The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1966 Godhead (please subscribe)

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

At this time, there was also bad news. The Taiyin God of this generation was suddenly seriously injured and was about to fall into a deep sleep.

Losing the restraint of the Taiyin God, the three elder sisters had no fear, so they planned to send someone to kill the Moon God Ya.

Moon God sensed the danger, and hurriedly escaped from the forces of the Taiyin God. She didn't want her young master to die like this, because her young master would definitely become a peerless powerhouse in the future, a figure that shook the gods.

The three elder sisters did not dare to send their own people to chase and kill their younger sister directly and blatantly. Once the matter spreads, it is estimated that they will also be severely punished and lose their qualifications to inherit the position of the Taiyin God.

Because most people in the power still support the Taiyin God, not the three of them. If they support the three of them, then they can really be unscrupulous.

Since they couldn't kill Yueshenya with their own people, the three elder sisters invited some outsiders to kill Yueshenya.

The people invited were three young people.

The three young people got the various benefits promised by the three elder sisters, and they caught up with the Moon God team with a look of joy, so the previous scene appeared.

There are also three young men named Luo Hong, Luo Qing, and Luo Ming, who are the three brothers, and the moon god is named Yuerou.

Now everything is clear, and Zhao Fu also understands what is going on.

Zhao Fu smiled and said to Luna Ya who was in his arms, "I will solve this matter for you in the future. I will catch your three sisters and do whatever you want."

After this period of recovery, Luna Ya's face turned a little ruddy, but she said with some discomfort, "Forget it! I don't want this to continue. In the end, the sisters killed each other. They didn't want to see me, for fear that I would take their place. Then I will do as they wish, and I will not be in Huitaiyin in the future."

Zhao Fu's face was startled, and he said with a serious smile, "It's up to you to decide. If you don't want to continue, then you don't have to continue, but if I'm here in the future, you won't be wronged and bullied."

Luna Ya blushed, but couldn't help but feel a little happy, and said softly, "You are really likable."

Zhao Fu smiled and said nothing.

Yuerou also showed a smile, looking at the closeness of Zhao Fu and Yueshenya, it can be judged that the relationship has now been established.

Afterwards, Zhao Fu also changed his original plan, and added that he was looking for the Ten Great Yin Forces, while he could continue to gain divine power and look for opportunities, and there was no conflict between the two sides.

And the original guards, Zhao Fu let them all leave, because he didn't want to bring so many people, he also rewarded some benefits casually.

Many guards were very grateful to Zhao Fu, and after thanking Zhao Fu, they left immediately.

Zhao Fu also took the Moon God Ya and everyone to leave that place quickly, because it was already exposed, and there should be people from the Taiyin God going there soon, so they couldn't stay there.

In fact, Zhao Fu is not too afraid of the power of the Taiyin God. Although it is also a kingdom, it is only a kingdom from an outer domain, and its basic military strength is only one rank.

However, even if the Inner Kingdom, as long as it does not send a large number of troops, even if the king comes with the equipment to control the country, Zhao Fu will not be afraid, because now Zhao Fu has that strength.

On a dirt road, a horse-drawn carriage was moving at a slow pace. Three young men sat outside the carriage and were in charge of controlling the carriage.

Inside the carriage, Zhao Fu sat cross-legged and began to devour divine power, while Yuerou sat on the other side, hugging the still weak Moon God Ya.

They were still a little surprised. Yuerou was surprised at the beginning. Why did Zhao Fu rob them of their divine power? It felt very strange.

Now that they can see that Zhao Fu can absorb their divine power, this is the first time they have seen it with their own eyes, but don't they understand that divine power and divine power are not in conflict?

However, when they thought about the identity of the other party, they were relieved, and they were not surprised. In the face of this kind of existence, the impossible would become easier.

After absorbing the divine power condensed by Yurou several gods, Zhao Fu took out the godhead again and began to absorb the power of the godhead.

When he absorbed a gray-white godhead, Zhao Fu felt an ancient Yin-god power pouring into his body.

Something flashed through Zhao Fu's mind immediately, and he couldn't help laughing. Instead of looking for the ten major yin forces, it would be better to directly find the gods with the ten major yin energies.

The Godhead that I hold now is a Taiyin Godhead. As long as one person integrates into it, he can become a Taiyin God. After training, he can have a powerful Taiyin power.

This satisfies a condition, which is somewhat surprising.

Next to Yuerou, she was originally the moon god, mastering the power of moon yin, then another condition was met. Now there are two conditions that are met, and the next step is to find eight gods.

Things were completed invisibly, and Zhao Fu couldn't help showing a smile.

Then look at the Taiyin Godhead in his hand. The sooner this Taiyin piece of Taiyin Godhead can be used by people, the better, and the Taiyin Godhead can be obtained as soon as possible. During cultivation, the Taiyin Godhead will also become stronger.

At this time, Zhao Fu absorbed the power of the Taiyin Godhead. In fact, he also possessed the power of the Taiyin, but he still couldn't use it, because it was already the power of the gods, and it was not pure Taiyin.

But now Yuerou, and the three brothers of the Luo family are all gods, with their own godheads, and cannot be integrated into other godheads.

In the end, there was still Moon God Ya, she could not cultivate originally, and naturally could not integrate into the godhead, and this Taiyin Godhead was originally prepared by Yuerou for Luna Ya.

In addition, Luna Ya already has the blood of the Taiyin God, and is undoubtedly the most suitable person to integrate into the Taiyin Godhead.

But after Zhao Fu thought about it carefully, he still didn't plan to integrate her godhead, because she was someone who could become an immortal, and the godhead in front of her was too low-level, and integrating into Moon God Ya's body would lower her aptitude, which would be a big disadvantage. .

Moreover, the innate yin formation formed by the ten yin forces in her body relies on ten different yin forces to maintain a balance. Among the ten yin forces, the taiyin force is the oldest one, so it can become the sun,

The Innate Yin Origin Great Array is the core, if the yin divine power may break this balance, there will be unpredictable consequences.

After thinking about this clearly, Zhao Fu could only put away the Taiyin Godhead.


After a few hours on the road, Zhao Fu and his party came to another power. This power is as big as a world, and the power is relatively strong. What surprised Zhao Fu is that this power is related to the Yin attribute. power.

Because the three brothers of the Luo family and Yuerou had some blood on their bodies just after a battle, they looked a little embarrassed.

Zhao Fu found an inn and let them clean up easily. He also saw if he could find a suitable person to merge with the Taiyin Godhead in this place, or find other Yin Gods.


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