The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1877 Eye pupil

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

Now the powers around, the strongest power has a population of one billion, and there are more than a dozen gods, and the weakest power is similar to the previous jade goddess.

Those powerful forces are relatively easy to deal with individually. If they are united, Zhao Fu will also feel some pressure, so the previous method cannot be used, because it is possible that you did not destroy others, but were destroyed by others.

With Zhao Fu's strength, those forces attacked, and they couldn't help Zhao Fu, but the Pantheon couldn't keep it.

After thinking about it for a while, strong methods are not enough, so only soft ones can be used. Zhao Fu aimed at some small gods.

Now the Pantheon is a religious force, and both belief and military power are highly centralized, which has some advantages.

If the gods join, they will gain more faith, but this is not enough to attract the gods to join them. They are high among the forces and have no restrictions. Why should they join your forces and be bound by you.

In the past, Daqin had done similar things. At that time, natural disasters were raging. Daqin, relying on its powerful strength and natural disaster resistance, attracted many city lords to join Daqin.

But now there is no pressure to force them to join Daqin, this method is obviously not good.

Zhao Fu discussed with the people present for a while, and there was no good way. Now that they are in a sensitive period, doing anything will arouse their vigilance, so it is difficult for things to succeed.

After thinking about it for a while, Zhao Fu could only do nothing for the time being, focusing on stabilizing his power. Now that the population has suddenly exploded by 200 million, this really needs to be digested.

Now Zhao Fu wants to leave here and go to the inner and central areas to find things related to time attributes.

But now there are only 18 gods in the Pantheon, and the army is only more than 16 million. The strength is not very strong. Once Zhao Fu leaves, it is very likely that the Pantheon will be destroyed by other forces.

The Pantheon was finally established. If it was destroyed, all the previous efforts would be in vain.

At this time, I had a headache. I could neither do anything to the surrounding forces nor leave, so I could only stay here honestly.

After thinking about it, Zhao Fu could only helplessly accept the current situation.

And there are indeed some things that need to be dealt with, such as the current Pantheon army, although it has the attributes of the Pantheon, it can restrain other god soldiers, but there are no other means, and the advantages are not very big.

And now the Pantheon is empty, it looks very deserted, and there is no one to manage it.

Zhao Fu thought that sacrifices were still needed. Every deity had a special sacrifice. The Pantheon was the center of the gods. For various reasons, the Pantheon should not lack the profession of sacrifice.

Deal with the Pantheon army first. Now that the Pantheon army has only one ability, how to increase the means?

Daqin now has a lot of means, but that is only because he has obtained a lot of inheritance and opportunities, but now the Pantheon has not obtained any good opportunities and inheritance, so how to develop means?

Zhao Fu asked many gods if they had any special abilities. As gods, they did have some special abilities.

These are all too common and have no value, Zhao Fu can only find a way by himself.

Now you can't get useful things from many gods, you can only see what is useful from yourself.

Zhao Fu still possesses a lot of power, such as the power of the six paths of reincarnation, the power of immortals, the power of demon masters, the power of gods, the power of dragon emperors, the power of flowers, the power of illusion, the power of killing swords...

If you use these spiritual powers to form an army of different abilities, the effect should be very terrifying.

Because all kinds of powers are extremely terrifying, and there are so many together, no one can handle so many powers. It is a miracle that these powers are integrated into Zhao Fu's body alone.

At this time, it is to see if these powers can come in handy.

Zhao Fu came to the platform where the Pantheon Gun was inserted and began to integrate different powers into the Pantheon Gun. Now that the Pantheon Gun was an inheritance of the Pantheon, Zhao Fu could directly use it to affect everything.

I wondered if it was possible to directly let those soldiers have some of Zhao Fu's weak abilities through the magic spear, but the result was not as good as I imagined.

Some power is integrated into it, but it has no effect, and the integrated power will gradually dissipate. Some powers are also harmful to the Pan God Spear, such as the power of the six reincarnations, the power of the devil, the power of the dragon emperor, and the power of alien races. and many more.

Most of these powers are related to Zhao Fu’s bloodline, or to Emperor Star. When these powers are integrated into it, they will directly destroy the power of the Ten Thousand Gods Spear and cannot be used as inheritance power at all.

The plan may not be successful, Zhao Fu did not give up, anyway, so many kinds of power, try one by one, maybe there is an effective.

In the end, Zhao Fu really gained something, and found that a kind of power is very suitable for the Wan Shen gun, which can make the Wan Shen gun have another ability. As long as this ability is added, the soldiers will also master this ability.

And that kind of power is the power of the emperor's pupil, which is the golden pupil of Zhao Fu's left eye socket, which can release countless chains. It was originally a king's crown, but it was finally integrated into Zhao Fu seriously, and it was completely integrated with Zhao Fu. Through constant transformation, it has become part of Zhao Fu's bloodline.

Injecting the power of this chain into it, the soldier will not only condense the god-killing spear, but also condense the god-binding chain.

Not only that, every soldier is

With the influence of the Pan God Gun, it will also have the ability to control the chain.

Of course, the chains they condensed were definitely not as strong as Zhao Fu, but for ordinary soldiers, it was also an advantage. At critical moments, they could release a chain attack, and they could also use this chain to arrest people.

Every soldier has this ability, which increases the overall strength, as well as ability, of the Pantheon army.

As for why the power of the chain can be integrated into the ten thousand gods spear, Zhao Fu guessed that it is related to the power of inheritance of the five gods, four of which are metal, and the fifth has something to do with it.

The transformation of the Panshen Spear not only incorporates Zhao Fu's power, but also incorporates the power of inheritance of the five of them, so in the end, the Panshen Spear becomes a metal spear, not a stone spear, and the power of the chain is also a kind of metal. force.

Without wasting time, Zhao Fu stood two meters away from the Wanshen gun and stretched out a hand to face the Wanshen gun.


A powerful force erupted from Zhao Fu's body, and the golden pupil of Zhao Fu's left eye socket rapidly turned, emitting a strong golden light.

clang clang...

A golden chain shot out with a strong force, and then tied the Pan God Spear, and a strong golden force kept pouring into it.


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