The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1857 Pantheon (for subscription)

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

Zhao Fu didn't mean to be angry either. With full confidence, he said with a smile, "Yes! You can use your strength."

The iron goddess said coldly, "Go outside, it's not easy to perform here."

Zhao Fu nodded, and the two came to the sky.

The power of the Iron Goddess is stronger than that of the Jade Goddess, and with a sharpness of metal, it is very aggressive.

I saw the iron goddess holding an iron spear, with a powerful divine aura, quickly rushed in front of Zhao Fu, a spear with a cold glow, and stabbed Zhao Fu forcefully.

Zhao Fu also took out the Emperor Killing Sword, with a smile on his face, facing the spear stabbed by the Iron Goddess, he waved the sword in his hand, bringing out a fierce black sword light, and slashed on the stabbed long spear. .


A steel symphony sounded, sparks splashed, the gun head and the sword edge collided, and a strong wind spread out.

Zhao Fu stood still and did not move.

The Iron Goddess took a few steps back, her face became a little serious, she now understands that Zhao Fu's strength is indeed very strong.


The Iron Stone Goddess directly burst out with all her strength, and a terrifying momentum spread. With this momentum, the Iron Stone Goddess rushed towards Zhao Fu at one time, and stabbed her long spear hard.

A huge black spear with a terrifyingly sharp aura quickly shot towards Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu stood in the same place, his footsteps still did not move, a force was injected into the sword in his hand, and with a strong swing, a fierce sword light slashed out, directly smashing the piercing light, and countless black lights shot out.


The Iron Goddess appeared in the sky, holding a long spear in both hands, with an astonishing force, hit Zhao Fu from top to bottom, with a ferocious momentum.

With a smile on Zhao Fu's face, he raised the sword in his hand and blocked the incoming long spear.

The Iron Stone Goddess was startled, as if she did not expect Zhao Fu to block his blow so easily.


The body of the Iron Stone Goddess turned into countless iron sand and dissipated, but the next moment the Iron Stone Goddess' body appeared next to Zhao Fu, and with a force of force, she stabbed at Zhao Fu fiercely.

Zhao Fu didn't even look at it, he waved a sword light and slashed out, directly knocking back the long spear that the iron goddess stabbed. The body of the Iron Goddess turned into countless iron sand and dissipated, appeared behind Zhao Fu, and stabbed Zhao Fu with another spear.


Zhao Fu still didn't look behind him, he slashed behind him with a sword, and with a sword light, he repelled the long spear pierced by the Iron Goddess.

The Iron Goddess did not attack Zhao Fu several times. With a look of anger on her face, she raised the spear in her hand and aimed the spear at Zhao Fu.


The iron goddess burst out with a powerful momentum, forming a strong wind to spread, she firmly held the iron gun in her hand and injected all the power into it.

The iron spear radiated a strong light, and a terrifying force gushed out, causing the surrounding temperature to plummet, with an extremely sharp aura spreading, making people feel a chill in their hearts.


The Iron Stone Goddess threw the long spear in her hand towards Zhao Fu. The long spear carried a strong black light and a power that penetrated everything.

Zhao Fu's face didn't change, he raised the sword in his hand, a huge force poured into the Emperor Killing Sword, and a terrifying sword intent spread out.


Seeing that the black spear was about to attack Zhao Fu, and at this moment, Zhao Fu swung the sword in his hand. An astonishing sword light slashed out.


A huge explosion sounded, and a strong wind spread, and the long spear shot with terrifying power was directly flew out by a sword Zhang. I don't know how far it flew, and there was no shadow.

Goddess Iron Stone looked at Zhao Fu in surprise, and now she really understood how powerful Zhao Fu was. The blow just now was her full blow, but she was easily blocked by Zhao Fu and could not hurt him in the slightest.

Zhao Fu raised his sword and pointed at the Iron Goddess. The corners of his mouth rose, with a domineering smile, "Do you want to continue trying now? I'm about to attack."

The Iron Goddess did not hesitate, and said directly, "No need! I am willing to surrender to you."

With a smile, Zhao Fu came to the front of the Iron Stone Goddess. He stretched out his hand and six demonic qi gushed out, forming six magic balloons. Zhao Fu pressed against the Iron Stone Goddess body, and the six magic balloons flew over quickly and merged into the body. In the body of the Iron Goddess.

at once!

The Iron Stone Goddess also felt a hot force spread, and her body also reacted strongly, and her sharp face also showed a hint of blush.

"How can it be so strong?"

The Iron Goddess was a little flustered, although the Jade Goddess had told her before that Zhao Fu would use a very obscene restraint, which would give the feeling that the Iron Stone Goddess was already prepared, but this feeling was really too strong.

Zhao Fu looked at the Iron Stone Goddess in front of him with a blushing face, and his breathing became fast. He showed a smile, and when he reached out, he grabbed it, and an invisible force sealed the Six Desires Demonic Qi in the Iron Stone Goddess' body.

The Iron Stone Goddess breathed a sigh of relief. If she didn't seal that power, she would probably throw herself into the arms of the man in front of her and do that indescribable thing.

Afterwards, the two returned to the ground, and Zhao Fu began to take over the divine power of the Iron Stone Goddess.

I saw the iron goddess raised her hand, sending out a powerful divine power, mobilizing countless power of belief, and there were many black lights in the sky, with a huge metallic aura.

Numerous black lights gathered together to form a black beam of light, which descended with a powerful aura and landed on Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu felt a huge force pouring into his body, and he closed his eyes and began to absorb this force.

However, Zhao Fu immediately discovered that something was different. The inheritance power of the Iron Goddess was in conflict with the inheritance power of the Jade Goddess, and the two inheritance powers could not be merged.

This Zhao Fu has long expected that the godhead that controls his mind emits a strong black light, and uses the power of the powerful godhead to forcibly merge the two inheritance powers.

Under the control of the power of that godhead, there was no difficulty in integrating the two inheritance powers. Zhao Fu absorbed the inheritance power given by the iron goddess and merged the two inheritance powers.

After a while, the vision in the sky disappeared, Zhao Fu absorbed the goddess of iron and stone goddess, and combined the two inheritance powers into a new inheritance power.

He stretched out his hand and a divine energy poured in and out, and many jade particles and iron stone particles floated out, and then condensed together to form a ball with half jade and half iron.

Zhao Fu's face showed a smile, and now he can be sure that he has a special kind of godhead in his mind, which can integrate the inheritance power of many gods, and the plan of the Pantheon can be successful.


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