The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1815 Evil Flower

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After Zhao Fu thought about it, he agreed.

Mu Minxian's heart was slightly relieved. Those people were originally used as materials for experiments, but after a lot of alchemy soldiers were arrested, Mu Minxian has been using her power to temporarily keep them, which made those people alive.

Now I just seize the opportunity and propose to Zhao Fu to use their words.

She naturally planned to do so.

In the face of such a huge Qin Empire, the forces are intertwined, and she feels too weak by herself, and some cannot stand in the Qin Dynasty. She urgently needs someone to help her, and she knows the people in the prison, so she is also relatively Trust them.

Zhao Fu didn't care about the affairs here, and he came to the sea of ​​flowers again. He wanted to ask those mistresses how their cultivation was restored. They were once comparable to the mighty people. If they were to restore their cultivation.

Thinking about it, it is the Twelve Great Powers, enough to help Daqin sweep everything, and who else in the outer domain can resist the Twelve Great Powers.

But after coming to the sea of ​​flowers, I saw a three-meter-sized, milky-white skin, a pair of watery eyes, and chubby bugs, jumping in the sea of ​​​​flowers, splashing many petals, chasing Meimeibai. Hundred peaches and three flower fairies.

The three flower fairies showed happy smiles, let out sweet laughter, and teased the big bug in front of them, and the big bug was also very happy.


When the big bug saw Zhao Fu coming here, he jumped very happily, his body jumped so high that Zhao Fu was pressed down by the big bug before he could react.

The cute bug rubbed his head against Zhao Fu's face affectionately. Zhao Fu couldn't help but chuckle. This big bug was the previous Pure World Color Butterfly.

"Your Majesty! You are here." The three flower fairies flew to Zhao Fu with smiles on their faces.

Zhao Fu patted Caidie's head with a smile, Caidie was reluctant to move away from Zhao Fu, Zhao Fu fought, and responded with a smile.

The three flower fairies happily talked about all kinds of interesting things beside Zhao Fu. Although they were relatively ordinary, they were still very interesting. Seeing their carefree and happy appearance, Zhao Fu couldn't help but feel a little envious.

There is also looking at Jingshi Caidie, which is a world beast in the human world, with very powerful power, and has the power of the origin of the world from birth.

In addition to it, the activities of the inheritors of the human world once selected eight people with inheritance functions from more than eight billion people.

As the inheritors of the human world, the eight of them are already standing at the top of the world, controlling the future direction of the human world. Originally, they would be famous in history and will be remembered by all mankind.

But because of Zhao Fu's appearance, these eight people are now dead, fleeing, and descending.

Those who surrendered to Daqin included Arthurina, the British inheritor, the Holy See inheritor of Grofi, and the Hanano True-clothed monster inheritor.

They also have a very strong and terrifying creature in their hands. For example, Arthurina's Tianhuang Qinglong is the holy beast that guards the world. Zhao Fu has seen the terrifying power it displays with his own eyes, and even tried it.

Grofi also obtained the Nine Immortals Milu, one of the four guardian sacred beasts, and the powerful pet obtained by Zhenyi is also a very terrifying power, an existence that has been stripped from the myth, that is, the eight-headed snake.

These three creatures all have very powerful powers, and there is Jingshi Caidie, and their powers cannot be wasted in vain.

Thinking of this, Zhao Fu patted the head of Jing Shi Caidie, let them continue to play for a while, and then deal with their affairs later.

Zhao Fu's Flower Field Palace, this is the center of the Flower Field, and gathers the greatest power of flowers, especially among the Seven Wonderful Flowers of Apocalypse, the World Flower, the Evil Demon Abyss Flower, and the Dark Night Flower.

As the seven wonders of the world of Apocalypse, they all have very terrifying power, but I don't know the reason, but they haven't bloomed yet, especially the world flower, which was first cultivated by Daqin, and now it grows bigger, but it has not bloomed.

This is undoubtedly the best place for those mistresses to regain their strength, because their own core strength is the power of Xie Mo Yuanhua.

Zhao Fu came to the place where his wife was practicing, and saw that they were sitting on a platform, forming a circle. The constant black aura on their bodies gathered in the middle, forming a black flower, which was the evil devil flower. .

Aware of Zhao Fu's arrival, many mistresses also slowly opened their eyes, showing a smile, "Ye'er! You're here."

Zhao Fu replied with a smile, and asked, "I don't know if you can restore your full strength if you are suitable."

The Grandfather said with a smile, "That's so fast, and it will take at least a few decades to regain the power comparable to that of almighty. What happened to you Ye'er? You want our power so much?"

"Yeah? Ye'er, please tell us about it." Several mistresses gathered around and asked with a concerned smile as they hugged Zhao Fu's body, also with a hint of charm.

Zhao Fu briefly explained the current situation.

Many mistresses also understand the current situation in Daqin. They usually stay in Huayu and don’t care about Daqin’s affairs, so they don’t know the situation in Daqin. Zhao Fu can accompany them occasionally, and they are very happy.

The master said seriously, "Ye'er! We can't help you for the time being, but you are the inheritor of your master, and your master is the first evil demon flower, and he was also the one who caused the catastrophe in the demon realm."

"You're not using his power now

For example, your master has mastered a method of cultivating an army of demons, which is faster and more numerous than developing any kind of evil flower, and it should be useful to you. "

Zhao Fu's mind went blank after hearing this, because he didn't know anything about the demon army at all, maybe because he wasn't the true heir, the demon flower ancestor wanted to kill him now, so it was naturally impossible to tell him about the demon army.

However, it was impossible for Evil Demon Huazu to tell himself, but as his Evil Flower Envoy, that is, his twelve teachers, he should know the cultivation method of the evil demon army, which might be useful to Da Qin.

Now Daqin has an army of human races, an army of monsters, an army of ghosts, and an army of gods falling light angels.

Thinking of this, Zhao Fu said with a smile, "But because of the rush, the master didn't tell me, so I don't have any information on this, so I would like to ask my wife to explain."

Fourth Shi Niang smiled and took off her clothes, "Of course there is no problem, let's go to bed and have a good talk!"

Many mistresses were charming, happy, and shy, and they took off their clothes one after another, as did the usually dignified mistresses.

Zhao Fu smiled helplessly.


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