The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1749 Will-o'-the-wisp (for subscription)

[End of the God Station] Remind book friends to keep in mind: Website URL: Remember it in a second, never lose it!

Seeing that Daqin was about to win a big victory, he defeated countless alchemy soldiers with lightning speed.

Boom boom boom...

There was a loud roar, and terrifying beams of light shot into the sky, bringing out terrifying fluctuations, as if penetrating all sides, directly penetrating the sky, unstoppable.

The many golden crows flying in the sky uttered a huge cry, piercing the clouds, bursting out with a strong momentum, emitting a strong golden light, forming a substantial golden light wave, with incomparably hot power , spread out to those beams.

bang bang bang bang...

A huge explosion sounded, and the golden wave of destruction collided with the countless light beams. Although the golden light wave was very strong and restrained the light beams, there were too many light beams. Among them, ninety-nine golden crows penetrated.

The golden crows let out a mournful cry, their bodies turned into countless flames and dissipated, and the world immediately returned to normal.

Without the suppression of many Golden Crows, the countless alchemy soldiers also had the power to resist.


Many alchemy soldiers roared loudly, and with a strong and ferocious aura, they killed the Daqin soldiers. They had just been suppressed by the Golden Crow's light and had no strength to fight back. On the one hand, they were massacred by the Daqin soldiers, and their hearts were full of aggrieved and angry.

With this emotion, many alchemy soldiers broke out more terrifying attacks than before, fighting with the soldiers of Daqin, the sound of weapons colliding, the screams continued, blood splattered everywhere, and the battle was extremely fierce.

At this time, Zhao Fu directly ordered countless envoys of the Holy Light to target those ladder builders and make more metal ladders. Now the large-scale troops are rushing up through there, without any hindrance.

Boom boom boom...

A series of powerful white rays of light shot out, flying towards the ladder builder and the ladder with terrifying power.

bang bang bang...

The light beam fell on the ladder builders and caused a huge explosion, blasting the bodies of countless ladder builders, blood and stumps flew, the screams were piercing, and the metal steps were also smashed by the beams of light beams. Fell high into the sky and fell down.

At this moment, Zhao Fu gave an order to shoot all the crossbows.


The crossbow arrows flew out with powerful force, drawing black arcs one after another, forming a huge and sharp momentum, which made people's hairs stand on end, instinctively felt fear, and the body trembled.

Those arrows poured down like heavy rain, piercing through the bodies of the alchemy soldiers, blood spattered, screams continued, and the blood stained the ground red.

Facing such a huge arrow, even if any resistance is useless, it will be penetrated directly, and then die.


The fire ghost carefully took out a three-meter-large metal ball, then threw it vigorously, and the metal ball turned into a black shadow and shot towards the city wall.

Zhao Fu felt an extremely great danger, the metal ball might be very difficult, so he ordered to attack the metal ball.

In the face of many attacks, the metal ball seemed to be conscious. It stopped in mid-air by itself, emitting a strong light, and alchemy runes emerged one by one.


A loud noise erupted, and the metal ball exploded. Countless dazzling white lights spread, and an incomparably terrifying force spread out instantly.

The ground also kept shaking, and countless sand and gravel were thrown into the sky, forming a huge mushroom cloud.

When everything subsided, a million-meter-long crater appeared on the ground, and some areas were directly magmaized, spreading the breath of extinction.

The city wall on the Daqin side was also affected by the shock wave, directly collapsing into a gap tens of thousands of meters wide. The ground was covered with rocks, and the corpses of many Daqin soldiers had also been torn apart, with blood splattered everywhere.

Zhao Fu looked at the scene in front of him in shock. Before that, there were many attacks to capture the metal ball, so that the metal ball was not too close. Moreover, some soldiers used shields to block it. In addition to the original defense of the city wall, there should be strong resistance. force.

But it still produced such a terrible result. Judging by the careful look of the will-o'-the-wisp, this is probably the most terrifying temptation of the alchemists.

At this time, the ghost fire, with a smug smile on his face, said loudly, "I said it! You are very good material, and I am also looking forward to the way you kneel in front of me begging for mercy, hahahaha, listen to my order and rush in, massacre People of Apocalypse!"

Many alchemy soldiers obeyed, roared loudly, and with a strong momentum, they rushed towards the gap that was blown out like a tide, unstoppable.

At this critical moment, Zhao Fu directly ordered the soldiers who had been on standby to act.

Waiting at the station for Zhao Fu to order the Daqin soldiers, they all rushed towards the gap at that moment with a cold expression and a strong and dark aura, and soon formed a defensive formation.

"Let the arrow!"

With an order, the arrows flew out with terrifying force, making a sound of piercing through the air, which was creepy, and the black arrows poured down like heavy rain.

ah ah ah...

There was a scream, and countless alchemy soldiers were pierced by arrows, blood spattered, and fell to the ground directly to die.

But more alchemy soldiers rushed into the gap, and Daqin soldiers killed them.


There was a loud dragon chant, and huge flying dragons appeared, carrying a huge power of dragons, spraying cold currents and flames on the ground, freezing or burning the alchemy soldiers to death.


At this time, the Daqin soldiers seized the opportunity to shoot out another wave of arrows. Those powerful arrows flew out with great force, piercing through the bodies of each alchemy soldier, and countless blood spattered.

With the power of the flying dragon, the soldiers of Daqin also successfully resisted the influx of alchemy soldiers.

Zhao Fu looked at the will-o'-the-wisp with killing intent in his eyes, and said, "Magic Girl! Now that a large number of troops are being forced, go and get that person's head."

Di Moji laughed lightly, her body disappeared in place, and appeared next to the will-o'-the-wisp within a short while, slashing out with a terrifying force of her sword.

The ghost fire was startled, and hurriedly resisted, but was still shot down to the ground, creating a big hole, just as Di Moji was about to strike.

A holy beast with a size of 10,000 meters aimed all its barrels at Di Moji, and huge beams of light shot towards Di Moji with terrifying power.

Di Moji's face changed, and she hurriedly dodged to the side, but there were too many beams of light, so she was still sent flying.

At this time, seeing the huge loss, many leaders also ordered to withdraw the troops at once, and the ghost fire didn't have any objections, because he almost died in the hands of Emperor Moji.


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