The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1804 Blood God

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

The barrels of kerosene fell down, and the demon horn army directly used an ice crystal to freeze the kerosene, making it impossible to ignite, and the monster horn army continued to attack.

At this time, half-human, half-bird creatures also flew in the sky. These creatures have bird-like wings, but human-like heads, and their bodies are also human, and they have hands, but their lower bodies are similar to birds.

They flew in the sky and launched a rapid attack on Da Qin. Arrows shot at Da Qin, and spears shot out with terrifying power, penetrating the bodies of some Da Qin soldiers.

Da Qin also shot arrows one by one, as well as huge crossbow arrows, shooting these birdmen down from the air.

The battle was very fierce, blood was splashing constantly, screams kept screaming, more and more people died, and the corpses covered the ground.

The demon horn army used the soldiers in the sky to suppress Daqin and rushed to the city wall. They were originally second-order demon horn soldiers. In order to successfully capture Daqin, Yao Ming deliberately attacked with powerful arms.

Daqin's side was originally understaffed, and now it is not only attacked by the demon horn soldiers in the sky, but also facing the army attacking from below, plus the gap in cultivation, making Daqin invincible.

The demon horn soldier slashed a Daqin soldier in half with one knife, and blood splashed continuously. The demon horn soldier smashed a Daqin soldier out with a forceful claw, and the demon horn soldier pierced the Daqin soldier's chest with a long spear.

The Daqin soldier slashed a demon horn soldier out with an axe, and a Daqin soldier cut off the head of a demon horn soldier with a knife, blood spurted out, and a Daqin soldier pierced the demon horn soldier's throat with a sword.

The two sides were fighting on the city wall, and the blood had dyed the city wall red. Seeing that Da Qin was also somewhat lost, Da Qin immediately issued an order to retreat.

The Daqin soldiers and beasts who received the order quickly fled to the rear.

Yao Ming stood in the sky, looking at the fleeing Da Qin army, he couldn't help laughing recklessly. This was the first time he defeated Da Qin, and the first time he saw Da Qin who escaped, not him, finally let out this bad breath. become extremely good.

Now to break the Daqin defense, the next step is to rush into the Daqin interior, enter the Daqin Palace, and destroy Daqin.

Thinking of this, Yao Ming couldn't help being a little excited, and shouted loudly, "The whole army is attacking! Everyone who breaks Daqin will be rewarded, and all the items in the city will be owned by women."

The Yaojiao army was breaking through the defense of Daqin, the old enemy. All the people were excited and excited. When they heard Yaoming's words in the sky, their aura rose sharply, and they charged towards Daqin with a ferocious aura.

But some did not expect that Daqin did not know when to build the second defensive wall, and Yao Ming did not hesitate. He could break through the first defensive wall, and he could also do the second.


The army of demon horns on the ground, with a terrifying momentum, roared loudly, like a flood that swept everything, and rushed towards the Daqin city wall.

The countless flying troops in the sky were also excited and flew towards the Daqin city wall. They had heard that Daqin was very rich and had many beautiful women.

Countless monsters also roared excitedly and charged towards Da Qin with a powerful momentum. They wanted to devour those Da Qin people and kill all those Da Qin beasts. Their meat monsters also like to eat.

ah ah ah ah...

A shrill scream rang out, and the demon horn soldier who rushed over on the ground only felt a gray breath pouring into the body from the ground, just like countless insects biting the body, and it didn't take long to die.

Not only them, the army flying in the sky, and the monsters all felt that countless insects were biting their bodies, and it was impossible to count them.

Flying troops and monsters fell from the sky one by one, with a look of pain on their faces, and there were many traces of insect bites on their bodies.

When Yao Ming saw this scene, he knew what method Da Qin used, that is, to turn the ground into a cursed place, and immediately ordered the army to stop, and Yao Ming asked people to break this cursed place.

Because Da Qin had used him once before, Yao Ming was also prepared, and specially prepared some people to break this curse.

But Yao Ming was soon disappointed, and the man said with an ugly face, "Your Majesty! The curse power contained in this cursed land is too strong, and it is very strange, and we can't remove it with our power."

Hearing this, Yao Ming waved his hand angrily and beheaded that man, seeing that Da Qin was about to be destroyed, how could he give up and shouted loudly, "I don't care what method you use, solve this cursed place for me."

However, there is still no one, because the worm eggs collected by Da Qin for so long are all used here, and the number cannot be counted.

The eyes are returning to the Western battlefield.

Aragami had already appeared in the sky with twelve divine envoys, only to see the twelve divine envoys burst out with a powerful force, one by one blood spheres appeared behind them, and the blood spheres were controlled by the divine envoys and flew down.

Twelve blood cells were lined up, and an incomparably powerful suction force erupted. Countless blood poured into the blood cell like a tide, and that blood cell absorbed the blood of countless second-order soldiers and became incomparably huge.


Twelve huge blood balls shot out huge blood-colored tentacles, penetrating the bodies of each soldier. Those second-order soldiers had little resistance, because now the blood god demon is composed of second-order soldiers.

bang bang


The corpse soul guard also launched a ferocious attack. With a powerful sword, the flame giant was cut in half. Some of them smashed the flame giant away with a hammer, and some smashed the flame giant with a fierce shield. .

roar roar...

The battle on the side of the flying insect nest dragon also achieved favorable results. Taking advantage of the advantage of being able to fly in the sky, it sprayed out a terrible beam of light, penetrating the body of the fire beast, and some swooped down directly, with heavy dragon claws. One blow leaves a huge wound.

However, the battle on the city wall was very stalemate. The Huoyan army kept killing Daqin soldiers, and the Daqin army quickly killed the Huoyan army. Both sides suffered a lot of losses.

Seeing the scene in front of him, General Yan said, "Li Baiqing! I think we should retreat temporarily. We will lose too much in this way, and it is possible that our side will lose."

Li Baiqing's face was cold, looking at Zhao Fu in front of him, he was very unwilling to retreat like this.

Su Yan also said, "Bai Qing! Calm down now, the situation is not good for us, if we continue like this, we will lose, or we should retreat temporarily and try the forces near the United Nations."

In the end, Li Baiqing took a deep breath, calmed down, nodded and agreed.


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