The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1801 Fire

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

"haven't seen you for a long time!"

Li Baiqing stood in the sky, looked at Zhao Fu opposite with a cold expression, and said slowly.

Zhao Fu had a look of disdain on his face, "Why did the two bereaved dogs come back? Aren't they afraid of being defeated by Zhen's hands?"

Li Baiqing replied coldly, "The purpose of our return this time is only to destroy the world. This has become our lifelong belief, and I don't know your confidence. With the brutality of your Daqin, it seems that there are not a few people who offend, this time. But it is very unfavorable to you, and you are the only one worried about, Da Qin."

Zhao Fu sneered, "I'll see after a try, Daqin won't be destroyed so easily in the hands of people like you."

Li Baiqing was not talking about this topic, and said coldly, "What have you done to my parents and relatives? And how did you treat Yang Yuyan?"

Zhao Fu said with a domineering laugh, "You can do what you think. By the way, your mother, your grandmother, and your woman are all doing well now. They are still in my Daqin harem, serving me with all my heart. , to live for your father and grandfather."

Everything was as expected, Li Baiqing's eyes lit up with anger, full of killing intent, with an extremely cold voice, "I will make you pay back ten thousand times and start the attack!"


Under Li Baiqing's order, many generals also issued orders to attack, and countless flaming soldiers rushed forward with a powerful momentum, like a sea of ​​fire, burning everything.

At this time, the flame soldiers who rushed in front raised a hand to face the city wall, and the surrounding fire elements quickly gathered together to form fireballs the size of watermelons, emitting a high temperature.


Countless flame soldiers pushed hard, and each fireball with powerful force flew towards the city wall quickly, bringing out a stream of fire. The surrounding temperature is also rising sharply.

Countless restrictions were activated on Da Qin's side, a powerful momentum spread, and a huge energy shield emerged.

bang bang bang...

One by one, the fireballs hit the defensive cover and exploded, and countless sparks spread out, like a rain of fire.

With so many fireballs, the defensive cover also cracked a little bit. After all, these are all fireballs displayed by second-order soldiers, and their strength is not weak at all.

"Fire arrows!"

Da Qin's side also shot arrows one by one, and the arrows flew out with strength, making a sound of breaking through the air, with a sharp and huge arrow, pouring out like a heavy rain.

The body of the Huoyan soldiers immediately emitted a fire-colored aura, and countless fire-colored breaths formed a large fog of fire. Arrows fell one after another, and they were blocked by the fire fog. Except for a few scattered soldiers who were injured, they did not attack the Huoyan army. How much damage does it cause.

The countless gathered fire mist did not dissipate, but the fire army gathered in the center, forming a huge fireball, with a scorching power, enough to burn everything, and shot it towards the Daqin city wall.


With a huge sound, the huge fireball hit the defensive cover with terrifying power, causing a violent explosion, and a wave of fire spread with terrifying power.

click, click, click...

Countless cracking sounds sounded, and the huge defensive cover cracked countless cracks, and then shattered directly.

Zhao Fu's eyes were filled with a hint of coldness. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he ordered people to shoot countless arrows at once.

boom boom boom...

One after another powerful streamer, with incomparably sharp power, as well as a huge and amazing momentum, instantly cut through the sky, bringing out a stream of flow marks, unstoppable, and shot at the army of flames.

In addition to the streamers, there was also a crossbow arrow with a thick finger, which also flew out with a powerful force.

The soldiers in front of the Huo Yan army felt a huge danger, and countless fire mists emerged from their bodies at one time, forming a wall of fire mist.

Puff puff……

But the streamers shot into the fire mist with amazing power, directly splitting the fire mist, and shot the fire soldiers one by one.


The following crossbow arrows fell with a strong force, penetrating the bodies of the flame soldiers.

This is Daqin's rune arrow plus second-order crossbow arrow. It's not so easy to resist, but Daqin's rune arrow is not too many, otherwise the effect will be even more amazing.

Blood splashed and screams kept screaming. Some of the flame soldiers were directly shot to death, some were just injured, blocked by fire fog, and the strength of the flame soldiers themselves, so the rune arrow did not cause the previous terrifying effect.

The army of flames who suffered this blow also launched a counterattack in anger, and each fireball flew towards the city wall with terrifying power.

Now that Da Qin has lost his defensive cover, he can only rely on himself to resist. One by one shield soldiers stepped forward, forming a shield wall, emitting countless black lights, forming a black light curtain.

bang bang bang...

The number of fireballs is extremely large, and the power is also very strong. When they hit the black light curtain, an explosion occurred. In some places where the fireballs were too dense, the light curtain was directly blown up, fell into the city wall, and blew up some Daqin soldiers. out.

There was some confusion for a while, blood splashed, and screams continued, but the affected area was relatively small.

At this time, the Huo Yan army continued to attack Daqin with a terrifying momentum.


Daqin's side also shot countless arrows to attack, and also caused some casualties. Although Daqin's side had a larger number, it was not strong enough. The arrows shot were easily blocked by the Huoyan army.

However, the arrows also played a very good role, weakening the fierce impact of the flame army.


Behind the flame army, people wearing fiery robes and holding a wooden staff appeared.

I saw that they exuded a huge momentum, raised their wooden sticks, whispered incantations, and the huge fire elements gathered, forming a huge fire-colored magic circle in the sky.

This magic circle absorbs the power of countless heaven and earth, emitting a slight fire, and there is a hot momentum, dyeing the sky into fire, and the temperature around it also rises.


The huge fire-colored magic circle erupted with a powerful momentum, and countless orange flames fell from the sky, like a rain of fire, with the power to burn everything, and floated towards the Daqin city wall.

On Da Qin's side, he immediately defended the shield, forming a huge black mask to block the countless falling sparks.

However, countless flaming armies with huge momentum continued to go out of the Daqin city wall, losing the suppression of arrows, and the flaming army became extremely fierce.

ooh ooh...

A huge dragon roar sounded, shaking the four directions, and a huge dragon's might spread out, and I saw a thousand-meter-sized creature, some like a worm, some like a dragon.


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