The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1745 Magic Circle

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This is not because of the soldiers, but because the Philosopher's Stone is very difficult to refine, and the alchemy power contained in it is not an ordinary power itself, but a relatively powerful power.

The soldier bowed and said, "Your Majesty! I have already refined that spar."

Zhao Fu nodded, looked at the soldier with a pair of eyes, and checked that there was something different about him. There was a slight change in his breath, and his aura was slightly enhanced. Other than that, there was not much change, and he said, "Use the power of the Philosopher's Stone have a look!"

The soldier obeyed and used the power of the Philosopher's Stone. The Philosopher's Stone in his body emitted a strong light, and a powerful aura spread out from his body, and a white flame ignited on his body.

Now the strength of the soldiers has been greatly improved, and some parts of the body have begun to be mechanized. The color is white, and the degree is somewhat weak.

However, this strength has been greatly improved. The soldier's stone used to have the second-level and seventh-level power, but now it has a little more than the third-level power. In addition to the special power, this makes the soldier stronger than ordinary third-level soldiers.

If it is used by people with a lower cultivation level, the power will be increased even more. Thinking of this, Zhao Fu smiled in surprise, and was about to ask the second-tier soldiers and first-tier soldiers to come forward and have a try to see how much power they can increase.


The soldier suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, and fell directly to the ground, moaning and groaning in pain. The aura on his body also disappeared.

Zhao Fu's expression was startled, he didn't understand what happened, he stepped forward to check the soldier's body, and found that the powerful alchemy force was damaging the soldier's body.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Zhao Fu was a little stunned, how could the Philosopher's Stone cause such great damage to the soldiers.

Thinking temporarily, Zhao Fu reached out and put his hand on the soldier's chest, a force gushed out, forcing out the Philosopher's Stone from the soldier's body, and the pain on the soldier's face gradually disappeared, but his injury was still a bit serious.

Zhao Fu called other soldiers and asked them to carry the soldier down to heal his wounds.

Now Zhao Fu is also a little puzzled. The power attribute of the Philosopher's Stone has been changed to the spiritual power of the Apocalypse World, and it is not the Philosopher's Stone of the Alchemy World. Why would it cause physical damage to soldiers? There are also people in the alchemy world who have the Philosopher's Stone, why they are not hurt by the Philosopher's Stone, but instead enhance their strength.

After thinking about it, Zhao Fu discovered that there was a big difference, that is, as mentioned earlier, the Philosopher's Stone in the alchemy world was condensed by himself, not by a magic circle.

The Philosopher's Stone condensed by the two sides may be somewhat different, and it is precisely this difference that has caused the current result.

After figuring out the reason, Zhao Fu thought about it, called another soldier, asked him to stand in the circle, and told him how to condense the Philosopher's Stone.

Zhao Fu squatted on the ground and directly activated the alchemy formation, a force spread out, and the surrounding attribute stones emitted streams of energy, gathering towards the soldiers in the center of the formation.

According to Zhao Fu's instructions, the soldier sat cross-legged on the ground, absorbed the energy that floated past, and condensed the Philosopher's Stone in his body.


Not long after, the soldier spit out a big mouthful of blood, and fell into the alchemy circle, his face in pain.

Zhao Fu immediately stopped the alchemy circle, and went forward to check whether his body was still damaged by the alchemy force. Zhao Fu was having a headache now, and he didn't understand what was wrong. He clearly asked the soldiers to condense the Philosopher's Stone in their bodies, but the result was Or not.

First call other soldiers and carry the soldier down to treat his injuries.

Zhao Fu fell into contemplation on the spot. After this time, he confirmed that the power of alchemy itself should be harmful to soldiers. Because the power of alchemy enters the body, the body will be hurt by that kind of power, not the stone of sages. s reason.

Wouldn't it be that the Philosopher's Stone made with so much effort has become useless at all?

Uncertainly, Zhao Fu refined that sage's stone, integrated it into his body, and stimulated that kind of power. A wave of alchemy power spread in his body, but Zhao Fu didn't feel any harm. On the contrary, it is a very normal force.

Now Zhao Fu is even more puzzled, why is it okay to use it himself, but it will hurt when others use it?

Zhao Fu suddenly thought of another reason. The biggest difference between him and others is that he has alchemy blood, while others don't have alchemy blood, so they are hurt by alchemy.

But it is very difficult for other people in Daqin to have alchemy blood, because the two worlds have different rules, and there must be conflicts when they merge together. They are not Zhao Fu. , and the blessing of great luck.

Also, even if the soldiers of the Great Qin had the blood of alchemy, but think of a faction that has the blood of the alchemy family, it would definitely be treated as a traitor by the Apocalypse World.

However, in order to verify whether it was because of the blood, Zhao Fu called Wood Snake, the alchemy clan who had surrendered to Daqin before, and asked him to sit cross-legged on the alchemy circle to absorb the alchemy power to see if there was any damage.

The wooden snake sat cross-legged in the center of the alchemy circle. Zhao Fu activated the alchemy circle, a force spread out, and streams of energy emerged from the attribute stones and gathered towards the wooden snake in the center.

But after absorbing only a little, Wooden Snake said with embarrassment, "Your Majesty! This is not the power of alchemy in the alchemy world, so it cannot absorb this power."

Zhao Fu felt a headache now, "This won't work, that won't work, what is the problem?

? Could it be that the method of using the power of alchemy won't work? "

After a while, Zhao Fu wanted to study it, because the Philosopher's Stone had a great effect on Daqin.

Anyway, there is no war now, and there is no need to take too much care of the internal affairs, so Zhao Fu also concentrates on research.

During this period, materials were continuously sent here, and soldiers were injured and carried out one by one.

Finally, five days later, Zhao Fu found out where the problem was. First of all, the fused twenty-four attribute stones contained their own power, rather than being conceived by heaven and earth. That can only be used by oneself and is harmful to others.

The second reason is also related to the blood. The power of alchemy is inseparable from the blood. The blood can prevent the power of alchemy from harming oneself. Moreover, if you have blood, you can better control the power of alchemy and increase your own and the power of alchemy. degree of fit.

After these two reasons, after these few days, Zhao Fu also found a solution. The first reason is the attribute stone. Zhao Fu specially built twenty-four alchemy circles in the world of Apocalypse, and used the power of heaven and earth to fuse them. Into a metallurgical stone.

In this way, those attribute stones contain the power of heaven and earth, and can be absorbed by anyone in the world of apocalypse.


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