The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1980 Ice Palace

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

In the end, Zhao Fu took the two women and returned to the place agreed with Luna Ya.

At this time, a group of women were resting on a grass, the carriage was parked next to it, and the three brothers of the Luo family were standing aside.

Zhao Fu landed on the ground with a smile, this time not only brought back two women, but also brought back more than 20 magic balls.

Those gods heard that divine power was more important to Zhao Fu, so they condensed the divine power ball and gave it to Zhao Fu, for which Zhao Fu also thanked him.

These twenty or so divine power balls are stronger than the divine power balls of more than forty ordinary gods, which can make Zhao Fu's power of the gods stronger for a while.

The two women are plump and named Gui Xiaomei, and the cold woman is named Bing Qingxue.

Yueshenya watched Zhao Fu bring two more women back, and glared at Zhao Fu, not wanting to say anything, now she understood what kind of person Zhao Fu was.

Zhao Fu smiled and said what happened next.

Now that I understand that Bing Qingxue's sister has the power of ice yin, the next step is to capture her sister, so I have to go to the Ice God Palace.

The Ice God Palace is no longer in this place, but in another place. Its strength is not very strong, and there is only one world-class force.

Zhao Fu let Moon God Ya continue to wait for him where he was, while he went to the Ice God Palace to catch Bing Qingxue's sister.

Luna Ya nodded, looking a little angry.

Zhao Fu didn't say anything. He took Bingqingxue into a stream of light and disappeared into the sky. Now Bingqingxue is still under the control of Zhao Fu, and his expression is a little cold. In other respects it is normal.

After Zhao Fu left, Yueshenya looked at Gui Xiaomei, and at first glance she was not a good woman, and asked angrily, "Are you also the concubine of that bad guy?"

Gui Xiaomei understands why the girl Yueshenya is angry, and she is not a simple-minded woman. Now that she has surrendered to Zhao Fu, she naturally has to plan for the future, and said with a chuckle, "I am not that lord's concubine. , don't worry."

Luna Ya's expression softened a bit, but she didn't continue to say anything.

Gui Xiaomei smiled and said, "Are you the wife of that lord? It's the first time I've seen such a beautiful woman, it's like seeing a fairy."

Luna Ya was a little embarrassed to hear Gui Xiaomei praise her so much.

Gui Xiaomei continued to talk to Luna, deliberately trying to please Luna Ya, it was easy to gain Luna Ya's trust, and the relationship between the two parties improved a lot.

After one day, Zhao Fu brought Bing Qingxue to the Ice God Palace.

The various buildings here are basically made of ice, and the temperature is relatively cold, but not many places are frozen, and some places remain green.

Zhao Fu's plan is very simple. Now he can control Bing Qingxue's body and directly enter the Ice God Palace, bring her sister out, and then subdue her.

Under Zhao Fu's control, Bing Qingxue returned to her usual appearance, because Zhao Fu had already obtained all her memories, which could be imitated very much, and it was impossible for ordinary people to find out.

That Bing Qingxue understood what Zhao Fu was going to do, so she pleaded with Zhao Fu in her body consciousness, "Please, don't do anything to my sister, no matter what you want me to do, I will agree, please let my sister go. ."

Zhao Fu ignored her, controlled her body, and came to the temple.

At this time, the Ice God Palace was quite lively. There were pots of flowers and ribbons hanging on the roadside. There were many people on the street with smiles on their faces, coming and going, and the voices were noisy.

Zhao Fu understood the reason. Now the people are preparing. In a few days, the eldest young lady of the Ice God Palace will marry the eldest young master of another force.

The eldest young master is very handsome and his aptitude is also very good, and his power is similar to that of the Ice God Palace. The two people's identities can be said to be well-matched, equally noble, and equally excellent.

However, the two people did not marry voluntarily, but married both parties, in order to deepen the cooperation between the two forces, make the relationship more intimate, and have many interests, and at the same time be a powerful helper.

This wedding is good for everyone, no one objected, and the people were very happy.

When many pedestrians saw Bing Qingxue controlled by Zhao Fu, they saluted one after another. Zhao Fu controlled Bing Qingxue as usual, nodded lightly, came to the interior of the temple, and walked towards the location of Bing Qingxue's sister.

When I came to a classical room, there was a tall man with a cold face and long ice-colored hair. His appearance was somewhat similar to that of Bing Qingxue. He was wearing a white robe, sitting on a chair, looking at his hands. a painting.

"Sister! What are you looking at?" Zhao Fu controlled Bing Qingxue to reveal a smile, and stepped forward and said.

Bing Qingxue's sister named Bing Leng Leng looked up at Bing Qingxue and said coldly, "Nothing, what are you doing here?"

Zhao Fu controlled Bing Qingxue and said with a smile, "Sister! I have a very important matter. Can you go to a place with me?"

Bing Qingxue looked straight at Zhao Fu, but did not answer Zhao Fu directly.

Zhao Fu's heart sank, this icy cold can't see anything? This is the inside of the Ice God Palace. If he is found, Zhao Fu must leave immediately, or he will be caught.

Bing Qingxue's consciousness shouted from her own body, asking her sister not to agree, it was someone else who controlled her body, this person was very dangerous, let her sister leave quickly and call someone over.

But her consciousness was in her body, no matter what she called, no one else could hear any sound.

Icy looked straight at Zhao Fu, pondered for a while, and then slowly said, "Okay, then let's go!"

Zhao Fu breathed a sigh of relief, and then called her out so that she could be caught.


A handsome young man in purple clothes walked into the room and looked at Bing Qingxue and Bing Leng Leng with a gentle smile, "Where are you going?"

This person is the icy fiancee with a mild personality and quite popular.

Zhao Fu controlled Bing Qingxue and was about to explain, when Bing Leng said coldly next to him, "Nothing! Just get out of here."

The youth in purple sighed, looked at the cold and said apologetically, "I'm sorry!"

Zhao Fu was shocked, Bing Leng had already seen something, because Zhao Fu just said that he had something to take her to a place, and Bing Leng meant as if he was leaving the Ice God Palace.

Icy cold and expressionless said, "No need to apologize, since you don't like it, there's no need to be together."

The youth in purple still said apologetically, "If you leave, you will be responsible for everything, which is very unfair to you."

Bing Leng continued to answer, "There's nothing unfair, I'm just about to leave this place and go to other places to experience, even if I don't have you, I'll leave, I won't stay here forever."


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