The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1604 Tiger Man

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Five or six days later, Zhao Fu's people came to a country at a time. This place is very close to the foreign land. Soon Zhao Fu should be able to see what the real foreign land is like.

The crowd stayed at an inn for a while, and the centaur prince Ai Fei also acted like a servant leader, and went directly to the inn with his wallet, and then ordered everything. Many guards stood by the door, and Zhao Fu only needed to get out of the carriage. That's it, Zhao Fu doesn't need to do anything.

This made Zhao Fu quite satisfied, and he felt much more relaxed.

After arriving at the inn, everyone looked cautious, because the ghosts also knew that Zhao Fu's identity must be very difficult in such a big show, and they were naturally afraid of accidentally offending Zhao Fu, otherwise they would not know how they died.

Embracing the Snake Goddess and the Werewolf Goddess, they sat on the table with the girls behind them. The food was already served, and Zhao Fu didn't need to do it directly. Some women served Zhao Fu with food, and some women served Zhao Fu with wine. .

Ai Fei was a little envious. Although he didn't dare to get too close to the carriage along the way, the voices of the girls were loud. Now he really admires Zhao Fu.

With his centaur race and his orthodox king blood, he is also extremely strong in that respect, an absolute stallion among stallions, but he thinks he has no ability to conquer the women around Zhao Fu, nor does he have the ability to make them do so. hapiness.

And what surprised Ai Fei even more was that these women became more and more beautiful and attractive with Zhao Fu.

At this time, a tall man with a handsome face was about to enter the inn with a few people at the door.

Some tiger people have a tiger-like head, a human-like body, a tiger-like skin, and a tiger tail. Some also have a human face, but their skin has tiger stripes, and they also have a tiger tail and ears. Like claws.

Among ordinary creatures, the tiger is the king of the forest, and as a tiger man, he also has this terrifying strength, so all of them look fierce.

They wanted to enter the inn, but the centaur soldiers guarding the door directly stretched out their spears, blocked them all, and said, "Sorry! This place has been booked, it belongs to our master's inn, please leave."

Suddenly, a big tiger man next to the young man said loudly, "What is your master's inn, leave it on your own, do you know who is in front of you? He is the seventh prince of the tiger country, how can your master compare?"

Hearing this, the half-horse soldiers were stunned. This is the country of tigers. If they offend the prince of the people of tigers, things might be troublesome. The half-horse soldiers thought about it and went back to ask Zhao Fu for instructions.

When Zhao Fu heard about this, he didn't care about it. Anyway, this inn was too big for him to live in. Zhao Fu was not the kind of person who likes to occupy a group of people who have nothing.

Upon hearing Zhao Fu's words, the centaur soldiers immediately retracted their weapons and moved out of the way.

The tiger man showed no expression, and led the people into the inn, but the tiger man said with a smug smile, "You guys are more sensible!"

After entering the inn, the young tiger man also saw Zhao Fu. Looking at the many beauties of all races around him, he couldn't help but feel a little moved, so he couldn't help but take a few more glances.

Seeing this, the big tiger man next to him smiled and suggested, "Your Highness! Those girls are so beautiful, why don't I go up and ask that person to send you a few to serve you? With your honorable status, this is a blessing they can't ask for." point."

The young tiger man was stunned, then shook his head, "Forget it! Although I am more attracted to those women, they already have owners, so I don't want to snatch them. More importantly, the identity of that person is not simple. At this time, try to avoid trouble as much as possible.”

The big tiger man didn't say anything, he asked the innkeeper to ask for a few upper rooms, and then entered the room.

At this time, it was already night, and in the darkness, the stars were twinkling brightly. There was no moon, only the sky full of stars.

After drinking and eating, under the longing eyes of the girls, Zhao Fu hugged them and entered the room. The indescribable things that followed continued until late at night.

At this time, several masked people also sneaked into the inn. They glanced at where Zhao Fu and the centaur were, and then looked away. It was obvious that their target was not Zhao Fu's group.

They began to attack quietly towards the other side of the inn, which was the room of the Tiger Clan youths.

The young people in the room had already been on guard. When those people attacked, they had already noticed it and launched an attack directly.

bang bang bang...

There was a loud bang, the doors and windows shattered, and a series of sharp awns attacked the assassins. Facing the attacks, the assassins did not panic, and then erupted with a terrifying momentum, easily resisting these attacks.

Sensing the aura emanating from the assassins, the faces of the tiger youths changed, because the strength of the assassins was much higher than theirs, and then they would be in danger.

Among the few people, a tiger-man youth with a tough appearance immediately said, "Your Highness! You go first, and you must hurry back to the royal city as soon as possible. When you arrive there, no one will dare to assassinate you."

The tiger prince also nodded, without any hesitation, rushed out of the inn with a strong aura, and flew to the other side.

The assassin immediately chased the tiger prince with a terrifying momentum, but was blocked by a few people left by the tiger prince. The battle broke out quickly.

However, after all, the Assassin side has a strong cultivation and a large number of people, so the advantage is too great. This made the tiger princes invincible.

The stubborn young man was killed first, and his body was chopped into half. Then the big tiger man was seriously injured by a blow, and quickly fled to the side.

The last woman with a fit body and a beautiful face, with short black hair, tiger ears and a tail, and a black tiger-striped body was thrown flying by a punch and crashed into the room of Zhao Fu and his party.

The main assassin of the few people was the tiger-man prince, who naturally had no intention of fighting, so he didn't care about the big man who was running away, and the short-haired woman rushed towards the direction where the prince was escaping with a strong aura.

Zhao Fu looked angrily at the scene in front of him. The good inn was destroyed like this, and the peaceful and leisurely night was also broken.

His eyes fell on the woman who crashed into the room, Zhao Fu stretched out his hand to grab the woman, and an invisible big hand grabbed the woman in front of him.

And the woman, who was hit by that blow, spat out a big mouthful of blood, her breath was weak, and her injuries were not serious. When she crashed in, she saw a group of naked women lying on the bed with flushed faces, panting, and then Was caught in front of Zhao Fu.


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