The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1892 God Lord (please subscribe)

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

This kind of military affairs must be treated with caution, and the consequences will be serious if an accident occurs.

If they were still the same army as before and knew each other very well, some people might be dissatisfied with the Pantheon and wanted to rebel against the Pantheon, and other acquaintances would easily rebel.

This rebellion is to rebel against a large group, and they are inside the Pantheon, and people are gathered together. As long as they attack the Pantheon, they can capture a large area and cause great damage.

Zhao Fu had to disperse these troops, and after the troops were dispersed, they would become a new army, but this army no longer belonged to the previous forces, but belonged to the pantheon.

At the same time, military discipline management will be strengthened, and some soldiers who are vile and have strong dissatisfaction with the Pantheon will be executed immediately.

Although they are also part of the pantheon, if such people are not dealt with as soon as possible, they will be a scourge, and they must die, so as to establish their due prestige in the hearts of more soldiers.

As for the various generals, these generals are from various forces, and there are people with outstanding abilities and those with little ability.

This requires a new selection. Zhao Fu handed this matter over to the Iron Goddess. She is very capable of managing the military.

Some outstanding generals can be reused, and some incompetent generals, Zhao Fu will not kill them, give them some money and let them do other things.

The reason for giving money is because they are all generals. Even if they are not reused by the Pantheon, there should be some benefits, so that they can convince the public.

When dealing with military matters, Zhao Fu focused on internal affairs.

The current Pantheon is centered on the power of the former Jade Goddess. It was originally a small power, with few buildings and imperfect measures.

Zhao Fu mobilized a large number of people to use up all kinds of buildings and improve various measures.

Some border populations also need to be withdrawn and concentrated. There are frequent wars on the borders. If the people are there, they will not only easily die, but also easily be robbed by others and become the people of other forces.

Gathering them together is not only to protect them, but also to prevent them from running away. There are also a lot of houses and other buildings that need to be built. These Zhao Fu sent people to help at one time.

Four days later, everything was relatively stable. Zhao Fu brought the five goddesses and first came to the army for review.

"See God Lord!"

Countless soldiers knelt on the ground and shouted in unison, and the sound shook all directions, with a sacred majesty.

Zhao Fu showed a smile and let them get up.

Wearing white armor, these soldiers stood together in an orderly and tidy manner, with a solemn and solemn expression, exuding a powerful and huge aura, which made the air seem to freeze, and it was terrifying from a distance.

In front of the front are the military flags. The flagpoles of the military flags are white metal, and the flag cloth is also white, but different patterns are printed on it.

There are black iron swords, golden helmets, cyan shields, green trees, blue rivers, gray flowers, silver snakes, blood-colored tigers, purple clouds...

Each flag represents each army. This was not made by Zhao Fu. It was an army that the Iron Goddess completely dismantled the former soldiers and re-established them.

At the same time, different generals are also assigned. Now Zhao Fu is the supreme commander, and every soldier and general must obey him. God's military power is only a small part, and no god can mobilize a large number of troops without Zhao Fu's permission.

Zhao Fu looked at these soldiers with a satisfied smile.

With a smile, the Iron Goddess said, "How? Am I managing it well?"

Zhao Fu smiled and nodded.

The Iron Goddess continued with a smile, "Now after several days of training, these soldiers have mastered the power of the gods in their bodies, and they can play some roles, but it will take a lot of time for them to exert the power of the gods. practice."

Zhao Fu hummed, "Then leave the rest to you!"

The Iron Goddess saluted happily and said with a smile, "Thank God Lord! I will not disappoint God Lord's reuse."

The jade goddess covered her mouth with her hand and chuckled, "Is Tie Shi still so unfamiliar? We are all called Xianggong. If Xianggong belongs to us, don't blame us."

The iron goddess blushed, and gave the jade goddess a white look, "This is in front of the army, so naturally I have to be respectful, and I will call Xianggong in private."

Zhao Fu didn't care about their words, glanced at the soldiers of the Pantheon, and said, "Now we can meet those people!"

The silver stone goddess showed a smile, "Xiang Gong! I have prepared this matter, and the people are waiting to see you, the Lord of the Gods, the supreme existence of the Pantheon."

Zhao Fu responded with a smile.

Afterwards, Zhao Fu followed the Silver Stone Goddess and came to a white building with a height of 100 meters. This building was in Gothic style. The walls were carved with exquisite pictures. After building the top center, a road was built.

The road was six meters wide, and the ground was covered with a white carpet, sprinkled with white flowers.

At the end of the road is a circular stone platform, with two majestic and sacred statues of soldiers guarding the left side, and there are countless people gathered below. It's too dense to count.

Zhao Fu

Came to the building, put on a white cloak, walked out of the building, and followed the road to the platform.

The countless people below looked excited and excited, and made various voices, some worshipped, some respected, some praised, and the scene was boiling.

Then many people knelt on the ground, folded their hands, and looked at Zhao Fu on the stone platform with reverence.

Because Zhao Fu is an existence above the gods to them, a god that is greater than the gods.

Zhao Fu loves that your people are so fanatical about him, and he not only showed a smile, but the previous plan was very successful, and the Pantheon should build such a force.

"My people get up!"

Zhao Fu also opened his mouth and said a word, his voice full of majesty, resounding through the audience.

It was the first time that many people saw Zhao Fu, and when they heard Zhao Fu's body was even more excited and excited, the scene was even more boiling.

Whether it was a man or a woman, an old man or a child, all of them folded their hands and looked at Zhao Fu with excitement.

Zhao Fu stretched out his hand and let it go. The scene was quiet again, and no one dared to make a sound. Facing Zhao Fu, they were more respectful and pious than facing the gods.

At this time, Zhao Fu not only ruled them physically, but also ruled them spiritually, becoming their master.


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