The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1962 Immortal Body

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

This is robbery, and robbery is unceremonious.

Among the three young gods, a strong young man said angrily, "You are too arrogant! This is none of your business, get out of here as soon as possible, or you will regret it."

The young man already felt that Zhao Fu was a little dangerous, so he opened his mouth to threaten. Otherwise, in the face of such a clamorous person, he would have rushed forward and killed that person. Not many people dared to be so arrogant in front of them.

The Moon God was a little surprised. Now they can't resist the other three gods, but with Zhao Fu's help, they might be rescued.

The more important thing is that Zhao Fu is only here for divine power and divine personality. If he uses this thing, he should be able to subdue him and let him serve himself.

Luna smiled and said, "This friend! If you are willing to help us solve them, I am willing to give you my divine power and divine personality, and I will thank you afterwards. Please agree to it."

These words changed the expressions of the other three young gods. With Zhao Fu's help, it would be more difficult for them to kill the Moon God team.

Another young man with a short stature hurriedly said, "This matter has something to do with the God of Taiyin. You should not participate at the highest level. That is not a force you can afford."

Zhao Fu ignored the words of the two sides, and now he can directly grab it. Why should he help? It is useless for that Taiyin force to be strong, and he will leave this place immediately.

A pair of eyes looked at the four gods, and said in a cold voice, "I'm saying one last time, hand over your divine power and the godheads of other gods, and I will spare you not to die."

"You bastards are courting death!"

That strong young man, seeing Zhao Fu ignoring their words, was still so arrogant, a burst of anger surged, and he knew that Zhao Fu was definitely going to participate in this matter, so he planned to do it first.


Holding a big axe, the strong young man charged in front of Zhao Fu with a ferocious aura. With a strong swing of the axe in his hand, a terrifying axe light slashed towards Zhao Fu.

The corner of Zhao Fu's mouth rose, with a sneer, clenched his fists, a huge force gathered, and then struck forward like lightning.


A powerful punch, with terrifying power, and a strong wind, the fierce axe light was directly smashed, and the youth's body only felt hit by a huge force, and the body flew out and spit out. A mouthful of blood, his face turned pale.

at once!

Everyone present was shocked. They felt that they underestimated Zhao Fu. Even a single punch could severely damage a god. They were not Zhao Fu's opponents at all. With Zhao Fu's ability, they could easily kill them.

Zhao Fu looked at the remaining young man who had originally shot, and his body instantly disappeared in place.

The two young people were shocked, and their bodies hurriedly backed away.

But Zhao Fu had already appeared in front of a young man, and that young man hurriedly waved the knife in his hand, with a powerful knife light and amazing power, and slashed towards Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu had a disdainful smile on his face, clenched his fists, punched out, and a huge force hit the young man's chest.


The young man's body flew out quickly, like a meteor that was shot down, hitting the ground, smashing a big crater, and the rocks collapsed.

Zhao Fu turned his head to look at the last young man with terrifying eyes.

The young man felt that he was being stared at by a terrifying murderous creature, felt a great danger, his body trembled, his face pale with fright, and he hurriedly said, "Sir! We are willing to surrender our divine power, please don't continue to attack us."

Hearing this, Zhao Fu snorted coldly and stopped.

That young man clearly began to condense divine power, and the other two youths, with blood on the corners of their mouths, did not hesitate to begin condensing divine power.

Now that they know Zhao Fu's terrifying power, they have to obey Zhao Fu's words, otherwise they will really be killed by him. At this time, Zhao Fu will let them go to save their lives, and they dare to oppose Zhao Fu.

The three youths were so frightened by the Moon God that they condensed their divine power, and the expression on their face was a little ugly, because she couldn't beat Zhao Fu, so she could only hand over their divine power.

Afterwards, the four gods condensed four balls of light and handed them over to Zhao Fu.

With a smile, Zhao Fu put away the four light balls with a wave of his hand, and then looked at the four gods, "Hand over your storage ring, I see if there is any godhead."

This made the four gods hesitant, because the storage ring usually contains all the things, which is the most important item to the gods, and now they have to hand it over to Zhao Fu, the four are naturally a little hesitant.

Zhao Fu frowned slightly, "You guys want me to kill you all, are you looking to see if the storage ring has a godhead?"

These four gods also reacted, their lives are in Zhao Fu's hands, and Zhao Fu can kill them at any time.

The four gods did not hesitate and could only hand over the storage ring.

Zhao Fu took the four storage rings, entered the ring with his mind, swept away, and found four godheads. Zhao Fu smiled in surprise.

In fact, Zhao Fu was just looking at it, and he didn't have much hope in his heart, because as long as the godhead was integrated into the body of a suitable human body, he would become a god, and ordinary people would not keep the godhead in their bodies.

Now getting four godheads is an unexpected joy.

Zhao Fu threw the four storage rings to the four gods, and was about to leave this place and continue to fly forward.

other three

When the young man saw that Zhao Fu was going to leave, he was relieved that his life was saved.

The Moon God's face was still ugly. Now that Zhao Fu left, the situation was the same as before. The only difference was that both sides were weak, but it was still not good for them.

After thinking for a moment, Luna hurriedly shouted, "This lord, please stay, I have something important to tell you."

Hearing this, the three young people were also a little nervous, afraid that something would suddenly change and cause them to die here.

Zhao Fu, who was about to leave, looked a little puzzled, turned his head and asked, "What's the matter?"

Luna looked at the three young people next to him, his face was solemn, and he said, "This matter is extremely important and must not be leaked, otherwise it will cause great fluctuations."

"This is the rhythm of killing people!"

The three youths were so frightened that they hurriedly said to Zhao Fu, "My lord! You can rest assured that we will never reveal any information. We can swear and ask your lord to believe us."

Zhao Fu looked at the moon god with a pair of eyes, and he was a little curious, what was it that could cause a huge fluctuation, and with a smile, "Tell me what it is, if it's really important, I won't Let the news leak out."

The Moon God nodded solemnly and said, "Actually, our young master is not a waste at all, but has a ten-yin immortal body."


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