The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1990 Dark Forbidden Land (Subscribe)

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

Zhao Fu smiled contentedly, as if he forgot to ask the girl's name, so he asked, "What's your name?"

The girl smiled and replied, "My real name is Yelanxi!"

"I see!" Zhao Fu responded with a smile.

At this time, the three people on the ground slowly opened their eyes, and immediately screamed in fear.

Yelanxi hurriedly stepped forward to comfort her parents and younger brother. Her parents and younger brother looked at Yelanxi, which had changed greatly, but they didn't recognize it at first, and asked who Yelanxi was.

Later, Ye Lanxi explained in detail what happened, and the three people believed that Ye Lanxi was their daughter and sister.

The three of them quickly put on their clothes, dragged Ye Lanxi to kneel on the ground, tears in their eyes, and said gratefully to Zhao Fu, "Thank you for your life-saving grace.

This time, their family, if it wasn't for Zhao Fu, would have all died, and they would have died tragically. The gratitude to Zhao Fu is beyond words.

Zhao Fu chuckled lightly and asked them to get up first.

Then, Zhao Fu also knew their names, his father was Yelong, his mother was Ye Xiaolan, and his younger brother was Ye Jun.

"What do you plan to do with these people? They are only under my control now, and their consciousness is still retained."

With a smile, Zhao Fu pointed at the many villagers standing on the side, and asked the Ye family.

The eyes of the four members of the Ye family were full of anger and hatred. They could remember how these people tortured them. The severe pain is still vivid in their minds. If they hated normally, they might give up.

But with such a huge hatred, they will never forgive and want them to die.

At this time, Zhao Fu stopped using the power of the demon, no longer controlled many villagers, and let those many villagers regain their consciousness.

The villagers regained consciousness, looked at the Ye family members with fear, and hurriedly knelt on the ground to beg for mercy.

"Please do well, let us go once, we won't dare next time, please."

"Ye family, I have been good to you before, and I have given you meat to eat. Please don't kill me."

"This is what they did, and it has nothing to do with us. You seek revenge from them, not us, we are innocent."

"Yeah! Please don't kill us. You are all good people. We are all beasts. Please give us a chance to change. From now on, we will definitely be good people and make up for what happened before."

"You have also killed so many of us, so please let us go once, your revenge has already been avenged, and you are saying that you are not dead, so you can't kill us."


The Ye family looked at the villagers angrily, and what they said to them did not touch their hearts at all, but they were not as cruel as those villagers, and could not kill this group of people.

Yelong respectfully said to Zhao Fu, "Sir, please take care of it!"

Zhao Fu responded lightly, and the villagers immediately begged Zhao Fu for mercy, but Zhao Fu waved his hand no longer, and an invisible force waved out.

bang bang bang...

The villagers standing there, their heads exploded one by one, their brains and blood splashed, and one by one headless corpses fell to the ground, and a bloody smell spread.

Seeing that these people were all dead, the Ye family all smiled.

With a smile, Zhao Fu asked Ye's parents and younger brother to go to the carriage. There are too many corpses here, and it is easy to attract powerful beasts. They are not suitable to stay here, so let them go to the carriage.

And he himself took Ye Lanxi to the dark place.

Zhao Fu is very interested in the power of darkness, because from the current situation, the place of darkness is not simple, and the power of Yelanxi to swallow the divine tree should also be related to the place of darkness, so Zhao Fu also brought it with him. took her.

When I came to the vicinity of the dark place, it seemed that a world had changed in front of me. The sky was dark, the ground was blood-colored, and all kinds of plants growing in it were black, exuding a terrifying aura.

Ye Lanxi frowned, with some fear on his face, and said, "Sir! I feel the power of the seal here, which makes me very uncomfortable, and there is a feeling that after entering, I will never be able to come out again."

Zhao Fu's expression was stunned. He didn't have this feeling. After thinking about it, it should be related to Yelanxi's own strength. Since Yelanxi has such a feeling, it is best not to let her in for the time being.

Because Zhao Fu just saw that there is a sealing force here, if Yelanxi is really sealed together, it will be bad.

"Then you stay here and wait for me!" Zhao Fu turned to Yelanxi and said.

Ye Lanxi nodded seriously.

Afterwards, Zhao Fu flew in with a strong aura, and within a while, Zhao Fu also saw the dark beasts in pieces.

The appearance and strength of these dark beasts are the same as the dark beasts that attacked Zhao Fu before, there is no difference.

The openings in the divine tree should lead to this place, and the summoned dark beasts also came from this dark place.

Many dark beasts are far inferior to Zhao Fu, and they have no ability to fly. Zhao Fu hid his body and flew in the sky, and they had no way to detect Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu flew to the depths of the dark place with ease.

However, after a while, a group of dark beasts like eagles blocked Zhao Fu's path.

These dark beasts look like eagles, with only one

Blood-colored eyes, black feathers, two sharp teeth growing next to the bird peck, open wings, five meters wide.

Countless dark beasts noticed Zhao Fu and immediately launched a fierce attack on Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu could only burst out a powerful force. Holding the Emperor Killing Sword, he started a massacre. One after another, huge sword lights slashed out with an astonishing force, killing the dark beasts one by one.

The corpses of countless dark beasts fell like rain, and the picture was in a very bad condition, and screams of pain resounded through the sky.

In the end, Zhao Fu killed countless dark beasts and came to the vicinity of a large pit. There are many traces of terrifying battles left here. Even after so many years, the aura emitted is equally scary.

Zhao Fu's face also became solemn. This is the depths of the dark place, and he was about to enter it to check.


The space in the big pit suddenly trembled slightly, strange rays of light flashed past, and an incomparably huge force gushed out, and the thunder slammed on Zhao Fu like a thunderbolt.

Without any preparation, Zhao Fu was directly knocked away by that huge force, and he fell to the ground and spat out a large mouthful of blood. His chest was blood red, and his face was a little pale. Zhao Fu was seriously injured.

Having endured this blow, Zhao Fu looked at the big pit in front of him, his face a little awkward. That big pit is where the seal body is located, and he couldn't step into it with his strength.

This is not a place where he can come, and he does not know what the seal is. The power of the seal is so terrifying.


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