The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1887 root

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

At this time, Zhao Fu's hand, which turned into countless rhizomes, grabbed it hard, and the countless rhizomes shrank with force.


The protective cover of the goddess shattered directly, the goddess inside became ugly, and countless rhizomes quickly wrapped around her. The goddess burst out with divine power to resist, and a huge demonic power poured into it.

The goddess' body quickly lost control, her consciousness became blurred, and she lost control of her body.

Several goddesses also cut off countless rhizomes that were shot past, and rushed to Zhao Fu's body, a powerful force poured into the weapon in their hands, and the weapon radiated countless cold lights, slashing at Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu directly grabbed the body of the unconscious goddess and threw it hard at them, causing them to immediately withdraw their strength and scolded, "Despicable!"

There were two goddesses attacking from the other side. Zhao Fu's other hand turned into countless rhizomes. With a strong wave, he hit the two goddesses with a powerful force.

Puff puff……

The two goddesses held the long sword and slashed hard, cutting off the rhizome that had been hit, and the rhizome that was cut off danced around.

Zhao Fu charged in front of them with a powerful aura. The roots of his two hands gathered together two huge fists and punched them hard, bringing out an astonishing force and hitting the two goddesses.

boom! boom!

Two dull sounds came out, and the two goddesses flew out backwards, hitting the ground and hitting two big craters.

The anger on Di You's face burst out with all the gods, and a cyan arrogance ignited on his body. He waved the sword in his hand vigorously, and a huge sword light with a terrifying power slashed towards Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu was startled, and his body stretched out countless pale rhizomes, forming a semi-circle cover in front of him.


That sword light was terrifyingly abolished, and a sword slashed the semi-circle cover open, and the huge force would also fly out, falling heavily on the ground, smashing a big hole, and coughing out a mouthful of blood.

Di You held a sword and charged towards Zhao Fu with a murderous look with a powerful aura.

Zhao Fu, who was lying on the ground, stretched out a hand, and a demonic power poured out. That hand turned into countless rhizomes, and with swift and violent power, it shot towards Di You quickly, with a terrifying momentum.

Di You's face was cold, and the sword in his hand was constantly slashing, bringing out a sword light, cutting off countless rhizomes. The distance is also getting closer and closer to Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu snorted coldly, and a terrifying demonic power erupted from his body. Now Zhao Fu is burning the life of this wolf poison, inspiring that demonic power.

I saw a black light wave spread out, and a demonic breath spread.


A pale rhizome with a thick arm shot out from the ground with a powerful force, and shot towards the ground.

Di You's face changed, and the sword in his hand kept slashing out, bringing out streaks of sword light, cutting off the pale rhizomes that shot past, but there were still too many pale rhizomes, not only shot from the front, but also surrounded Di You from the side. past.


A pale rhizome shot out from a corner, bound Di You's feet, and then pulled down, and Di You immediately lost his balance.

A large number of pale rhizomes all around attacked her, Di You looked shocked, waved the sword in his hand, and chopped off many pale rhizomes that shot past, but there were still more pale rhizomes, entangling them. A terrifying body.


A roar emanated, and Di You hurriedly burst out with terrifying divine power, trying to break free, but a terrifying demonic power suddenly poured into her body.

Di You's face became ugly, and he found that he was starting to lose control of his body.

The other four goddesses also hurriedly attacked Zhao Fu, and one after another, huge cold beams slashed towards Zhao Fu.


More huge pale rhizomes grew on the ground, forming a protective cover to protect Zhao Fu's body.

bang bang bang...

The cold beams slashed on the protective cover, making a loud noise, countless roots were cut off, the ground collapsed under the force, the rocks splashed, and smoke and dust were everywhere.

A goddess flew to Diyou's side, swung her sword vigorously, and cut off the many pale rhizomes wrapped around Diyou.

However, Di You had already lost consciousness at this time. The rhizomes around her were cut off, and her body fell to the ground.

The goddess hurriedly hugged Di You's body and checked her body.

The eyes of the other three goddesses focused on the large pit filled with dust and mist. The dust and mist dissipated, and Zhao Fu's body appeared in front of the three goddesses.

At this time, there was a wound on Zhao Fu's body, and the wound was bleeding continuously, but the rhizome was very pale, wrapping the wound, making the wound heal quickly, but Zhao Fu's face was a little pale.

The blow just now took a lot of damage, and now Zhao Fu is burning the life of this body.

The three goddess generals Zhao Fu were not dead yet, and with a cold snort, they charged towards Zhao Fu with a powerful aura.

And Zhao Fu also stood up from the ground, using the last bit of demon power in his body, the hands that turned into countless rhizomes, facing the three goddesses, condensed into one.

On the top of those rhizomes, a huge flower bud began to grow, and the power of heaven and earth gathered around constantly.

Flowers, emitting countless dreamlike rays of light.

The three goddesses who rushed over with a powerful momentum, saw the evil flower, their bodies slowly stopped, and their eyes lost their vigour, as if they were in a hallucination, and the evil power continued to erode them away.

The goddess holding Di You's body was shocked when she saw this scene, and hurriedly poured all the divine power into the sword in her hand, and the sword radiated countless rays of light. With a terrifying power.


The goddess waved the sword in her hand vigorously, and a huge crescent crescent flew out. With extremely sharp power, it cut off the root of the evil flower, and the evil flower also withered and dissipated.

The three goddesses also returned to normal, looking at Zhao Fu with a look of fear, the people in front of the heart were really scary, and the three of them would almost lose all resistance.

Zhao Fu's expression also changed, because that was the only demon power, and after using it now, there is no demon power.

And because Zhao Fu burned too much vitality, this body quickly weakened.

The three goddesses had a cold face and stabbed hard, and three huge sword lights, with powerful strength, quickly shot at Zhao Fu, directly slicing Zhao Fu's body out of countless pieces.

The three goddesses were a little surprised, they didn't expect to kill Zhao Fu so easily, but they just saw that Zhao Fu no longer had any power, so they didn't care too much.


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