The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1611 Mouse Spirit Jade (for subscription)

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Seeing the bold look, Zhao Fu pressed their mother and daughter under him again, and began to invade.

In this team of mothers and daughters, the beautiful woman's name is Shu Sangsang, and the woman's name is Shu Yuyu.

The next day Zhao Fu waited directly in Shu Yuyu's room. At this time, Shu Yuyu pulled a mature woman with a charming temperament towards the room. The beautiful woman was her aunt, named It is Shu Nanxiao.

The beautiful woman was still a little embarrassed, "Yuyu! We still don't want it in broad daylight. It's not good to be seen by others. Let's wait until night!"

Shu Yuyu boldly hugged the beautiful woman directly into her arms, and kissed her on her lips. The beautiful woman responded emotionally, and finally collapsed in Shu Yuyu's arms.

Looking at the beautiful woman with a blushing face and a hint of spring in her eyes, Shu Yuyu smiled domineeringly, "Auntie! I don't have any objections now! I want to play with your body right now, do you think it's okay?"

The beautiful woman blushed, nodded slightly, and was carried into the room by Shu Yuyu.

But when she entered the room, she saw a strange man looking at her with a smile. The beautiful woman felt a bad premonition, but it was already too late. Shu Yuyu directly pushed the beautiful woman to Zhao Fu. arms.

Zhao Fu directly tore off the beautiful woman's clothes, and began to rape her, and Shu Yuyu happily joined in.

After Shu Chang told Zhao Fu all kinds of news yesterday, he had been worrying and waiting for something big to happen to the family. He had also made various preparations, but nothing happened overnight, which made him sleepless all night.

At this time, he heard the voice from his wife's room and smiled. In fact, he also knew this wife's hobbies. She liked women more than men. He also saw his wife playing with women a few times, even her mother and aunt Don't let go.

I don't know who she was doing that with today, Shu Chang couldn't help being curious and leaned over, hearing that beautiful woman's voice, Shu Chang couldn't help his heart beat faster, for his wife, aunt, that charming beautiful woman, Shu Chang Chang Xin moved and kept spying, but he had no chance, let alone the courage.

Because this aunt also has a husband, and she belongs to his wife's woman, if he dares to move, he will die for some reason.

After listening at the door for a while, Shu Chang realized something was wrong, because these were not the voices of two women, there was a third person, and it was a man.

at once!

Shu Chang's heart surged with anger. He didn't mind how many women his wife played with, but he absolutely couldn't accept his wife stealing a man. Shu Chang immediately wanted to rush into the room.

But thinking about it again, it wouldn't do him any good to rush in, because he is a married man himself and has no power. When the time comes, he will be kicked out if he is light, or his name may be in danger if he is serious.

Thinking of the comfortable life of prosperity and wealth, Shu Chang decided to endure it. At the same time, he was also a little curious about the man who made his wife and his wife's aunt so promiscuous, making both women look like whores.

Hearing the slutty voices of his wife and her aunt, Shu Chang couldn't help reacting, and couldn't help but stay where he was and listen for hours.

In the end, the man came out with his wife and his wife's aunt in his arms. Shu Chang hid away and found out that the man was actually his ex-wife's man.

For this, Shu Chang couldn't help feeling a bit of hatred in his heart. It was fine that his last wife was possessed by him, but his current wife was also played by him. No man can accept this.

But thinking of Zhao Fu's strength, Shu Chang seemed dejected, not thinking about anything, and now saving his life is the most important thing.

Zhao Fu has obtained two keys now, and the last key is in the hands of an elder of the family. The strength of this elder has reached the peak of the Heavenly Realm, and he was only a little bit short of breaking through the Extreme Heaven Realm.

In order to prevent others from discovering, Zhao Fu led her into the wild.

This is a tall woman with a serious face, long white hair, and a mouse tail, named Shu Youyue.

"Who are you? Why do you have two keys from my family?"

Shu Youyue's eyes were cold to Zhao Fu, and his body carried a powerful aura that enveloped the entire world, causing the air around him to sink.

Zhao Fu smiled lightly and didn't answer her. He said contemptuously, "Hand over your key now, and come and serve me obediently. You will suffer less. Otherwise, don't blame me. Now is your chance. .”

"you wanna die!"

Shu Youyue's face became angry, and she rushed towards Zhao Fu with a long sword in her hand and a strong aura.

Seeing her rushing over, Zhao Fu directly erupted the power of the National Weapon, and the terrifying momentum spread like a gust of wind, making Shu Youyue's expression change, and he quickly backed away, because she was definitely not a match for this power.

Zhao Fu stretched out a hand, and a huge black aura gushed out, forming a huge arm, and slapped Shu Youyue.


With a dull sound, Shu Youyue was slapped to the ground by the giant hand, her body fell like a stone, hit the ground heavily, and the ground collapsed into a crater of more than ten meters.

A trace of blood flowed from the corner of Shu Youyue's mouth. Just as she got up from the ground, Zhao Fu also appeared beside her. With a wave of his hand, a huge force knocked her away at once.

This time, she flew upside down for more than ten meters, spit out a big mouthful of blood, her breath weakened a little.

Zhao Fu appeared beside her, and stepped on her chest hard, "Do you think you can escape now? I told you

You don't have to suffer if you are obedient. "

Shu Youyue looked at Zhao Fu coldly, grabbed Zhao Fu's foot on her chest with both hands, and felt that her chest was about to be crushed by Zhao Fu, "Don't dream, you bastard!"

Zhao Fu withdrew his hands with a light smile, grabbed her hands, pressed them to the ground, and then began to rape her. Shu Youyue quickly surrendered to Zhao Fu, experiencing the joy.

A few hours later, Shu Youyue beat Zhao Fu's chest angrily, cursing, "You bastard tortured me so hard, you didn't take pity on me at all, and even planned to harm me with my family members. I hate you to death."

Zhao Fu hugged her with a smile, and said, "Who told you to be disobedient, now you know you were wrong? Well, let's go back together!"

Shu Youyue responded angrily.

Afterwards, Zhao Fu got together to open the family secret room. He wanted to go in and see if there were any good things, but he couldn't enter, and several women also promised to give Zhao Fu the Mouse Spirit Jade. Other things are very important to the family, so Can not give.

Zhao Fu didn't insist either, anyway, the main purpose was the Mouse Spirit Jade.

This piece of mouse spirit jade is a round ball, about the size of an egg, emitting a faint blue light. There is a mouse eye inside, which seems to be alive, and emits a cold and ferocious gaze, which makes people feel creepy.


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