The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1827 Emperor Killing Sword (Subscription)

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With a wave of Zhao Fu's hand, the chains pulled several women in front of Zhao Fu.

Several women fell to the ground and looked at Zhao Fu with fear. Now they don't know what Zhao Fu will do to them, but the result must be tragic, because those who fell into Zhao Fu's hands in the past were not dead, they just died. No news.

The handsome-looking man shouted with anger, "Hurry up and let them go. If you dare to do anything to them, I will definitely not let you go."

Zhao Fu turned his head and looked at the handsome man with a pair of eyes. A ghostly energy surged out. A strong evil spirit appeared beside the handsome man. One foot stepped on the young man's body, and the other hand grabbed the arm. Pull hard a little bit.

The handsome-looking man let out a shrill scream, his arm was torn off bit by bit by the evil spirit, and blood kept gushing out.

With tears in her eyes, the innocent woman pleaded, "Please let my brother go! You can do anything to me."

Zhao Fu ignored her. With his outstretched hand, an iron chain shot out, bringing the four men to him.

Seeing the severely injured man and the scared woman bound by the chains, the mature woman looked ugly, thought for a while, made a decision, and said, "Didn't you just say that you are interested in me? ? I can serve you, but you have to let them go."

Everyone was stunned and surprised. They didn't expect that the mature woman would actually propose to serve the mysterious emperor, just for their safety.

They were moved and grateful, but also guilty, for making mature women pay such a price.

The dignified woman could not help but persuade with tears in her eyes, "Senior sister! Don't do this."

Mature looked straight at Zhao Fu with a pair of eyes, and answered, "You don't have to persuade me, it's totally worth it if you can exchange your body for a few of you."

He said to Zhao Fu again, "How is it? As long as you let them go, I will serve you well now. I am still a virgin, so you should be satisfied."

Zhao Fu chuckled lightly and came to the mature woman. He reached out and grabbed her head directly, lifting her body up.

The mature woman's face showed a hint of pain, but she forced a smile, "I will make you feel comfortable and happy, and we can start elsewhere now."

Zhao Fu chuckled, "You look too high on your charm, although you look good, you just happen to be the type I like, so you are a little attractive, but that's all, and I want your body , do I still need your permission?"

The mature woman's heart sank and her face became pale.

At this time, Zhao Fu's eyes turned pure black, and a pair of flower-like pupils emerged, and countless black breaths poured into the woman's eyes from Zhao Fu's eyes. The woman struggled a few times, but soon there was no movement. like a puppet.

"What have you done to our senior sister?" the hot woman shouted angrily.

Zhao Fu glanced at her and replied with a smile, "It will be your turn later!"

He ignored her and threw the mature woman in his hand to the ground. Zhao Fu grabbed the body of the elegant young man, and countless black breaths poured into his eyes, and the young man quickly turned into a puppet.

Next, Zhao Fu controlled them all with Evil Flower Pupils. They were exactly eleven, as if each of them had mobilized 100,000 disciples, which was exactly 110,000, and together they just completed the task.

Now some people are injured, in order to avoid being seen, Zhao Fu also restores their injuries, so that they all look the same as normal.

Zhao Fu showed a smile and said, "You all go to action now!"


Eleven people responded in unison. Now they are under Zhao Fu's control, their expressions are not so dull, and their movements are not like puppets, but they are normal.

Zhao Fu came to a secret place and waited.

Eleven people returned to the sect, and they did not notice anything unusual, and they also used their powers to start mobilizing disciples.

The last time Zhao Fu used the token to lead out some talented disciples. If it was used once, it would be easy for the Ancient Sword Kingdom to detect it, but this time the people who controlled the Ancient Sword Sect brought the disciples over by Zhao Fu, and it was difficult for them to detect it.

First of all, they didn't know who would betray Gu Jianzong, and the number of 1.1 million disciples was really small. The two cities combined had a population of 1 million, and Gu Jianzong now had fourteen worlds.

"Elder! Are you taking us there?"

Some people who were ordered to mobilize, followed behind the elegant man, and said with some doubts.

The elegant man said with a gentle smile, "You will know when you arrive. It will be of great benefit to you."

At this time, it was time that the elegant man was no longer talking, but Zhao Fu who controlled the elegant man to speak.

Hearing the elegant man's words, many disciples also looked happy.

After a while, the elegant man brought many disciples to an open space. There are dense forests all around, which seems to be a bit hidden here.

"Elder! Is this here?"

Some disciples hadn't noticed the danger yet, looked around curiously and asked, but didn't see anything special about this place.

The elegant man turned his head and showed a gentle smile, "It's here! Now I'll let you feel what a very strong sword intent is."


A huge roar sounded, and I saw the sky

A huge crack appeared in it, countless black blood-colored sword qi gushed out, and the surroundings became icy cold, and inside the crack was another blood-colored world.

Countless disciples felt the huge sword energy, both fearful and excited. They had never felt such a terrifying sword energy.

However, some people sensed something was wrong and hurriedly retreated.


At this time, a powerful suction burst out from that huge crack, and countless disciples were sucked into the crack without reacting.

Some disciples tried their best to struggle, but there was still no resistance, and they were all sucked into the crack by the suction.

There are also some people on the periphery, who are less affected by the suction, and they have already noticed that something is wrong, so they quickly flee to other places.

clang clang...

An iron chain shot out quickly, bound their bodies, and then threw them into the blood-colored crack, no one could escape.

To solve these 100,000 disciples, Zhao Fu used this method to get all the remaining disciples into the Emperor Killing Sword Realm.

When these disciples enter the Emperor Killing Sword World, their bodies will be directly eroded by the meaning of killing swords, and they will be immersed in the killing sword pool, and they don’t need Zhao Fu to care. As long as they wait for a while, Zhao Fu will have one more More than a million turn into the devil with the sword.


Zhao Fu had just sucked the last disciple into the crack qualification, and suddenly a huge roar sounded, and a terrifying coercion spread, making the world change.


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