The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1948 Night God

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

"what happened?"

Many gods looked at the soldiers who fell in pieces, and did not understand the reason at all, but as the beautiful and beautiful singing came, they also felt sleepy, they understood what was going on, and ordered the soldiers to retreat in a hurry.

Countless Night God soldiers saw such a strange scene, and their faces were also filled with fear, and their bodies kept retreating.

But although they retreated countless people, the ground was still full of people, about 40 to 50 million, which was undoubtedly a heavy blow to the Night God Alliance.

Now everyone in the Night God Alliance also understands that it is the singing of those sacrifices that made countless soldiers fall asleep, and this kind of power is very strong, not only has a strong effect on the soldiers, but also on their gods.

Looking at the countless soldiers who fell, everyone in the Night God Alliance looked a little ugly. They thought they could take the opportunity to destroy the Pantheon, but they didn't expect this to happen.

The power of that kind of singing is terrifying!

This pantheon is really hidden deep enough that there is such a terrifying ability that cannot be used, and it has been hidden until now.

"What should we do now?"

Many gods are facing each other, and the Pantheon army may return at any time now. They must destroy the Pantheon as soon as possible, but now that the Pantheon has this ability, how to deal with it?

A young god said in a cold voice, "Those songs are from those sacrifices, just kill those sacrifices."

An old man next to him frowned, "It's that simple, and there are more than 30 gods standing opposite. Do you think they will stand there and watch us kill all those sacrifices?"

The woman standing on the other side said anxiously, "The Pantheon may already know our actions now, and I don't know if the Sun Alliance has the ability to hold the Pantheon back. If the Pantheon rushes back, we may suffer heavy casualties if the Pantheon rushes back."

A middle-aged man wearing a robe said in agreement, "Yeah! We must find a way to deal with it as soon as possible, and destroy the Pantheon as soon as possible, otherwise they will come back and know that we not only broke the contract, but also led troops to attack them, then the Pantheon It will definitely take revenge on us.”

Ye Lin looked at the front with a dignified face, and also understood the urgency of the situation at this time, and things were not as simple as they thought.


A night god chuckled and said, "Those priests use their songs to make countless people fall asleep, so if we can't hear it, then there's nothing wrong?"

Hearing this, many gods looked happy, and immediately asked the soldiers to use their strength to block all the voices, and then launch an attack in one go.

Many Night God soldiers took the lead, first used their strength to block all voices, and then launched an attack on the Pantheon with a huge momentum.

Some gods had smiles on their faces, believing that this time they could destroy the pantheon.

Some gods looked worried, worried that this method would not work because it felt too simple.

Seeing those people attacking like a tide, the iron goddess standing on the city wall first attacked with bows and arrows, and when those people got a little closer, ordered 20,000 sacrifices to sing hymns at once.

One by one, wearing white robes, the sacrifices with a sacred temperament, with their hands folded, looking up at the sky, with a pious expression, opened their mouths and uttered a beautiful song, like a dream, like the sound of the sky, not something that can be possessed by the human world. .

Hearing this voice, many soldiers only felt that their consciousness was slack, and they fell to the ground when their eyes darkened.

Many gods were shocked, and hurriedly asked the soldiers to withdraw, their faces were a little ugly.

Isn't the hearing blocked now? Why do countless soldiers still faint, and the many gods of the Night God can't figure out the reason, and I still feel a little underestimated by the Pantheon.

However, fortunately, some gods also had expectations, so there was no full-scale attack, which made the loss less this time.

Now the many gods of the Night God Alliance have some headaches, it is useless to block the hearing, and there is no way to deal with it.

This is the power of the pantheon hymn, its power is sound, and the ability to make people drowsy is not achieved by hearing, but the sound waves are scattered, and those who are in it will be affected by the sound. Affected, fell into a drowsiness.

Ye Lin said solemnly, "Now we are the only ones who can go forward and try to see if we can solve the group of sacrifices."

The gods on their side are more than forty, and they have an advantage in numbers, and they think that as gods, they have more powerful power, and maybe they can resist the power of the chant.

Now there is no other way except for them to go on, so I also nodded in support of this suggestion.

They first asked the soldiers to restrain the soldiers of the Pantheon from a distance, and then the god of the night broke out with a powerful force, emitting countless divine lights, and rushed towards the defensive city wall.

There was a sneer on the face of the iron goddess, and the thirty or so gods behind her stood together, bursting with power, countless white-gold rays of light radiated out, and a huge white-gold circle appeared on the ground.

After the white-gold circle was sent out, the surrounding spiritual power was continuously injected into it, and the circle also emitted a strong white-gold light, with a sacred and majestic power.

Facing the many gods of the Night God Alliance who rushed over, those gods each stretched out a hand.

clang clang...

An arm-thick white-gold iron chain, with a powerful force, shot out from the incident, densely packed.

Mama, it is not clear at all, and the speed is also very fast to shoot at many gods of the Night God Alliance.

Ye Lin and many gods' faces changed greatly, and they waved the weapons in their hands, bringing out cold beams and cutting off the chain that was shot in the past.

However, the number of iron chains shot past increased and became more and more fierce, which forced the gods of the Night God Alliance to retreat.

There were even three or four gods who were not careful and were not resisted, their bodies were directly tied by iron chains, and then dragged back to the city wall.

More chains shot out, tying their bodies, allowing them to burst out with the power of a powerful godhead, but they still couldn't break free from the chains, and could only ask other gods for help with a look of fear.

But now many gods have retreated far away, and their faces are still a little scared. If they don't respond in time, they will definitely be caught by iron chains.

Naturally, they would not go forward to rescue the few captured gods.

At this time, the scene was deadlocked. The Pantheon was mainly defensive. Naturally, it would not attack, and it was happy to delay the time. The people of the Night God Alliance could not help the Pantheon, and there would be a lot of losses if they attacked.

Now the Night God Alliance can only stop, anxiously thinking about various coping methods, the longer the time passes, the more unfavorable the situation will be for them.


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