The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1765 Sword Gate

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When Zhao Fu heard about this, he also looked angry. He dared to do this to the people of Daqin, and it was clearly beneficial to them. In the end, there was no good result, so he immediately ordered all the disaster sealers to withdraw.

And summoned many ministers to talk about the matter, since they dared to do this to Daqin, they would have to pay the price.

"Your Majesty! I believe that the strong men who mobilized the Great Qin, and all the forces that attacked the disaster-sealer should be slaughtered. Only in this way can we prove my great Qin's reputation and bring justice to the dead disaster-sealer." A general stood up. Open your mouth and say.

"Your Majesty! At present, the focus is on stabilizing the situation. If Daqin does this, it will definitely cause turmoil and make more enemies. We should deal with it later." A civil servant stood up.

"Your Majesty! Those are your people, who are brutally murdered by those people now, and Daqin didn't do anything, but just directly solved the disaster, something that was completely beneficial to them, but they didn't want to repay the favor, and they deserve death." Another general stood up and said.

"Your Majesty! The number of people lost is only dozens of people. If a war breaks out because of this, the number of people lost will be tens of thousands of times. Please think carefully before making a decision, Your Majesty." A civil servant stood up and said,


Zhao Fu looked at the scene of the debate below and frowned. They all had their own reasons, and they all made sense.

"All right!"

Zhao Fu said something with a cold face, and those who were arguing with each other immediately shut up, and the hall returned to silence.

"This is a decision in my heart, you all go back first!"

Zhao Fu spoke, and many ministers withdrew from the hall one after another, but a few important ministers stayed behind, namely Bai Qi and Li Si.

They didn't have too many opinions on this matter, no matter what decision Zhao Fu made, they would resolutely carry it out.

Afterwards, Yongye's personnel and some people from Jianmen were ordered to come to the hall.

The people who came to Yongye were mainly eleven bosses, that is, Liu Mei, Wang Ergou, Wu Qian and some people, and there might be some strangers in Jianmen.

It is also a force established by Daqin a long time ago, it seems to be a little earlier than Yongye, and the person in charge of controlling it is Gai Nie, the number one swordsman in Daqin.

Now Gai Nie is dressed in white, with an iron sword tied around his waist, exuding a strong and extremely sharp aura. Like a peerless sword, people dare not take a step closer, as if they would be cut if they approached.

His cultivation at this time also has the cultivation base of Heaven and Human Realm. Although this cultivation level is nothing in the middle domain or the heaven domain, it is already a relatively strong cultivation base in the outer domain. What is more important is the way of swords that Gai Nie has comprehended. , is also very terrifying, Zhao Fu is no match for him in this respect.

This time, he was not alone, and there were several young people behind him, including men and women, who also wore swords around their waists, with cold faces.

"See Your Majesty!"

Gai Nie brought a few people to the main hall and led them to salute.

Zhao Fu showed a smile, "Long time no see! Ge Nie, how is your sword practice?"

Gai Nie replied calmly, "The swordsmanship I have learned has not only mentioned to His Majesty, but His Majesty has far surpassed us in power."

Zhao Fu laughed lightly, and said the purpose of calling them here, "The purpose of calling you here is to destroy all the forces that killed the disaster sealer. This is what they will do if they dare to kill the Great Qin disaster sealer."


Everyone obeyed without any hesitation. They are the swords in Zhao Fu's hands, and the place they point at will be blood-stained for hundreds of miles, with countless dead bodies.

After Li Si handed over their power information, they turned around and left directly.

Zhao Fu also summoned the disaster-sealing masters who had returned. Originally, one hundred and twenty people went out, but now only eighty-five people came back, and thirty-five people died outside.

The calamity masters who came back brought back about two calamity beads. Zhao Fu took these calamity beads and handed them over to the talisman masters for further transformation before they could be used and exploded with astonishing power.

At the same time, Daqin's massacre also began.

Tents were built together in the wilderness, made of animal skin and wood, which looked very rough, surrounded by bones, including not only human bones, but also bones of other animals, making this place look a little scary.

This is the Ya tribe, with a total of more than 80,000 people, it is considered a relatively large tribe, and this tribe mainly eats meat, and those grains are non-staple food, so they need a lot of meat every day.

So they eat almost anything, mainly fleshy creatures, including not only all kinds of beasts, but also humans and even themselves.

Now the Ya tribe is preparing for a small celebration, in order to celebrate the magic weapon, which is the gun of disaster. They think that with this long gun, they will not be afraid of all kinds of natural disasters in the future, and they will not be afraid of the gun of disaster. As a sacred object of their tribe, shelter their tribe.

The vicious-looking people at the banquet ate meat and drank wine with a happy face, but the meat they ate was not only the meat of wild animals, but also human meat. On the table.

That ugly big man was the leader of the tribe, standing at the top with a smile on his face, and next to him was a black disaster gun.

In fact, even the Disaster Spear has no ability, because it is a legendary weapon and has strong disaster power, it is also a very precious treasure.

an equally ugly man,

Smiling and congratulating the big man, "Boss! You have obtained such a magic weapon today, and your strength has increased a lot. In the future, you will definitely unify all the tribes here and become our king."

A member of the Ya tribe also smiled and said, "Yes! Leader. This time, you are a soldier from heaven, which means that you are blessed by the heavens, and you will definitely become the king of the tribe in the future. We are all willing to destroy other tribes for you. "

When the big man heard this, he also had a happy face, and shouted, "Come and drink! You can follow me at ease, and you will definitely have you in the good days to come."

After finishing speaking, the big man drank a large bowl of wine, and then reached out to pick up a human head on the table and ate it. It was the head of the disaster sealer, which had been roasted, his face was blurred, and it exuded a delicious smell of meat.

I saw that ugly man, directly crushed the skull, began to eat the brain, with a delicious face, and then ate the skin and meat of the face, as well as the nose and mouth.

This is the first-class delicacy. In the whole tribe, only the leaders can enjoy it. Others are basically hands and feet. Some old people can only eat some internal organs. If they are really too old and have no effect, they will was eaten directly.

The banquet was very lively, and it was a mess after the end. The ugly man also returned to the tent and fell asleep.


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