The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1818 Subduing Daqin

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At this time, Guti Inner Territory also paid attention to things here. In fact, since the arrival of the Fengshen Empire, they had gotten into trouble, so they no longer provided help to Yaojiao and Daqin, and they paid less attention.

But the current situation here has made no one think that the original three major forces plus an alliance have made the situation here tense and depressing, and now there is another Fire Kingdom.

At this time, it is almost difficult to see this situation, because there are rarely so many huge forces in one place, the fighting between several parties is even more tragic, and the surrounding world can only look up in amazement.

Among them, the most dazzling is naturally Daqin. From the time when it rushed out of the human world, it directly attacked three world continents, to the opposing powerful Demon Horn Empire and the even more terrifying Fengshen Empire. The three major forces forced the alliance Formed, and now joined by the Kingdom of Fire.

Daqin is now not only under attack by two forces, but also facing the threat of two other huge forces. It is really surprising that Daqin can withstand such great pressure.

Because the situation here is too complicated, Guti Inner Territory has no intention of supporting anyone, and it is very likely that materials and resources will be wasted.

However, there are also several forces that throw olive branches to Daqin. If Daqin is willing to submit to them and become their vassal state, they intend to help Daqin.

Facing the current situation, Daqin needs help very much, otherwise it may really perish. At this time, it is the most suitable time to subdue Daqin.

As for the Kingdom of Fire, they have no fear, because they are also the Inner Empire, and the Second Fengshen Empire makes them a little bit afraid, but now the first Fengshen can't protect himself, and the second Fengshen is nothing to fear.

The forces that came were the Bear Mountain Kingdom, Gu Jianzong, who were all enemies of Da Qin, as well as the Qingmu Kingdom, the Ancient Shenzong, the Jiuyun Kingdom, and the Icefield Kingdom.

Finally, I would like to say that the original Bayuan Dragon Sect took one step ahead of Daqin and became a kingdom-level force in Gudiyu.

Some people may be unfamiliar with this power. His young sect master is Long Yang, the one who took seven stunning princesses to play around, but after the ruins, his seven stunning princesses became Zhao Fu's things. Longyang seems to have escaped back to the Eight Yuan Dragon Sect.

Originally, they already had six worlds, and their foundation was very deep. In these years, they made rapid progress, captured four worlds, and became a kingdom-level force.

That Long Yang also found eight stunning princesses again, and practiced the holy power of the Eight Yuan Dragon Sect. He also defeated the sixth-ranked person on the Gudi list in the previous session and became the sixth-ranked genius on the Gudi list. adoration.

After all these years, Long Yang has become a lot more calm and ruthless, and he has also put in a lot of effort to be today, because he will never forget the fierce images of his seven beloved women and other men.

Long Yang vowed to find that person, slash him with a thousand swords, and extract his soul to torture him, otherwise he would never take his breath away.

In addition to him, Xiong Xiao, the third prince of the Bear Mountain Kingdom, also came, and he has also become the heir to the throne of the Bear Mountain Kingdom.

At the same time, there are also some acquaintances, such as Bing Qixue, Qing Muyu, Jiu Xiaoyun, and Gu Qingyue.

Finally, there is a young man named Jianyin, with a sharp sword aura, which makes people afraid to approach. He is the new Tianjiao of Gujianzong. I heard that his talent and strength are higher than that of Gujian.

And Gu Jian was the most terrifying genius of Gu Jianzong back then.

Now the first force in Gudiyu, Xiu Dao Sect, has been behind closed doors because of the sensation Zhao Fu caused at the Emperor Dao Academy last time, which has made Gujianzong's power and prestige soar, and has become the most influential in Gudiyu. power.

After several years of rapid development, it has even been able to compare with the Taoist sect in terms of strength.

It is also a test that the various forces send them here to see if they can conquer Da Qin. If they can, their position in the forces will be unshakable, and Da Qin will be directly handed over to them.

At the same time, letting these inheritors show their sincerity. If Daqin is interested, they should agree. If they don't agree, they may also add fire to Daqin and accelerate Daqin's demise.

When they arrived, Zhao Fu also personally entertained them. Sitting in the main hall, he said with a smile, "I wonder why you all come to Daqin?"

Several people did not salute and stood on the main hall.

Among them, Xiong Xiao and Long Yang were somewhat dissatisfied. Zhao Fu sat on the throne and talked to them. In their opinion, Daqin would be destroyed sooner or later without their intervention. Zhao Fu should be more respectful to them and come down to entertain them in person.

However, this time they understood that they were here to subdue Da Qin, and they didn't show it.

Jianyin looked at Zhao Fu with a pair of eyes, and said coldly, "I don't want to talk nonsense either. With the current situation of your Daqin, there should be no hope. My Gujianzong has now become the number one force of Gudizong, and I submit to Gujian. No one dares to touch you here, and it is also the best choice for your Daqin."

This Jianyin was the first to say such a thing, which made the other people a little uncomfortable, because their forces were also a little afraid of the ancient sword sect, and now the ancient sword sect is too powerful.

Zhao Fu was a little dissatisfied with his attitude. No one in Daqin dared to speak to him like that, and he was a king of nine worlds anyway.

There is also Gu Jianzong and Zhao Fu have a big hatred, how could Zhao Fu agree to him, with a hint of coldness, "Now Da Qin has not surrendered to anyone's idea, if you are all for this purpose, then please come back!"

Jianyin's eyes are cold

Looking at Zhao Fu, "Are you sure? Don't regret it later, now the Ancient Sword Sect is the most powerful, and other forces cannot compare to the Ancient Sword Sect."

This remark caused other people to be dissatisfied, because Jianyin clearly showed disdain for their power.

Aoki snorted softly, "Your Ancient Sword Sect is so loud, if it wasn't for the Xiu Dao Sect to be locked out for no reason, then it would be your Ancient Sword Sect's turn, and your Ancient Sword Sect is strong now, can you still be hostile? All the kingdom-level forces in Gudiyu?"

Xiong Xiao also said with a trace of anger, "Jian Yin! You are a little too arrogant, Gu Jian was not as arrogant as you at the beginning, and if you are careful, you will end up like Gu Jian, as if you have nothing to do with that mysterious emperor. solve."

Long Yang also sneered, and said with a hint of sarcasm, "Is Gu Jianzong strong? It seems that many people have been taken away by the mysterious emperor, and it seems that the sect master's wife has been taken away. Now who knows if it is the mysterious emperor? Panting from below."


Hearing this, it has always been a shame for Gu Jianzong. Anger surged in Jianyin's heart, and a strong sword qi burst out directly. If the gust of wind attacked in all directions.


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