The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1983 Emperor God

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

The waste god already has the bloodline of the king god among the waste gods, so he has the ability to create blood gods and demons, otherwise the general waste gods do not have that ability.

Now the ruthless young man took out the king's decree, which represented a king's god. Thinking about that, the god who rules over a thousand powerful gods may be stronger than the general kingdom power. In the face of such a token, everyone has to be afraid.

That young man in Chinese clothes was just an ordinary son of a god, and he didn't have the courage to resist in the face of Wang Shenling.

Because even his father would kneel when he saw this king's decree.

The ruthless young man took the token and frowned at Zhao Fu, because almost everyone present knelt down, and Zhao Fu stood there alone, it was difficult not to pay attention to him.

Zhao Fu's expression did not change, and he stood there indifferently.

The cold-hearted young man was a little puzzled, who was the person in front of him, and he didn't kneel when he saw the king's decree.

Only people with the same dignity as the king god can ignore the king god's order. Who is the person in front of him now?

The ruthless young man looked at Zhao Fu seriously and asked, "Who are you? Why didn't you kneel when you saw Wang Shenling?"

Zhao Fu looked at the ruthless young man with a pair of eyes, and chuckled, "It's just the king's order, why should I kneel?"

The ruthless young man was shocked, "This is the first time I have seen someone who dares to face Wang Shenling with such contempt!"

Seeing Zhao Fu wearing a cloak and exuding a mysterious aura, the cold-hearted young man could not imagine what identity Zhao Fu would be?

The people who were kneeling around heard Zhao Fu's words and were scared away.

First, they felt that Zhao Fu was also a very honorable person. They were afraid of accidentally offending Zhao Fu. Second, those who dared to speak to Wang Shenling like this would end badly. They didn't want to end up in the same way.

The young man in Chinese clothes and a few thugs looked at them nervously. Why did two terrifying characters suddenly appear? If I knew they would not come out today.

Now the cold-hearted young man is also embarrassed. If Zhao Fu's identity is not lower than that of the King God, then if he wants to do something to Zhao Fu, it will be a big disaster.

But if Zhao Fu had no identity and dared to despise Wang Shenling like this, he would absolutely not tolerate such a huge shame.

The scene was so quiet that no one dared to make a sound.


A painful voice sounded. It was the voice of the young man lying on the ground. He was extremely weak now and was on the verge of dying.

The cold-hearted youth is not bad, otherwise he would not save the boy. Seeing that the boy was dying, the cold-hearted young man didn't think too much. He stepped forward and picked up the boy.

But the injury of the teenager is too serious, and the strength of the ruthless youth is not suitable for healing the injury, which makes the recovery of the injury of the teenager slower.

If this goes on, the boy will still die.

Grim didn't give up, he increased the power injected into the boy's body and continued to heal the boy's injuries.

"You get out of the way!"

A calm voice suddenly sounded, and the ruthless young man looked at Zhao Fu who was approaching in surprise. He understood that he was going to save the boy, so he put the boy on the ground and stood on the other side. He also wanted to see how powerful Zhao Fu was. How strong.

Zhao Fu's eyes fell on the boy, and he stretched out a hand to face the boy.


A huge force poured out like a tide, wrapping the boy's body, causing the boy's body to automatically float in the air, emitting a faint light.

Zhao Fu stretched out his hand and pressed it again, and a stronger force poured out and poured into the boy's body.

The teenager floated in the air, emitting a strong light, and the powerful momentum spread out, forming a strong wind.

The people around were instantly shocked, feeling the terrifying power, their whole body was icy cold, a fear surged in their hearts, and their bodies couldn't help trembling.

"This power is terrifying!"

The ruthless young man also looked at Zhao Fu with some surprise in his heart. He was a little fortunate in his heart that it was fortunate that there was no conflict with Zhao Fu, otherwise he might die here.

Zhao Fu's power is not only a destructive power, but also a strong healing power.

Under the blessing of Zhao Fu's powerful strength, the young man recovered quickly from his injury. Not only that, his own aptitude was improving, and some impurities were also eliminated.

In less than a while, the young man woke up by himself, and felt that he was a little flustered in the air.

Zhao Fu stopped his strength, and the boy fell back to the ground.

The young man understood that Zhao Fu had rescued him, so he kneeled on the ground gratefully, "Thank you sir for saving your life!"

Zhao Fu said calmly, "You don't need to thank me, the person next to you saved you, or you would have died long ago."

Hearing this, the young man knelt on the ground and immediately turned to the cold young man, "Thank you sir for saving my life."

The ruthless young man said calmly, "It's just a small matter, you don't need to thank me, you have to take care of yourself in the future."

Now that the ruthless young man sees that the young man has been rescued, he plans to leave here.

The thin young man, looking at the cold young man who wanted to leave, gathered up his courage and said, "Sir! I want to follow you, I wonder if I can agree? I can endure any hardship and do all kinds of things."

The teenagers themselves live on the streets without parents or mothers.

Now I understand this great opportunity, I want to follow the ruthless youth, and I also want to gain strength, so I don't have to endure the cold and starve.

As for the reason why he chose the ruthless youth instead of Zhao Fu, it was judged from the way the two sides spoke.

The young Zhao Fu felt that his strength was terrifying, and he also felt extremely dangerous. He didn't seem like a good person. Although the cold-hearted youth is cold-hearted, he is kind-hearted, and he belongs to the cold-hearted person.

At the same time, I felt that only a ruthless young man could take him, and Zhao Fu had no chance of taking him in.

Grimly frowned and looked at the boy, "Are you sure you will follow me? Staying by my side will be very tiring, and you can't go back."

The young man raised his head with a determined expression, looked at the cold young man with a pair of eyes, nodded earnestly, "I am willing to follow the adults!"

A smile appeared on the cold young man's face, "Then you will follow me from now on!"

The young man responded in surprise, and gratefully kowtowed to the cold young man a few times.

The young man in Huafu was shocked. He just wanted to kill this young man. Now that the young man has such a terrible person to protect him, is he in danger?

Now the young man in Chinese clothing and the few thugs are all nervous, looking at the cold young man and the young man, praying in their hearts not to kill him.

However, the ruthless youth didn't mean that, and left here with the boy.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts, but they were not completely relaxed, because there was still a person who might be even more terrifying than the King God, and that person was naturally Zhao Fu.


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