhao Fu's arms after eating enough of the panacea. It didn't suffer from the journey these days, but lived very happily.

After walking for a while, when passing a big mountain, Zhao Fu was stopped by some people dressed as bandits. As a bandit in the Demon Realm, his cultivation base was all at the fourth level, otherwise it would be almost impossible to get along in the Demon Realm.

"Boy! When you see our uncles, you still don't hand over your valuables." A vicious big man said arrogantly to Zhao Fu.

Because there are almost all demons in the demon realm, Zhao Fu looked at these demons, not only why he felt a little hungry, licked his lips, and wanted to eat them, and at the same time, the evil flower demon became very active and excited since entering the demon realm .

Facing a few bandits, they also strongly wanted to eat them, and they were dozens of times stronger than Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu shook his head, throwing away the idea of ​​eating them. Zhao Fu didn't seem like a person who would eat demons, at least he didn't want to eat them himself.

Seeing that Zhao Fu was ignoring them, the bandits shook their heads, raised their weapons angrily, and charged towards Zhao Fu.

Sensing these people rushing, Zhao Fu's body gushed out countless demon energy, and the three-meter-tall Evil Flower Demon appeared beside Zhao Fu, looking at the bandits rushing excitedly.

These bandits were instinctively afraid when they saw the Evil Flower Demon appearing. For some reason, the hairs all over their bodies stood on end, and their bodies froze in place, not daring to take a step closer.

Zhao Fu looked at the bandits with cold eyes, and said, "Eat them!"

After receiving Zhao Fu's order, the Evil Flower Demon let out a terrifying laugh, and then flicked its long arms. Its arms continued to grow longer, and it flew out quickly. The palms of its hands turned into two big mouths full of fangs.

The bandits looked terrified, turned around and fled to the back.

ah! ah!

Two screams rang out, and the two slowest runners were bitten by two huge mouths, which opened more than one meter wide, and one bite could take half of the body.

When a person bites, the teeth are very sharp, but they can easily bite through flesh and blood.

Blood splattered everywhere, most of the bodies of the two bandits were eaten, some arms and feet were bitten off, and fell to the ground.

The two arms continued to grow rapidly, but they caught up with a few bandits in an instant. With a few screams, the bandits were also eaten, and they came back to eat the leftover stumps. The traditional virtues of waste.

After eating these bandits, the Evil Flower Demon's body didn't change at all, and he didn't feel full, just like taking a breath and then vomited it out again.

However, Zhao Fu also discovered that eating these demons can not only strengthen the power of the demonic Yuanhua, but also provide huge demon energy for the demon star. If a certain amount is eaten, it is still possible to directly awaken the demon star.

Zhao Fu couldn't help but be a little surprised when he found out that this matter was relatively easy to solve.

Since there were a few bandits here, there might be a cottage, Zhao Fu smiled innocently when he thought of this, and he should be able to have a big meal there.

Afterwards, Zhao Fu followed the traces left by the bandits and discovered the location of the cottage.


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