The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1813 Insect Beast

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

It looks like a black metal cage, covering that space, and every metal column is also covered with runes, with a strong and sturdy aura, as if no giant beast can break through.

There is also a hard rock wall outside the cage, which is also full of restrictions, with a heavy and solid momentum, and also has a strong defense.

Now that the passage and crack space are arranged, Zhao Fu still wants to experiment, because it still seems to be no problem, and he has not really tested it, and he is not completely sure that there is no problem.

It also avoids any accidents when Da Qin uses it at a critical moment. Once an accident occurs, the consequences will be very serious.

After ordering everyone to prepare everything, the test officially began.

A team of Daqin soldiers with more than a thousand people came to the outside of Qin and randomly found a worm nest with hundreds of thousands of worms and launched an attack on it, which directly caused countless worms to kill those soldiers.

These soldiers naturally fled immediately and led the group of worms to the Qinglong Gate, which had already opened at this time.

Feeling the breath of the Apocalypse World here, many insects and beasts became excited and became more ferocious. Their natures had been integrated into the order of the people who slaughtered the Apocalypse World, and they rushed in without any hesitation.

The second door of the fallen angel also opened, and the insects and beasts still rushed into it and entered the passage.

At this time, things also happened. Those insects and beasts did not continue to move forward along the passage, but attacked the city walls on both sides. Some insects and beasts had already climbed on the walls of the passage. Quickly attacked the city wall.

The soldiers guarding the wall of the passage also immediately shot, shooting arrows one by one, slashing out a beam of light, killing those insects and beasts one after another.

In an open space in Apocalypse World, Zhao Fu is guarding here with some soldiers. Now it is just a test, so he did not force the teleportation outside, but teleported to this place to see the effect first.

At this time, Zhao Fu was a little surprised when he learned about the Chaos World. Why did those insects and beasts have a good passage and still attack the city wall?

When he came to Chaos World, Zhao Fu personally inquired about the situation and found a problem.

Why did those insects and beasts move along the passage, and why they did not move along the passage, they rushed into the city wall because there were people in the city wall, and their nature was to kill these people.

But after rushing into the city wall, facing the road that has been moving forward, and the people who pass through the city wall on both sides, one side is the one who can't see anything, and doesn't know what there will be, and the other side is the living apocalypse world.

You don't need to think about it, you can understand that those insects and beasts will not move forward, but will choose to attack the people on the city wall.

Now this problem is very critical. If it can't be solved, then the passage and door will be a waste of time. Because it is built, the insects and beasts will not follow the passage and attack the city wall directly. What's the use?

Introducing those insects and beasts will only harm themselves, and it is a waste of time and troops.

Zhao Fu suddenly thought that the reason why those insects and beasts ran here from the lair was because someone made a bait to attract them here. If someone kept attracting them to the crack, they would follow them all the way.

But now the problem comes again. There is no problem for a small number of people to attract a small group of worms, but to attract most of the worms, it needs a lot of people.

For most of them, facing countless insects and beasts, it is very likely that they will not be able to escape, and they need to lead all the way to the cracks. This has almost no chance of survival, which is equivalent to sending countless people to death.

If you let the strong to attract, it will not solve the problem, even if a strong emperor, when faced with large-scale insects and beasts, can only escape.

"Then what should we do now?"

The original plan was very good, but he didn't expect such a thing to happen, and Zhao Fu had a headache.

After thinking about it for a while, Zhao Fu flew to the top of an insect beast's nest, and a powerful aura erupted directly, and then launched an attack, slamming into the insect's nest, and the insects and beasts of the entire insect nest rushed towards Zhao Fu angrily. .

Zhao Fu flew forward at a slow pace, leading the group of worms to Qin, and the worms followed Zhao Fu angrily.

In less than a while, the group of insects and beasts were led to the Qinglongmen, and Zhao Fu stood in the sky to observe.

The insects and beasts on the ground, feeling the aura of a large number of people from Apocalypse, also became more excited and ferocious, and rushed towards the Azure Dragon Gate, completely ignoring Zhao Fu, because it was obvious that the many people from Apocalypse in the city were more attractive to them.

Zhao Fu is a little concerned about this. Since the aura of the Apocalypse world is so attractive to insects and beasts, it is better to use the aura of the Apocalypse world to attract insects and beasts, and the effect should be very good.

Thinking of this, Zhao Fu killed those insects and beasts at will, and then came to the vicinity of the crack in the chaotic world.

In fact, it leads to the world of Apocalypse, and there are already many apocalypse world breaths pouring in, but there are also formations and forbidden seals here, because once they are all opened, insects and beasts in the entire region may sense it.

At that time, tens of billions of insects and beasts may attack, this person may resist? Not even great power.

When Zhao Fu arrived, he didn't want to break the seal here. He just planned to draw some of the apocalypse's breath and pave the way along the passage. The countless insects and beasts would be drawn by the aura of the apocalypse world and enter the cracks obediently.

Thinking of this, Zhao Fu immediately called in numerous formation masters and talisman masters to discuss together how to do that.

After more than an hour, the method was quickly figured out, that is, to arrange a magic circle belt on the passage, and use the magic circles to draw the breath here to form a river of breath.

In this way, countless insects and beasts can obediently follow the river of breath and enter the crack.

Zhao Fuma ordered people to set up a magic circle, and then ordered people to attract a wave of insects and beasts.

Soon hundreds of thousands of insects and beasts were attracted again, feeling the aura of the apocalypse, becoming excited and ferocious, and rushing towards Qinglongmen.

At this time, the magic circles on the ground of the passage were activated one by one, and an invisible breath, like a river, spread from the cracks to the gate of Qinglong.

Feeling the breath of the world of Apocalypse, not the breath of Apocalypse living beings, countless insects and beasts almost went crazy, bursting out with a powerful momentum, becoming extremely ferocious, quickly following the passage, rushing forward, without any stay, also There is nothing to stop it.

This scene still looks a little scary, because the look of that group of worms going crazy is a little too scary.

Fortunately, there are only hundreds of thousands of insect beasts here. It would be terrifying if the number of insect beasts reached hundreds of millions.


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