The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1755 Spiritual Water

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There are many factors that affect the growth of crops, including sunlight, the fertility of the land, and water and temperature factors. In the past, the life force was strong and only needed a little management, but now the origin of the world is declining, and these crops have become very weak. It is easily damaged.

This needs to be strengthened management, but other things, such as various diseases of crops, also need corresponding means to solve, so many bachelors are required to study.

There are also seeds that need to be improved. The current situation in the world of Apocalypse may get worse, so better seeds are needed to survive in the difficult environment in the future.

These are the two main directions of research, but it may not be possible in a short period of time, and long-term research is required.

Because there are too many types of crops, and each crop has different seeds and different diseases, which require research on each one, and even one crop is not so easy to improve, and countless experiments are required. But it all takes time.

Zhao Fu also understands the difficulty of improving research on various crops, and also understands the vastness of the project, so he uses a large number of corresponding talents to join the research, and does not force them to find a solution in a short time, because it is useless to force them .

However, the current situation still needs to be resolved temporarily, so as not to let the situation worsen.

Zhao Fu also understands the reason now, the main reason is the decline of the original power of heaven and earth, which makes many crops not have the strong vitality before, so various diseases and problems emerge in large numbers. If there is something that gives them strong vitality, those problems will disappear. A strong life force is immune to those conditions and problems.

But the key now is what can give vitality, and there are many things that give life. For example, the spring of life can give a lot of vitality. There are also many springs of life in Daqin, but they are usually used as healing potions for soldiers.

If it is used to irrigate the farmland, the effect will be very good, but Zhao Fu can't do it at all, because there are too many farmlands in Daqin, because it needs to feed hundreds of billions of people, and the spring of life is not enough, so it is impossible to do it. , the spring of life is not enough in many places.

"Then is there any way to make such a large number of crops gain vitality?"

Zhao Fu was also thinking about it, but it seemed that there was nothing that could be used for such a large area of ​​crops. If this matter was not resolved as soon as possible, it would be a little late when those bachelors came to their research.


Zhao Fu sensed the spiritual energy around him. Although the origin of the heaven and earth had declined, it seemed that the spiritual energy had not weakened.

Zhao Fu understood the reason as soon as he thought about it. Spiritual energy is the foundation of cultivation. If the spiritual energy is gone, then why practice? If the Apocalypse World also weakens the spiritual energy, it will definitely drive countless people to death.

Moreover, no spiritual power means no strength. In the face of the alchemy world and the chaotic world, what resistance is there? Therefore, it is impossible for the aura to be greatly affected, unless it is when the apocalypse world perishes.

Reiki is a kind of magical power, which can endow people with powerful strength and vitality, and it exists in the heaven and earth, and the amount is inestimable, and it can be used to enhance the vitality of crops.

Zhao Fu quickly called an array mage. The easiest and quickest way to use spiritual power is to build a spirit gathering array. The spiritual power from all around will be gathered in the array. The crops that grow in the array can be used in time Moisturizing the means of spiritual energy all the time can gain strong vitality.

As long as there is vitality, it can be immune to various problems, and the matter will be solved directly.

In order to prove his idea, Zhao Fu brought the formation masters to a farmland and asked them to make a simple spirit-gathering formation to wrap those farmlands.

The formation master obeyed, quickly made a spirit-gathering formation, and then activated it, the surrounding spiritual power continuously poured into the formation from all around, and the ordinary rice absorbed a lot of spiritual energy, and became emerald green and shiny.

Zhao Fu's eyes looked at the sickly rice, which was also recovering quickly, and the sickness gradually disappeared.

It can be seen from this that Zhao Fu's method is still feasible, but Zhao Fu gave up this method after thinking about it again.

Because there are countless counties and villages in Daqin, and the area of ​​each mu of farmland is not small. If they are counted together, it is impossible to count them clearly. The materials needed will also exceed imagination, and the use of magic circles will become unrealistic.

Unless it is to build a super array that wraps nine worlds and gather the auras of other worlds, then the entire Great Qin will directly benefit, and it is not so troublesome to build countless spirit gathering arrays.

However, this is just a matter of thinking about it. Such a huge magic circle is not something that can be cast casually. The bigger the magic circle, the more complicated it is. Daqin does not have that kind of ability now.

Now it can be studied by many formation masters, and it may play an important role in the future.

Things come back to the original question, how do you get the crops to thrive and resist those conditions and problems?

Zhao Fu thought for a long time, and finally came up with a solution, which is to create a special item to increase the vitality of crops.

The first is to build a spirit-gathering array one by one to turn countless water into spiritual water. The effect does not need to be strong, just a few, so that the number will be large. If the effect is strong, it will naturally take a lot of time and the quantity a bit less.

These spiritual waters are the main ingredients, and then Zhao Fu will add a little life spring water to it, and let the flower fairy perform a blessing.

The combination of the three forces should not be too weak.

Zhao Fu also quickly started experimenting. A gathering spirit formation surrounded the pool of water, and the surrounding spiritual power continued to gather. After waiting for a few days, the pool water also had a little spiritual energy, and then Zhao Fu poured it into the spring of life and called Hua The goblin casts a blessing.

In the end, it was used on those crops, and the effect was still good. Those crops absorbed the spiritual water, and some vitality was enhanced, the symptoms and problems disappeared, and the fruits they produced became better.

Although it is not as vigorous as before, according to the current situation, Zhao Fu is quite satisfied. This is also a temporary solution to the problem. Afterwards, scholars will need to research different seeds and solutions to different diseases.

The successful study of that huge gathering array can also exert a huge effect.

Zhao Fu showed a smile, and ordered people to spread this kind of spiritual water in large quantities. However, because the area is too large, it is impossible to use this kind of spiritual water to irrigate directly, but to use it every once in a while.

I don't expect much increase in production, nor do I expect to harvest a large amount of grain. I just need to ensure the basic production, and those actions will not cause symptoms.


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