The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1964 Congenital

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

Hearing this, Zhao Fu looked at the Moon God and asked, "What is the Nine Moon God?"

The Moon God's face was a little surprised. Isn't the person in front of him from the center of the God Realm? Why doesn't the Nine Moon God know?

There is nothing to hide now, and the Moon God explained to Zhao Fu, "The Nine Moon God is the strongest Moon God force in the God Realm, ruled by nine extremely powerful Moon Gods, and has a great reputation in the God Realm. , the overall power is relatively high in the realm of the gods."

"Young Master's Ten Yin Immortal Body, the most suitable force for growth is the Nine Moon God. If you bring the Young Master there, you will definitely be valued by the Nine Moon God. With the ability of the Nine Moon God, you should be able to easily save the Young Master. "

Zhao Fu understood and nodded. Such a strong physique needs a strong force to cultivate, so that the power of the physique can be maximized.

Stepping into the carriage, Zhao Fu walked into it, came to the girl's side, gently touched the girl's fair forehead, her skin was like ice, and immediately a strong chill poured into her body through Zhao Fu's hand, and her body was changing. cold.

Zhao Fu controlled the power of the holy blood and flowed in his body for a while, and a burst of heat rushed out, dispelling countless cold qi.

Gathering the power of the Holy Blood in his hands, a force penetrated into the girl's body and began to examine the situation in the girl's body.


There was a roar in Zhao Fu's mind, and his consciousness was pulled into a dark space. It was pitch black, with the chill of a frozen soul.

In the center of the dark space, there are ten vortexes emitting different colors, distributed in different positions, forming an invisible innate yin source formation, with an extremely yin and strong force.

Standing on the side, watching this invisible formation, Zhao Fu felt a vast and majestic Yin force, and he couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

This Ten Yin Immortal Physique is really terrifying. There is such a space in her body. If she displays her abilities, it will definitely be very terrifying. It is not a loss that she can become an immortal physique. Zhao Fu is a little shocked.

Looking at the invisible great formation, it exudes endless Yin power, as if it is changing the dark space around it.

But the surrounding dark space changes very slowly, as if there is an invisible shackle that locks the dark space and weakens the effect of the invisible formation.

Now Zhao Fu understands what's going on. The girl's ten yin immortal body is only half-awakened, not really awakened. The body is attacked by a large array of endless yin forces, so it becomes so weak.

If you want the girl to truly awaken the Ten Yin Immortal Physique, she must first transform the invisible formation, which is this dark space.

This requires countless yin energy to do it. Zhao Fu does not have pure yin energy now, and he has ghost-type power, such as the terrifying power of Six Paths Reincarnation.

However, although the power of the Six Paths of Reincarnation is powerful, it is also related to Yin attributes, but it is not pure Yin power, so it cannot help girls. If you want to help girls transform, you need to find ten pure Yin powers.

These ten yin forces best correspond to the ten yin forces in the girl's body, so that the effect will be the strongest.

Now that he understood what made the girl so weak, Zhao Fu pulled his consciousness out of the girl's body.

Moon God's beautiful eyes looked at Zhao Fu with hope, and asked, "Sir! Do you have a way to save our young master?"

"Yeah!" Zhao Fu replied with a smile on his face.

Luna Deng said in surprise, "Please also ask the adults to save our young master. I will promise you no matter what the conditions and requirements are."

The girl is so weak, and the Moon God is also very worried about what will happen. Now that Zhao Fu has a way to save their young master, that is undoubtedly the best thing.

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "I said that if you want to subdue your young master, you will naturally save her, but it is not easy to save her, it requires ten powerful Yin forces, I am also going to the center of the gods, you follow me, the ten I will help you collect it."

With the help of someone as strong as Zhao Fu, they should be able to collect those ten kinds of Yin energy, and with Zhao Fu there, they would not be in any danger on their way.

Luna said with a smile, "Thank you sir!"

"Yeah!" Zhao Fu responded with a smile.

At this time, the girl who was in a drowsiness suddenly coughed lightly and coughed up blood. The breath on the girl's body also became weaker, and her face became paler. The feeling of weakness made people feel more pitiful.

Moon God was startled, and hurriedly shouted, "Sir!"

Zhao Fu didn't panic, he calmly stretched out his hand to open the girl's mouth, and then put the other hand next to the girl's mouth, a force gathered in his hand, the thumb gently stroked the middle finger, and a wound appeared on the middle finger, with Crystal clear blood flowed out, and a charming fragrance wafted out.

The moon god and the three gods next to him stared at the blood flowing out of Zhao Fu's fingers, their bodies felt a hunger and thirst, and the blood seemed to have a huge attraction to them, making them enchanted.

But feeling the breath of the blood, the four gods immediately showed a shocked expression, because the blood carried the breath of a saint who transcended the world.

"This is the bloodline of the saint!"

The four gods set off a shocking wave in their hearts. They didn't expect that Zhao Fu was a holy son. This is a person who only exists in legends. He is far more noble than any emperor's son. The person they can't touch is now in them. before.

The Moon God also suddenly understood, no wonder Zhao Fu said that he could not subdue him, and that no one could become his master.

Omg! That person has the ability to subdue a Son? The one who has the power to be a Son

Owner? This is simply impossible.

Whoever has such an idea is to seek death directly.

Even if the emperor's identity respects the ancients, he must be respectful in the face of the holy son, and the powerful and terrifying powers are also afraid of the holy son.

Zhao Fu's identity is so terrifying, there is no harm in the young master becoming his subordinate, and there are even great benefits. Maybe the young master will follow Zhao Fu to the holy country to cultivate, which is better than staying in Jiushenyue.

Although the Nine Gods Moon is powerful, there is still a gap compared with the Holy Nation-level forces. The Holy Nation-level forces have already surpassed the world.

The three young people also looked happy. Originally, they were forced to surrender to Zhao Fu, and Zhao Fu is so powerful that they are not disadvantaged by following such a strong man, but now that they know that they are following a holy son, that is undoubtedly a great man. The opportunity hits itself.

Now the three young people are excitedly thinking about how to please Zhao Fu and how to be loyal to Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu didn't care about other people, the blood flowing out was Zhao Fu's essence blood, which was stronger than ordinary blood.

Drops of fresh blood flowed out and fell into the girl's mouth, automatically turning into a huge heat, dispelling the coldness of the girl's body.

Zhao Fu's blood essence is also considered a very rare treasure. It has great power, beyond the imagination of ordinary people, and can easily dispel the coldness of the girl's body.


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