The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1975 God (please subscribe)

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!


The bull was directly slashed by a sword, turned into a white momentum and exploded, making a loud noise, and a strong wind blew away.

The boy in white jumped up at this time, holding the long knife in both hands, and pouring all the power into the long knife, the long knife radiated a strong white light, almost illuminating the entire abyss, and an amazing knife force spread.


The young man in white was holding a long sword, and with that astonishing momentum, he slashed towards Zhao Fu from top to bottom.

Zhao Fuping raised his sword and shouted, "Kill the sword master!"


A frenzied killing intent and a fierce sword intent erupted from the sword, spreading outward with astonishing power, the ground was constantly collapsing, and the surrounding temperature plummeted.

This is the combined power of the sword master and the killer, and it also restores that kind of sword intent at the level of killing immortals.

The boy in white went from top to bottom, and with a long sword, he had already slashed in front of Zhao Fu. Zhao Fu swung his sword, and an unimaginable sword force came out.


A terrifying sound came out, two extremely terrifying forces collided, a terrifying shock wave spread, the ground collapsed directly, and everything turned into powder.

A beam of light with terrifying power rushed out of the abyss, hit the sky, and made a loud noise, causing the situation to change suddenly.

The abyss was near the kingdom. Feeling this terrifying momentum, the general in charge of guarding changed his face and hurriedly reported the matter, because the aura was too terrifying.

The gods received the news and came there quickly, listening to the general's explanation, someone should be breaking out a very terrifying battle.

Several gods thought about it, and immediately made a decision. They came to the abyss to see who was fighting, and such terrible fluctuations broke out.

They think it's not the evil god, because the evil god also emits such terrifying power.

His eyes turned to the abyss.

A 10,000-meter-long crater had already appeared on the ground, and two people at the top of the crater were really fighting. One was holding a long white sword and the other was holding a black sword. The weapons of both sides were constantly colliding, spreading terror one after another.

The evil god looked at the two of them with a look of fear on the side. The strength of these two people was too amazing. The battle between the two sides was extremely terrifying, and it was not a battle that she could participate in.

"This is the battle of the real strong!"

Several gods also quietly came to the abyss, looking at the two people who were fighting fiercely, they were a little surprised.

A god whispered, "Who are the two of them? The battle that broke out was so terrifying, far stronger than ours."

Another god replied, "I have some impressions of that boy in white. It seems that he is a famous genius in the center of the God Realm, from the Holy Light God power. The Holy Light God power is an empire-level power, and it is not a general empire-level power."

When a god heard this, he was a little surprised and said, "Why does a person with such a distinguished status appear here, and who is the person who fought with him? It should be a famous genius in the gods, right?"

The god next to him replied, "I don't know about that. It doesn't affect him at all, but the strength is already very terrifying, at least not weaker than the boy in white."

A god said solemnly, "Those two people are too scary, we should leave as soon as possible to avoid trouble."

Hearing this, several gods nodded one after another, since this matter has nothing to do with them, let alone participate in it.


Zhao Fu slashed out with a destructive force, slashing the boy in white to the ground, hitting a big pit, and the rocks collapsed.


The boy in white lay on the ground, shouting loudly, and his body shot out countless white light beams, with amazing strength, flying towards Zhao Fu at an extremely fast speed. The picture was very amazing.

Zhao Fu injected a powerful force into the rune circle around him, and the rune circle radiated a strong light one by one, expanding outward, more than doubled in size, and then spun.

bang bang bang...

One after another, the white beams that shot past entered the range of the rune circle, were directly refracted by a force, hit different places, and exploded with a sound.


At this time, Zhao Fu raised the sword in his hand, and a sword light flew into the sky. The power of the heavens and the earth continued to gather around. A terrifying sword formation appeared with a terrifying aura, and the surrounding air became extremely cold, as if it could cut hurt.

boom boom boom...

As soon as the sword that Zhao Fu raised fell, the sword formation spun, and an aura of destruction spread, and the sword lights with astonishing power, with the power to cut everything, slashed towards the white-clothed boy.

A few divine powers who had just left the abyss heard a loud noise behind them, as well as the terrifying aura that came over, their hairs stood up and looked at each other, this battle was really terrifying.

However, the battle quickly subsided, and there was no leakage.

Zhao Fu radiated strong colorful rays of light, standing in the sky, looking at the ground with a pair of eyes, searching for the figure of the boy in white, Zhao Fu also understood that the move just now couldn't kill the boy in white.

But after searching, Zhao Fu didn't find the figure of the boy in white, and he didn't know what method he used to escape.

Zhao Fu could only withdraw the power of the immortal mode and returned to the ground.

The Heretic God looked at Zhao Fu in awe, seeing Zhao Fu's strength with her own eyes, and now she is willing to surrender to such a terrifying powerhouse.

Zhao Fu looked at the evil god with a pair of eyes, "What's your name? And why did the white-haired boy want to kill you?"

The Evil God explained seriously, "My name is Teng Zi! I don't know why that person killed me. It seems that he wants to take a material from me. This material seems to be somewhat important to him."

Zhao Fu's face was startled, and he said to Teng Zi, "Then come here, I will insist on your body."

Hearing this, Teng Zi came to Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu stretched out a hand and sent out a force, which penetrated Teng Zi's body and found nothing special. A little disappointed, thought there was something good.

Maybe the boy in white needs to kill a god like Teng Zi to get the materials on her body.

Tengzi has two attributes, one is the attribute of plant gods, and the other is the attribute of earth yin, which is a relatively rare god.

Zhao Fu didn't want to stay here either, so he left here first, and he didn't know what the identity of the boy in white was. It would be too dangerous to stay here.

Said to Teng Zi, "This is your place, you see if you have something to pack, pack it up quickly, and follow me out of here."

Fujitsu also nodded seriously.

In fact, she didn't have many things. After packing up a few things, she followed Zhao Fu out of the abyss and returned to the previous inn.


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