The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1799 Little Donkey

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

When the Great Qin Unification War was won, some people fled the human world and went to other worlds, such as the previous Siji, and Su Yan was one of them. There was no news for many years. before.

At this time, Su Yan has also changed a lot. He has worn away the spirit of the past, and has become very calm. His eyes are so deep that no one can see his thoughts.

There is another person, dressed in Tsing Yi, with a handsome face and a kingly temperament. He is Li Baiqing, the original heir of the Li family, the lord of the Tang Empire, and a person who is related to Zhao Fu.

Now his temperament is relatively calm, and his appearance is much more mature. The momentum exuding from his body is also very strong, and his eyes are cold and sharp.

When the unification war failed, a large number of people who had hatred with Da Qin escaped from the human world, because they understood that with Da Qin's character, they would die miserably.

They are numerous and not unified. They are scattered and fled everywhere, and they don't care where other people are fleeing. The first thing is to save their own lives.

Li Baiqing escaped from the human world, just when Su Yan, Zhang Heng and others met. At that time, everyone was embarrassed and lonely, because they lost, abandoned countless people and territories, and escaped like a lost dog.

No matter who it is, their faces are very ugly, which is their biggest shame, but in the face of Daqin's unification war, they lost a crushing defeat, and they have no resistance at all.

Although they didn't want to admit it, they still had to accept that Daqin was the strongest empire in the human world.

Some people plan to leave their hometowns and stop fighting against Da Qin. Now that they have seen it through, they just want to live the rest of their lives in peace and ignore the disturbances in the world.

Some people are very unwilling, including Li Baiqing, the Great Tang Empire was destroyed by the Great Qin Empire, the people were slaughtered by the Great Qin, his parents, relatives, and the woman he loves most are still alive and dead.

With the character of the Great Qin Emperor, he would definitely treat them very cruelly. He knew that what Zhao Fu hated the most was his father, and now he couldn't imagine what kind of inhuman torture his father suffered.

Also, he has heard of how debauched Zhao Fu is. He likes wives and mothers the most. In addition to Zhao Fu's hatred for the Li family, Zhao Fu is very likely to rape and prostitute the woman he loves the most, even his mother.

Thinking of their beloved woman and mother, who were constantly violated under Zhao Fu, they kept crying and struggling, shouting that they could save them.

Li Baiqing's heart was twisted like a knife, his fists were clenched tightly, his fingernails pierced his palms, and blood flowed continuously. With such a big hatred, how could he forget, how could he choose to spend the rest of his life in peace.

Thoughts of revenge flooded his mind. Although Zhao Fu was considered his half-brother, Li Baiqing would never accept it. Now he just wanted to tear the corpse into pieces and destroy Da Qin.

At that time, under the darkness of the night, the night wind was blowing gently, a group of people sat beside the bonfire, the firelight reflected everyone's face, and Li Baiqing's face looked a bit hideous.

Su Yan was also very unwilling. He was arrogant, sitting in a high position and despised the heroes. At first, he didn't take Da Qin in his eyes. For him, Da Qin was just a pawn, but as a result, he was defeated by Da Qin again and again.

In the end, he was forced to escape like a lost dog. This is a lifelong shame. Su Yan will never accept an ordinary life. Now destroying Da Qin is his greatest wish in life, and it is also his goal.

Without this goal, he would lose his direction in life and lose his motivation to survive. If Da Qin was not destroyed, then he might as well choose to die.

When Zhang Heng saw his brother like this, he sighed and persuaded, "Senior brother! Let's discover the obsession in your heart! The world is so big, and your talents will shine no matter where you are. There is no comparison to continue to choose to oppose Da Qin."

"Da Qin is really too powerful. With his potential, it is impossible to end the unification of the human world. He will definitely become the most terrifying force here in the future. If he continues to fight against him, the result may be defeated by him. In the end, you He will really die in the hands of Da Qin,"

"Now that the unification of Daqin has been completed, things should end here, and a new life begins. The inheritance of the vertical and horizontal lineage still needs the two of us to develop together."

Su Yan Zhang firmly said, "Junior brother! You don't need to persuade me, my mind has been made up, my life may be to destroy Da Qin, and even if I die in the hands of Da Qin, this result will be accepted."

After saying this, Su Yan took out another book and said solemnly, "Junior Brother! This is an inheritance book from my lineage, and it also has some of my usual insights. Find a good inheritor for me, I hope it won't be like me, In the end, I would like to ask you to continue to develop for me."

Zhang Heng felt a little uncomfortable when he saw Su Yan's firm appearance. He sighed and took the book.

At this time, Su Yan was also in the crowd and noticed Li Baiqing. Seeing Li Baiqing's expression, Su Yan understood the reason after thinking about it.

Among the many dynasties, perhaps the Tang Dynasty and the Qin Dynasty had the deepest hatred, and Zhao Fu, the master of the Qin Dynasty, undoubtedly hated the Tang Dynasty the most.

Thinking of this, Su Yan came to Li Baiqing's side with a smile, "Brother Li! I also think you should not give up your hatred of Da Qin. If you want to destroy Da Qin, I will do my best to help you."

Li Baiqing looked at Su Yan, and he naturally knew Su Yan and understood Su Yan's ability. With the help of such talented people, it will be easier for him in the future.

Thinking of this, Li Baiqing smiled.

Rong, "Thank you so much for your support, Brother Su. I believe we will make a comeback in the future, and will eventually destroy Daqin."

Su Yan smiled and nodded seriously.

The two hit it off at first sight, they sat together and started to talk, discussing in detail the future anti-Qin plan.

Zhang Heng didn't say anything after seeing this, because he understood that no matter what, it would not change Su Yan's thoughts.

At that time, Zhang Heng and Zhao Fu also had a relationship. At that time, he was just showing his momentum, and he already had a lot of potential, but now he has become the master of the human world, which is still shocking.

In his heart, he wanted to help his senior brother to destroy Da Qin together, but this was not in line with his character, and it was too difficult. He didn't know what would happen by then. Now is the best time to get out of this vortex. Among them, there will be no redemption.

On the second day, the sky was white with a fish belly, and the air was cool. Everyone set foot on the road. Zhang Heng watched his senior brother and Li Baiqing go in one direction, and rode his little donkey to the opposite direction.


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