The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1740 Gold Devouring Beast

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With this battle, the alchemy world won't come to attack for a short time, and Daqin can continue to build defenses. Zhao Fu didn't stay in the alchemy world, but participated in the research of the Philosopher's Stone.

If you don't understand the Philosopher's Stone, you won't be able to gain an absolute advantage. This is fighting in another world, facing huge dangers, and only having an absolute advantage can guarantee safety.

Zhao Fu didn't want what happened today to happen all at once.

When they came to the research institute, many scholars were really studying the Philosopher's Stone, trying to decompose the Philosopher's Stone first, and start researching from the basic particles that constitute it.

Now a black Philosopher's Stone is floating in the mid-air, and there is a decomposition circle below it, which is constantly splitting the Philosopher's Stone, and particles are continuously decomposed, and then collected by the bachelor.

"See Your Majesty!"

When everyone who was studying saw Zhao Fu's arrival, they all stopped their work and said respectfully.

Zhao Fu responded, and said to Bai Shan, "How is the research going now? The formation method of the Philosopher's Stone, and have you found any weaknesses?"

Bai Shan said apologetically, "Your Majesty! For the time being, we have studied how the Philosopher's Stone is composed. We have mastered the principle, but it must be performed with the power of alchemy. We have no way to synthesize a sage with other powers." stone."

"As for other places, we have not conducted research for the time being, but various measures are already being prepared, and the results may come out after a while."

Zhao Fu nodded and said, "Then tell me how to make the Philosopher's Stone!"

Bai Shan explained it to Zhao Fu in detail, and even took Zhao Fu aside to demonstrate.

There is an alchemy circle on the ground, surrounded by alchemy stones. These alchemy stones are stones that contain the power of alchemy, and are used by alchemists for cultivation.

Now there is a young man standing beside him. He is one of those who surrendered to the Qin Dynasty, and his name is Wood Snake.

Bai Shan said, "Wooden Snake! Demonstrate it and let His Majesty see how the Philosopher's Stone is formed."

Hearing the words, the wooden snake came to the front of the alchemy circle, squatted down, and pressed one hand on the alchemy circle, a powerful force burst out and poured into the alchemy circle.

I saw that the alchemy circle emitted a strong light, and the surrounding alchemy stones poured out one after another alchemy power, floated into the circle, and condensed above the center of the circle.

Those alchemy powers first turned into a mist ball, then began to condense into a solid body, and finally turned into a white mechanical metal ball.

Bai Shan explained next to him, "Your Majesty! The power of alchemy is a power of creation, life, and fusion of metals. This is the basis of the Philosopher's Stone, and the composition of the Philosopher's Stone is related to the twenty-four alchemical runes. .”

"These twenty-four alchemy runes represent various attributes and powers. They gather the power of alchemy to form the Philosopher's Stone. Therefore, there are twenty-four kinds of Philosopher's Stones in the alchemy world. Attributes."

Zhao Fu asked seriously, "The twenty-four runes and attributes?"

Bai Shan opened his mouth and replied, "They are extreme yang, yin yang, extreme yin, yang yin, yang metal, yin metal, yang wood, yin wood, yang water, yang fire, yin fire, yang earth, yin earth, yang wind, Yin wind, Yang thunder, Yin thunder, Yang ice, Yin ice, Yang hour, Yin hour, Yang sky, Yin sky.”

"In the alchemy world, any attribute is divided into yin and yang, which contains the mystery of alchemy. With our current ability, we can only roughly understand alchemy, but we can't really understand it."

After listening to Bai Shan's explanation, Zhao Fu also fell into deep thought, "The Eight Forbidden Blood Techniques contain the power of creation and life, but they are only short of one kind of metal power. If they have metal power, they can control the twenty-four alchemy runes. Then he should be able to create the Philosopher’s Stone with his own ability.”

"The first thing to do now is to find the power of metal and the use of the twenty-four alchemy runes."

After thinking clearly, Zhao Fu said, "You don't need to worry about the research on the synthesis of the Philosopher's Stone. First, study the weaknesses of the Philosopher's Stone and some weaknesses of alchemy."

Bai Shan nodded in understanding.

Now that Zhao Fu has figured out how the Philosopher's Stone is formed, he has also started to find ways to obtain powerful metal power. Now Zhao Fu has many powerful and terrifying powers, but he does not have strong metal power.

Now because of the opening of the alchemy battlefield, the surroundings have also fallen into a calm state. There is no such a smell of gunpowder that is tense, nor is it so suppressed that it is frightening.

The same is true in other places, the entire Apocalypse world is much quieter, because no one wants to be punished.

Zhao Fu was very happy to see such a scene, because the alchemy world's troops were still too small, and several times more troops might attack at any time. Now without their coercion, Daqin could send some soldiers to support the alchemy world.

First of all, Zhao Fu sent people to search for any powerful metal treasures to obtain powerful metal power. The most direct and fastest way was to fuse that kind of treasure with his body to directly obtain metal power.

In less than a while, Zhao Fu had a pleasant surprise. In the Qingzhou Domain, which is next to the Gudi Domain, there is a forbidden land called the Metal Land. beast.

These gold-eating beasts contain a kind of gold-eating power. This kind of power is also a kind of metal power, and it can also restrain the power of other metals. If it is used as the power of the Philosopher's Stone, it may have unexpected effects .

Ordinary bite

Naturally, Zhao Fu didn't like the golden beast. What Zhao Fu took a fancy to was the gold-devouring beast king. It had king-level gold-devouring power in its body, which was stronger than ordinary gold-devouring beasts.

After hearing the news, Zhao Fu also left immediately without bringing anyone with him, because he has the weapon of suppressing the country, so he won't encounter too many dangers in the outer domain.

Half a day later, Zhao Fu came to the forbidden area. There were no plants here. The mountains, the ground, and the boulders were all made of light yellow metal, and there were large and small holes all around. Those holes were still full of teeth. Yes, it looks a little scary.

At this time, some pangolin-like creatures ran out of the cave. They were the size of a dog with yellow scales, but their eyes were white, and they had very sharp teeth with a cold glow. They were gold-devouring beasts.

Zhao Fu didn't care about these ordinary gold-eating beasts, and directly turned into a stream of light, coming to the deepest part of the forbidden area.

These gold-eating beasts like to hide in the caves. Zhao Fu took out the Emperor Killing Sword and snorted softly, "Sword Master!"

A huge storm of sword energy spread out, changing the color of the world, and that powerful and sharp momentum immediately made many gold-eating beasts panic.


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