The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1840 The Guardian God (Subscribe)

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

Zhao Fu stepped forward to check the attributes of these bronze doors, and found that their abilities not only released ghosts, but also copied other powers, but they couldn't copy too advanced powers.

For example, those ghosts just had a trace of Zhao Fu's power, and they couldn't really replicate Zhao Fu's power.

Although high-level power cannot be copied, the power of ordinary powerhouses can still be copied, and as long as the door is not destroyed, those ghosts cannot be really killed. I feel that this ability is not bad.

Zhao Fu put them all away, and when he went back, he refined them into his own.

Keep going!

Still not seeing anything, Zhao Fu came to the front of a huge cave, and the front was even darker, with a faint coercion and a divine aura.

The corner of Zhao Fu's mouth lifted into a smile, and now he could tell that there was a god in front of him.

Entering the entrance of the cave, and following the passage for about ten minutes, Zhao Fu came to a large space at a time.

There are tens of thousands of meters in size, thousands of meters high, the ground is very empty, there is nothing, there is a 100-meter-high platform in the center, there is a throne at the top, and a woman sits on it.

The woman is graceful, wearing black armor, with long cyan hair, eyes closed, and a beautiful face, with a strong temperament, a strong momentum, and a strong aura of the gods.

There was also a long bronze knife next to her, emitting a slight blue light, with a sharp breath.

There are bronze doors floating above the space. Each door is three meters high and three meters wide. There is a slight blue light, and there is a momentum. The number reaches tens of thousands, which is very spectacular.

Zhao Fu walked in.

The woman also slowly opened a pair of cyan eyes, her eyes fell on Zhao Fu, and she said, "Who are you? How dare you break into this place."

Zhao Fu showed a smile and said, "I am the lord of the Great Qin Empire and the true controller of Huang Quanguo, and what kind of god are you."

The woman frowned slightly. She found that Zhao Fu was not simple, and replied, "I am the guardian of the ghost gate, you have disturbed my sleep, please leave."

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "You can go! But I want to take you with me. How about you surrender to me now? I will give you everything you want."

The woman was a little angry and replied coldly, "I am a god, how could I become you."

Zhao Fu chuckled, his tone turned cold, "Then you can't blame me!"

clang clang...

A chain with a powerful force shot out from the ground where Zhao Fu was, and shot at the woman quickly.

The woman's face turned cold, she stretched out her hand to grab the long bronze sword, a powerful divine spirit injected into the sword, rushed forward, slashed hard, and a huge sword light slashed out, directly slicing the countless chains into countless pieces. part.

Holding the Emperor Killing Sword, Zhao Fu turned into a stream of light with a powerful aura, and rushed in front of the woman. With a sharp sword light, he slashed towards the woman.

The woman raised her knife to block, blocking Zhao Fu's sword.

Zhao Fu took the sword, and another sword with terrifying power and a fierce sword wind slashed towards the woman.

The woman also injected the power of the gods into the long knife in her hand.


The two weapons collided, making a sound of steel interweaving, sparks splashing, and a strong wind spread out.

The woman took a few steps back, her face a little ugly, and she found that there were some who were not Zhao Fu's opponents.

Zhao Fu said with a sneer, "Now that we know the gap between our strengths, we should surrender as soon as possible to avoid suffering."

The woman snorted angrily, raised a hand, and a force poured out. The bronze doors in the sky radiated blue light, and they smashed towards Zhao Fu with a terrifying force.

Zhao Fu swung out his sword with force, smashing the many bronze doors that came over, and shooting countless pieces.

The woman's outstretched hand turned, and bronze doors in the air smashed towards Zhao Fu with astonishing power from all directions.

Zhao Fu turned on the immortal mode once, a colorful arrogance ignited from the body, a colorful rune circle surfaced, Zhao Fu also stretched out a hand, the rune circle flew above Zhao Fu, exuding an amazing power, forming a circular energy shield.

bang bang bang...

The bronze doors smashed on the circular energy shield, making a loud noise, forming strong winds that spread, but the circular energy shield blocked the countless bronze doors.

The woman's face was startled, she didn't expect Zhao Fu to block countless bronze doors so easily, and then the woman rushed towards Zhao Fu, with a knife with astonishing power, slashed towards Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu waved the sword in his hand disdainfully, and a colorful sword light with terrifying power directly slashed the woman out, fell to the ground, and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Looking at the numerous bronze doors blocking it, Zhao Fu pushed hard, and the circular energy shield directly smashed the countless bronze doors into the air.

The woman got up from the ground, and a terrifying aura erupted, injecting enormous power into the knife in her hand, and the knife exuded a dazzling knife light, sending out a strong knife wind that spread around.


The woman swung hard, a huge sword light, with terrifying power, as if destroying everything, beheading Zhao Fu.


Zhao Fu raised the Emperor Killing Sword in his hand, and a huge force poured into the Emperor Killing Sword in his hand, and the Emperor Killing Sword ignited with colorful arrogance, forming a strong sword wind. Fiercely blowing all around.


Zhao Fu slashed hard, and a huge colorful sword light, with the power to cut everything, slashed towards the woman.


The two attacks collided together, a huge explosion occurred, and a powerful shock wave spread, destroying all the ground in an instant.

Zhao Fu's body emitted a colorful energy shield, blocking the shock wave.

The woman was knocked out and spat out a mouthful of blood, and she had no strength to get up.

The corners of Zhao Fu's mouth rose, and with a smile, he walked towards the woman.

The woman turned pale and cried. "Don't come here!"

Zhao Fu smiled and ignored her words, and continued to walk towards her.

The woman tried to stand up, but it was very difficult.

Zhao Fu walked directly in front of her, a force imprisoned her strength, then picked up her body, and walked outside.

The woman struggled hard, yelling, "You bastard, let me go!"

Zhao Fu didn't care, he carried her body and continued to walk outside, intending to bring her back to Daqin to subdue her.

After a while, Zhao Fu came out carrying the woman's body.

Huang Quanling has been waiting outside, watching Zhao Fu carry a woman out, feeling the breath of the woman, it is the breath of a god, and I am a little surprised, this is the first time I have seen someone treat a god like this.


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