The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1593 Fox Clan

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Zhao Fu set off quickly, and he was still alone, because it would be too troublesome and inconvenient to bring too many people with him this time, so Zhao Fu asked them to wait for him in one place.

One day later, Zhao Fu also came to the grand meeting of the fox clan. The people who came were basically fox clan, and few foreigners could be seen. Moreover, each of them had a strong aura, and there were many tails behind them. The most people had seven tails. .

Zhao Fu found a corner where no one was around, and waited quietly for the start of the competition. Now that Zhao Fu didn't plan to use the weapon of the country, he naturally had to keep a low profile and focus on honing his own strength and not rely too much on the weapon of the country.

At this time, a fat middle-aged man appeared on a platform and announced loudly, "The competition has officially begun!"

At the same time, five young men and women appeared with a detached and arrogant temperament, and sat on five chairs on the platform,

The first one is an evil-looking man of the fox clan, disheveled and lazy, with seven tails behind him. His name is Huxie, he is the most powerful person in the fox clan world, and he is also the biggest fox in this time. competitors.

One has a cold face, a graceful figure, snow-white skin, a white dress, and seven tails behind her. Her name is Hu Leng Leng, the second strongest person in the fox clan in the world, and she comes from a powerful force in the fox clan.

The third is an honest-looking young man with a strong aura, also has seven tails, named Huhou, and the fourth is a fierce-looking, burly man, ranked fourth strong, named Husha.

The last one is a beautiful-looking, mature figure, wearing a light yellow skirt, looks delicate, she is the fifth person, named Hu Meili.

As the five most powerful people in the world of the Fox Clan, the five people come from different powerful forces and are also the most favorable contenders for the Sky Fox Stone. Enjoying this special treatment, they can directly participate in the finals, and the others will compete honestly.

Everyone looked up at the five people on the platform. Those five people were like five mountains pressing down on everyone's hearts. It was extremely difficult to surpass them.

However, for the precious Sky Fox Stone, everyone wanted to fight for it. Naturally, they would not give up easily, otherwise they would not have come to participate in this Sky Fox event. Some people had firm eyes and believed in their ability.

The five people sitting on the platform looked at the people below with disdainful or contemptuous eyes. They didn't pay attention to the people below. They only cared about the people around them. It's all rubbish.

There are also countless people watching around, and the crowds are very lively, because this is the biggest event of the Fox Clan, countless people will definitely come to join in the fun.

There was a lot of noise at the scene, and there was a lively discussion about which one could get the Tianhu Stone.

"I see, this time the Sky Fox Stone must be a fox evil. His power is powerful, terrifying, and very weird. Who can snatch him this time?"

"I don't think so. I feel that the second Hu Leng Leng also has a lot of hope. Her strength has increased a lot recently. Besides, she is the world's most beautiful woman in our fox clan. I must support her."

"I don't like any of you people. A powerful thing like Tianhu Stone should fall on people with virtue. I like Hu Hou. That fox evil doesn't like it very much. I heard that there are a group of male pets and female pets. , and likes cannibalism."

"The strong are respected! What's the use of morality without strength? I'm more supportive of the fifth Hu Meili. Looking at her, my heart melts."

"Ah! Are you so sure that one of these five people will get the Tianhu Stone? There is no hope for so many people in the audience?"

"Hahaha, you are so funny, what kind of people are you watching under the stage, how could you get the Sky Fox Stone, I just came to join in the fun when I saw it."

"That's right! If it wasn't for the event, none of these people would be eligible to participate. Tianhu must be one of the five people on stage."


The people around were discussing enthusiastically, and those big figures in the stands sat on chairs one by one, looked down with smiles, and were also having conversations, and their demeanor had the aura only of the upper class.

Naturally, they mainly focused on the five people in the stands. As for the other people, they had nothing to catch their eyes.

Zhao Fu also took a match more seriously. He took his number plate and came to a ring. Zhao Fu's opponent was a thin young man with only six or seven levels of strength.

Now Zhao Fu is also hiding his aura, no one knows his cultivation level, and he is wearing a black cloak, no one knows his appearance, with a mysterious aura.

Facing Zhao Fu's gaze, the skinny young man seemed to be staring at an extremely dangerous creature. His hair stood on end, his heart was cold, and he was instinctively afraid. He stood there without daring to move, his hands and feet trembling.

Zhao Fu didn't make a move either, and looked at the boy calmly with a pair of eyes.

Facing Zhao Fu's horrifying and inhuman eyes, the young man finally couldn't hold on anymore, and couldn't help shouting in fear, "I surrender!"

Everyone sighed, looking down on this skinny young man, who didn't even have the guts to make a move, and chose to surrender directly. Many people even laughed at this young man, saying that he was useless, shy, and cowardly.

Faced with these voices, the skinny young man looked pale, and he didn't seem to have heard these words, because the image of those eyes still remained in his mind, as if engraved in his mind, and he was still very scared.

A referee announced Zhao Fu's victory and sent Zhao Fu the next match

The number of the ring, Zhao Fu found that ring, an old man with gray hair and an old face, was already waiting for Zhao Fu on the ring.

Zhao Fu also stepped forward, looking at the old man with his eyes, ready to deal with the old man casually.

"I surrender!"

Facing Zhao Fu's gaze, the old man also felt a wave of extreme fear, and his other reactions were still the same as the skinny boy before.

Everyone was a little surprised, and they were also a little curious about Zhao Fu. Why didn't the two of them dare to make a move, and they were so frightened that they surrendered? Is that person really so scary?

Some people felt that Zhao Fu was very ordinary and nothing special. Some people also said that Zhao Fu bribed those two people, otherwise they would have surrendered without fighting. Some even said that Zhao Fu bullied the elderly and children.

The referee entered the stage once, announced Zhao Fu's victory, and gave out the number for the next ring.

Holding this number, Zhao Fu came to the ring one at a time, and then a strong big man came up with a strong momentum. Everyone thought they could watch a fierce battle, but the big man faced Zhao Fu's terrifying His gaze felt unbearable, and he directly declared his surrender.


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