The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1588 Power of Heaven and Earth (for subscription)

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There are potholes here, and there are many cracks, as if there has been a battle, and the power is also very terrifying, otherwise it would not cause such a large amount of damage.

An old man appeared in front of Zhao Fu. He was dressed in red, with slender thorns growing out of his head. He looked old, and the rest of his body was the same as that of a human being.

This old man is the thing in the deepest part of the fierce land, and the terrifying fluctuations emanating from his body have also reached the peak of the heaven and earth realm. If he fights with him, it will be another fierce battle.

The old man sighed and said, "Originally, I had an innate spiritual root here, which was conceived by the spiritual power of heaven and earth. It has extremely powerful spiritual power, which is as terrifying as the blood of the emperor of the spiritual clan."

"It's a pity! There were two people who came here a few years ago. It was an extremely terrifying woman. I have never seen such a terrifying person. The aura on her body not only surpassed the emperor, but even surpassed the saint."

"But because she wanted to take away the innate spiritual root, I instinctively wanted to keep the innate spiritual root, but even if I exploded with all my strength, it would be only a little bit of strength from the other party's hand. In the end, the innate spiritual root was taken away."

"Now you see that I really don't have any good things. If it weren't for the kindness of that terrible existence, maybe I would have died a long time ago."

After Zhao Fu heard the old man's words, his expression was a little serious. The power of a saint surpassed that of the original blood, and that person must be of the original blood.

Thinking of this, Zhao Fu couldn't help thinking about the previous incident, that is, seeing Tuoba Qing in the illusion, and couldn't help asking. The appearance of that woman couldn't help but smile, Tuoba Qing really came here , and she took away the innate spiritual root.

"My lord! You really know that existence, but you are also of the blood of a saint, so you should have that ability." The old man also said in shock.

Zhao Fu chuckled lightly and didn't explain too much. Since there were no good things, Zhao Fu also smiled and said, "Since there are no good things, then there is no need for you and me to continue fighting, then I will start left."

At this time, the old man said flatteringly, "My lord! I still have more than a dozen thorn fruits here, and I am willing to dedicate them to my lord. I wonder if my lord can reward me with some of your blood. It doesn't take a few more drops."

Zhao Fu thought about it, because of the fruit of thorns and the good attitude of the old man, Zhao Fu agreed. Anyway, his holy blood is not very precious to him, and he often bleeds to refine various things, or to display some abilities.

Hearing Zhao Fu's promise, the old man was also ecstatic. He took out more than a dozen thorn fruits and handed them to Zhao Fu. Zhao Fu also cut his wrist and released some blood to the old man.

After the two completed the transaction, Zhao Fu left directly, and the old man also returned to the ground.

Back in the caravan, many women happily showed smiles on their faces. Zhao Fu stayed in the fierce place for two days, and all the women missed him very much. There is no need to say more about the reasons.

Hu Shan hugged Zhao Fu charmingly, "Master! Why have you been inside for so long? It should be easy with your strength, right?"

Niududou snorted softly, "That's right! It caused us to wait here for two days, and made us miss you every day but miss you. You have to make up for us, otherwise we won't forgive you, and we have to punish you. .”

Zhao Fu explained with a light smile, "It's very dangerous in there, and it's not as easy as you imagined. I almost fell in it, but I also harvested a few precious treasures."

First of all, Zhao Fu took out the beauty spring beads, and then took out many cups, and poured power into the spring beads. The spring beads flowed out clear spring water, controlled by Zhao Fu's power, and turned into water balls, falling into the water cups. middle.

Zhao Fu briefly explained the effects of this spring water, and many women were pleasantly surprised, and they took out their cups and drank the spring water.

As a woman, there is no woman who is not interested in beauty.

After the girls drank the spring water, their skins were supple and radiant, and their appearance became even more beautiful than before.

Gou Lan smiled and said, "Master! Can you give us some spring water? The effect of this little spring water is very weak, and we haven't felt much change."

Li Huo said charmingly, "My husband! We are all yours, and we will become more beautiful. If we serve you together, then you will be happier."

Niu Dongni also put her arms around Zhao Fu's arm and said coquettishly, "Who is it! Is your husband giving us some spring water?"

Zhao Fu chuckled and gave them the beauty spring beads directly. There was a lot of spring water in it, and he was not afraid of their use. After the spring water beads were handed over to them, many women's thoughts were all focused on the spring water beads.

After getting rid of the entanglement of the women, Zhao Fu returned to the carriage alone, planning to eat the fruit of thorns first, so that his cultivation could break through to the Land Melting state.

Although Zhao Fu's Heavenly Human Realm cultivation base is considered strong in the Outer Domain, it is actually still very weak. Not to mention in the Heavenly Domain, even in the Inner Domain, there are many monks in the Heavenly Human Realm, and they are strong in the Emperor Heavenly Realm. If it is serious, the cultivation base of Heaven and Human Realm is just a group of ants.

And after this trip to the ferocious place, Zhao Fu also felt that his cultivation was still too weak, and he needed to improve it as soon as possible, so that it would be more beneficial in the assessment of the tenth hospital in the foreign world.

Sitting cross-legged in the carriage, Zhao Fu took out a thorn fruit, and Zhao Fu ate it in a few mouthfuls. The taste of this thorn fruit was not good, with a bitter taste.

Zhao Fu didn't pay much attention to it, and swallowed the pulp, which immediately turned into powerful spiritual power and spread out.

This fruit of thorns is the spiritual fruit conceived by the old man before.

His body is a huge thorn. With his power at the peak of the world, he has bred more than a dozen spiritual fruits, and the power contained in it is naturally strong.

Zhao Fu quickly absorbed a huge amount of spiritual power, and the powerful spiritual power flowed to every part of Zhao Fu's body like a warm current, making Zhao Fu very comfortable all over.

At the same time, Zhao Fu's cultivation was also constantly rising.

In fact, after such a long time, Zhao Fu's cultivation base has also improved a lot, and he is not far behind from the Rongdi Realm. The power contained in this thorny fruit just happened to raise Zhao Fu's cultivation base to the peak of the Heavenly Human Realm.

But it just happened to be promoted to the peak of the Heavenly Human Realm, and the thorny fruit did not have much spiritual power, allowing Zhao Fu to break through to the Melting Earth Realm. Fortunately, Zhao Fu had more than a dozen spiritual fruits in his hand, and immediately took out another one and ate it. .

A wave of spiritual power spread in Zhao Fu's body at once, and Zhao Fu's body shook, as if something had been broken, and a huge force spread out uncontrollably.

A force surged from the earth, rushing towards Zhao Fu. Zhao Fu quickly absorbed this force. This is the ability of the Earth Melting Realm. Breaking through to this level of cultivation can mobilize some of the power of heaven and earth.


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