The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1775, life

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

As soon as the worm and beast king died, the orderly worm tide became a little chaotic. Originally, they were under the mad attack of Da Qin, and they were no longer able to support them. The worm and beast king was their last hope.

But there was no hope at all, and the insect beast couldn't support it. Seeing the countless compatriots who died, they also began to flee back in fear.

Daqin's side continued to attack, arrows with strength, cut through the sky, brought out arcs, fell into the group of insects and beasts, and shot the beasts one by one.

The vines continued to stretch out, quickly binding the fleeing insects and beasts, the spikes pierced the bodies of the insects and beasts, and devoured their vitality.

As soon as the worm tide receded, the huge dark red cockroach worms they gathered also collapsed. The twelve green cockroach worms attacked in a reckless attack, knocking them into the air, or crushing them into pieces. Meat puree.

Some of the giant cockroaches and beasts in the sky are also inferior to the flying insects and nest dragons, and they start to flee back quickly. Because they can fly, their speed is much faster than ordinary insects and beasts, and they disappear in less than a while.

bang bang bang...

The flying insect nest dragon in the sky opened its mouth and spewed out a powerful beam of light, shooting out with the power to destroy everything, causing a series of explosions in the insect tide, killing countless insects and beasts.

Now the mighty worms and beasts were severely injured at one time. I don't know how many worms and beasts died, and the sparse number of them fled out of fear.

Daqin stopped after chasing for a distance, and finally won the victory of this war.

The pieces on the ground were all the corpses of the insect beast, and the green liquid also turned the ground green, exuding a strong and pungent smell.

Zhao Fu asked some of the soldiers to clean the battlefield, while the other followed him and quickly headed to the lair of the cockroach insect beast.

A few hours later, Zhao Fu brought people there. There were big pits on the ground, dark red eggs the size of watermelons all around, and there were dark red spar stones in the middle, which were nest stones. .

Zhao Fu was a little surprised. Looking at the large number of nest stones, there were seven or eight hundred at least. This could make Daqin have seven or eight hundred more flying insect dragons, and the number of flying insect dragons in Daqin was about four thousand.

These flying worm nest dragons have just shown their power. They are very terrifying. They are definitely powerful means of Daqin. If there are 10,000 of them, they can cause major damage to the holy beasts in the alchemy world.

Now there are still a lot of insects and beasts in these worm nests. When they saw Daqin soldiers, they also poured out from them and attacked Daqin.

Daqin formed a defensive formation, shot arrows one by one, and attacked the worms and beasts in an orderly manner. It was easy to exterminate those worms and beasts, because their main force had already been destroyed by Daqin, and the remaining worms and beasts were only a small part. .

After eliminating the worm beast, Zhao Fu ordered people to remove the worm nest stones and the worm eggs in the big pit.

There are also a lot of worm eggs here, which are densely distributed around, and the number may reach hundreds of millions, but they are relatively small in size and their strength is not as strong as ordinary worm eggs, but so many worm eggs cast a spell, it is very scary. .

After migrating the lair stone and carrying many worm eggs, Zhao Fu brought the Daqin soldiers and returned to Daqin with satisfaction.

Back in Daqin, Zhao Fu saw that the battle had been cleaned up, and asked Alasna next to him, "Is there a big loss on Daqin's side?"

Alasna replied with a smile, "It's not a lot, just tens of millions, but killing 3.5 billion insect beasts, the result is already surprising, and killing so many insect beasts, Now Daqin has also gained a lot of points."

Zhao Fu also chuckled. Fortunately, the loss was not large, and this time the gain was quite large.

When I came to the exchange stele, I saw that Daqin's points were terrifyingly high, and he had already satisfied one-third of the points of Daoist Stone.

At that time, there will be only one thing left, Daqin will be able to create the divine artifact of heaven and earth, and Lingji will also be able to devour other world consciousnesses, thus continuously strengthening.

"Are you done with your work now?"

Alasna came to Zhao Fu's side and spoke to Zhao Fu with a seductive voice.

Zhao Fu understood what she meant, chuckled and hugged her delicate body. After being indescribable with the girls, Zhao Fu was also planning to leave the Chaos World.

But at this time, a soldier reported that the research room said that there was something to look for him.

Hearing this, Zhao Fu was a little puzzled. The research lab in Qindi, the chaotic world, was mainly responsible for researching the weaknesses of worms and beasts, and how to kill worms faster. Could it be that they had an unexpected harvest this time?

With this kind of doubt, Zhao Fu also came to the research room.

"See Your Majesty!"

Many of the undergraduates who were studying, saw Zhao Fu's arrival, and they saluted and shouted.

Zhao Fu nodded and said, "Have you found anything?"

A middle-aged man stepped forward and bowed first, then replied, "Your Majesty! Come and see."

Zhao Fu followed the middle-aged man and came to a table, and on the table was a mung bean-sized stone with a strong breath of life.

"What is this?" Zhao Fu asked with a hint of strangeness.

The middle-aged man replied, "Your Majesty! This is what we found in the bodies of those cockroaches and insects. It contains strong life force. It should be something bred by the cockroaches and insects. There are beasts."

"If this kind of stone is changed, it should form a life medicine."

Hearing this, Zhao Fu was a little surprised. Da Qin killed at least four billion cockroaches and beasts in total, so he could get a lot of life potions.

However, this is something condensed by worms and beasts in the chaotic world. Is it effective for Daqin? No rejection?

Zhao Fu also asked this question, and the middle-aged man replied, "Your Majesty! The method of making life potions is very simple, and we are also studying how to combine that kind of life force so that it can be used by Da Qin."

If it was this question, Zhao Fu was a little disappointed, and replied, "I see! You guys continue to study hard, and let me know if there is any progress."

The middle-aged man obeyed.

Zhao Fu also directly returned to Daqin, because it didn't take much time to solve the problem of insects and beasts, and there was nothing to deal with after returning to Daqin.

At this time, Zhao Fu thought about it, and he was able to understand some of the current public sentiment, because there have been a lot of things happening recently, in addition to the attack on the alchemy world, the decline of the source of heaven and earth, resulting in a reduction in the scope of food production, coupled with various natural disasters, it is extremely shaken people's hearts.

Thinking of this, Zhao Fu sent people to various places in Daqin to collect public opinions and see what their thoughts and opinions were.


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