The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1630 The Second Level

[End of the God Station] Remind book friends to keep in mind: Website URL: Remember it in a second, never lose it!

There is already a long queue here, because there are only tens of thousands of people on the platform, and there are so many people participating, and the battle with the clones cannot be resolved instantly.

Zhao Fu took a look, walked into a relatively short line, and then waited, while the others followed behind Zhao Fu.

One person boarded the platform and came to the mirror. A magic circle on the ground was activated. The platform emitted countless rays of light, and the mirror also emitted strong rays of light. One by one, the replicants came out of the mirror.

Afterwards, the real people and the replicants fought. Some replicants would dissipate into countless pieces after being defeated. If the real people were defeated, they would go down to the bottom of the platform, and the replicants would not attack.

As time passed, a young man crushed the clone with a single punch, passed the test, and walked forward to participate in the next test.

At this time, after a few people, it will be Zhao Fu's turn to play.

Originally, when it was a teenager's turn to play, a tall barbarian took the first step, directly inserted in from one side, and said savagely. "You all go away, I want to test first."

This act of cutting the queue immediately aroused dissatisfaction among the crowd.

Someone yelled directly, "What are you! We have queued up for so long and haven't played yet. If you say you want to participate in the test, you will be tested!"

Someone then said, "That's right! Go down and line up honestly, otherwise I won't wait in line, why can you just jump in the line."

Another person went on to say, "Yeah! Who do you think you are, and you don't have to wait in line."

Hearing these words, the savage exploded with a strong aura of anger, and shouted at the few people who spoke, "The people who may make the statue glow orange are no better than you bunch of trash. Of course, I have a lot of people!" Privilege, if you are not convinced, come over and try a few tricks, and watch my uncle stomp your head off."

The aura erupted by the barbarian was very fierce and powerful, which made people feel scared. The faces of the few people who were talking at first became a little ugly. Under the coercion of this barbarian, they did not dare to say anything.

There was a manager near the platform next to him. After a few glances, he didn't care about it, because all the foreign races believed in the law of the jungle and the strong respecting the strong. It has been mentioned many times before that the strong have privileges.

Seeing how timid they were, the barbarian laughed and walked forward.

A person suddenly left the team and stepped forward to block the barbarian, obviously cutting into his team.

This immediately made the savage man shout angrily, "Fuck! Who are you? You dare to get me wrong. Now get the hell out of here, or I won't be polite to you."

The people around were a little surprised. Zhao Fu dared to directly join the barbarian's team at this time. Isn't he afraid of the barbarian?

Zhao Fu was very dissatisfied with the behavior of jumping in the line. He himself lined up honestly, but why did others jump in the front of the line, so he walked to the front without politeness, and got in front of the barbarians in the line.

Hearing what the barbarian said, Zhao Fu said flatly, "Why can you jump in line, but I can't?"

The barbarian said angrily, "You are the one who courted death!"

After the barbarian finished speaking, he punched fiercely, with a terrifying force, and punched Zhao Fu, as if he could smash a boulder into pieces.


A dull voice sounded, Zhao Fu didn't make a move, just glanced at the barbarian, and an invisible force knocked the barbarian away.

The barbarian flew upside down for more than ten meters, a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, his eyes looked at Zhao Fu, his face became a little ugly, he knew he was not Zhao Fu's opponent.

At this time, several handsome young men passed by here, and the blond young man said disdainfully, "The battle between two weak chickens is really unpleasant, it stained my prince's eyes, and disrupted what should be done. order."

A handsome man in Tsing Yi said with a contemptuous smile, "The world of the weak is like this, chaotic, humble, and aggressive. They think that they are strong because they have some strength, but in fact they are just a slightly bigger ant."

"Hahaha, you two are really boring. The play of two useless people has actually attracted your attention. We are the ones who are above them. Why do we care about these useless people?" A tall young man laughed and said. .

Another fair young man also smiled and said, "Okay! Don't worry about these poor people. We are people who have awakened the purple-golden light. We can't lower our status. Compared with this group of people, we should go to the next level quickly. Let's put it to the test!"

The blond young man responded with a smile, "That's right, we really don't need to stay for this moment, and the voice just attracted me, otherwise my eyes wouldn't be on this group of garbage."

There was no taboo between them. Everyone present heard it, and they were very dissatisfied and angry, but they couldn't say anything.

Because it is obvious that these few people are not only stronger than them, but also more talented than them, and their identities are also more terrifying than them. They are not existences they can mess with.

The other three chuckled and were about to walk forward.

However, the next moment a figure appeared in front of them. Although Zhao Fu wanted to keep a low profile, he couldn't bear the face-to-face ridicule of several people.

The tall young man smiled contemptuously and said, "You still dare to stand in front of us, now I will give you a chance, kneel down and kowtow to beg us to let you go, otherwise I will attack."


Zhao Fu didn't say anything, and appeared directly in front of the young man, punching out with terrifying force.

The tall young man's face changed slightly, and he also punched hard.


A dull sound sounded, two fists collided with terrifying force, and a powerful shock wave spread out.

Zhao Fu took two steps back, and the young man took four steps back.

Now Zhao Fu can only use his own cultivation power, that is, the power of the land-melting state, and the young man's cultivation already has the power of the earth state, and his physique is very strong. As a person who can awaken the purple-gold light, no one is weak .

The young man's face was a bit ugly, because Zhao Fu only took two steps back in the blow just now, but he backed up four steps. It was obvious that he was no match for him.

The blond young man couldn't help laughing and said, "Xiong Zhang! You won't be able to defeat him, can you? It's embarrassing to say this!"

The tall young man smiled and explained, "Just now he sneaked up on me and didn't realize it, but now he dares to attack me. Look at how I broke his hands and feet and made him beg for mercy."


The tall young man really moved, bursting out with a powerful aura, like a strong wind blowing in all directions, a green arrogance ignited from the young man.


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