The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1567 Lizardman

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A roar sounded, Zhao Fu was about to refine the crystal of the werewolf, and saw that the crystal of the werewolf ignited a blood flame, burst out a powerful breath, formed a huge werewolf, and sent a huge blow to Zhao Fu. roar.

Facing all this, Zhao Fu's expression didn't change much. The golden pupil of his left eye kept spinning, and a few iron chains shot out, binding the werewolf formed by the bloody flames, and then pulled him to his side.

The blood werewolf resisted vigorously and roared, but he couldn't break free, and was pulled to him by Zhao Fu's iron chain little by little.

Zhao Fu stretched out a hand to face the blood werewolf, and a saint's imprint emerged from the palm, and an astonishing suction burst out.

The blood-colored werewolf was shrouded in this huge suction force, his face became terrified, and he struggled even more frantically, but he was still sucked in by Zhao Fu's hand little by little. In the end, the blood-colored werewolf disappeared and was completely sucked into Zhao Fu's body.

Zhao Fu closed his eyes and began to refine this kind of power. The bloody flame melted into Zhao Fu's body little by little, causing Zhao Fu's whole body to gradually heat up.

However, it only lasted for a short while before the fever stopped. Zhao Fu felt a tingling pain on his back once, a blood-colored werewolf totem appeared on Zhao Fu's back, and a trace of a werewolf appeared on Zhao Fu's body. , but no other changes.

Feeling the refining of the werewolf's blood crystals, a smile appeared on Zhao Fu's face, and he left the room, ready to continue his journey.

At this time, the carriage was also rebuilt. It was fifteen meters long and ten meters wide. Tables and chairs, like a big room.

And because it is made of precious materials, this carriage is also very strong, with not weak defense, and it will also emit defensive shields autonomously.

Such a large carriage is not difficult for the three demon wolves, because it is more than 20 meters in size, and it has the strength above the saint level. no problem.

Zhao Fu also likes this carriage more, it is completely luxurious and domineering.

Resting here for a while, Zhao Fu continued to move forward with the girls, and handed over all the things in Black Wolf City, including Lang Qili, to others, and followed Zhao Fu on the road together.

On the other hand, Lang Xiaorou wanted to keep the child here and make him the Lord of the Wolf City, but he also thought that many things might happen if he was not by his side, and staying by Zhao Fu's side was obviously better than a poor City Lord. So give up the previous idea.

The crowd moved on.

The huge carriage walked in the middle, and Zhao Fu and the girls sat in it, feeling very comfortable and spacious.

Hu Shan leaned against Zhao Fu's arms charmingly, "Master! Should I experience the practicality of this carriage?"

Zhao Fu patted her buttocks with a light smile, and said with a smile, "You little slut!"

Hu Shan put her arms around Zhao Fu's waist, and said softly, "I don't blame you, my husband, for being so dissolute. Who told you that you are so powerful, turning everyone from the slave family into sluts? You see, all the sisters are a bit slutty." Don't wait any longer."

Zhao Fu raised his head and saw that the faces of many women were blushing, their eyes were covered with mist, and there was a seductive aura on their bodies.

Intense voices and the wanton cries of the girls soon resounded in the carriage.

The caravan was walking once and came to a wetland. The ground here was wet, and there was still a lot of water. Things like aquatic plants grew on the surface to cover the ground, and some places were also covered by water.

This kind of terrain needs to be careful, because some places are covered by these grasses, but there is a puddle below, if you step into it, you will fall into it, and even some of it is silt, and it will be difficult to climb out if you fall into it.

Because they have been here many times, the caravan also has its own route, walking in some places where there are few aquatic plants and the ground is relatively hard.


Countless footsteps sounded, it was the sound of countless people treading water, the captain of the caravan knew that there was another group of people who did not know what to do, and came to attack the caravan. Now everyone in the caravan has a strong confidence, with that terrifying The strong are not afraid of even scourges.

This time, a group of lizardmen attacked. These lizardmen had a lizard-like head, a human-like body, and a layer of scales on their skin. Their legs and hands were like claws, and they had a lizard tail. They all had fierce faces.

There are also lizardmen, who have the same appearance and body as humans, but with a lizard tail.

There were a lot of lizardmen attacking, about 10,000. If there weren't so many people, they wouldn't dare to attack just seeing the size of the three demon wolves.

After more than 10,000 lizardmen surrounded the caravan, a male lizardman with a ferocious face shouted wildly, "All those who want to live should kneel down to me now, I might be able to let you go."

In fact, with the ferocity of the lizard people, it is basically impossible to release them, and this time they not only want the goods, but also need to capture these people back.

If ordinary people saw so many lizardmen, they would be so frightened that their legs would weaken and kneel on the ground begging for mercy.

But the captain of the caravan in front of him sneered, "You are courting your own death, but do you know what kind of caravan we are? A bunch of low-level bastards, get out of here early to survive. When our lords get angry, we will kill you all."

The ferocious male lizard was a little surprised, but then he got angry. No one dared to be so arrogant in front of him, and they were so many and powerful. Was this person in front of him?


However, the male lizardman had no time to continue, and shouted loudly, "Kill me! Kill all those who resist, and pay attention to leaving some alive. Immediately sacrifice to the great ancestors. Only the blood of living people will be sacrificed, and the ancestors will be happy." , give us greater strength."


Many lizardmen roared excitedly and rushed towards the caravan, carrying a huge momentum, about to launch a fierce attack.

But they were a little strange. Those caravan people just formed a defensive formation, but they didn't have any fear of fighting. The countless lizardmen couldn't figure it out, but they didn't have time to think about it at this time.


Streams of black light shot out from the luxurious and exquisite carriage in the middle with a powerful aura, and then landed on the ground. There were soldiers in black armor with cold expressions and a terrifying aura.

Sensing the breath of these soldiers, countless lizardmen turned pale with fright, and their bodies were a little weak. These are all sixth-rank soldiers. They turned around and ran away without any hesitation.

Facing thousands of sixth-level soldiers, more than a hundred thousand people are not enough for them to kill, and there are only more than 10,000 lizardmen now, and they will undoubtedly die if they rush over.


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