The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1992 Long Halberd God

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

Now, it was the first time that someone dared to call themselves the Emperor God, so they were so surprised.

As the youth's voice fell, a man in a black cloak came out from the other door with a mysterious aura.

The scene was quiet, and everyone's eyes fell on Zhao Fu. Because it was the first time they saw Zhao Fu, and he looked so mysterious, everyone's reaction was very small, and there was no cheering and applause.

As the host of the fat young man, his face was a little embarrassed, but it was understandable, after all, it was the first time a god appeared.

Ye Lanxi looked surprised. Looking at Zhao Fu walking out from the side, he didn't understand why Zhao Fu participated in this Fighting God Festival.

Afterwards, the fat young man announced the start of the competition between the two gods.

That giant stone god has Zhao Fu's eyes, but now Zhao Fu doesn't exude any breath, like an ordinary person without strength, as if he can be beaten into meat sauce with one punch.

But the Stone God didn't agree. He didn't want to lose because of carelessness, and he would be ridiculed by individuals, so the Stone God used all his strength from the beginning.


A roar sounded, a yellow arrogance ignited from the giant stone god, and a huge momentum spread out, forming a strong wind blowing away, blowing up countless dust and gravel, the picture felt very strong.

Many people also looked excited and excited, watching the giant stone god exude such terrifying power, they couldn't help but shout.

"Boulder God, you are the best! I believe you will win."

"God of Stone, I support you! You will definitely be able to easily defeat the opponent with your strength. I think I will save a little face for the opponent later."

"Ah, the giant stone god will win, so powerful!"

"I also support you, the giant stone god, this battle shows all your strength, let us be shocked!"


Hearing the cheers from the audience, a confident smile appeared on the face of the giant stone god, and a pair of eyes looked at Zhao Fu.


The giant stone god charged towards Zhao Fu with a terrifying aura, and let out a blast of air. His speed was also very fast, and he rushed in front of Zhao Fu in a blink of an eye.

Looking at this short and powerless man standing in front of him, the giant stone god couldn't help showing a hint of contempt, raised a fist, and hit Zhao Fu with a powerful force.

Zhao Fu took a step to the side, easily dodging the punch.

The expression of the giant stone god was stunned for a moment, and the next moment, he was suddenly shocked, feeling a strong danger, and the hair on his body stood up.


Zhao Fu twisted sideways, and kicked out his left foot with a terrifying destructive force, directly hitting the belly of the giant stone god, with a huge explosion of air, the body of the giant stone body flew out instantly, and fell several hundred meters away. There was no movement.

It just happened so fast, everyone was stunned and didn't react at all.

After a while, countless people were excited and excited about Emperor God, Emperor God, Emperor God.

The people present really did not expect that the seemingly powerful giant stone god was kicked so far away, and looking at the appearance of the giant stone god, he might faint.

That man named Emperor God is really scary, no wonder he dared to call Emperor God, it turned out to be some strength.

Ye Lanxi showed a smile, she understood that Zhao Fu could not lose.

As the host of the fat young man, he smiled happily. Now Zhao Fu's performance is so amazing, which is beyond his expectations.

At this time, he was so easy to defeat the giant stone god, and he also had a part of his own popularity, and there would never be the embarrassing scene before.

The fat young man stepped onto the platform with a smile, and announced loudly, "Congratulations to this lord of the gods for his victory, and now the next competition will begin, and the powerful halberd god is invited."

Everyone also stopped and cheered, looking happy, and looked at the door with a pair of eyes.

A woman wearing armor, holding a halberd, and a good-looking face walked out from the side with a strong metallic aura.

There were a lot of cheers and shouts at the scene immediately. This God of halberds should also be a god here, so it has a good popularity, because they know the God of halberds and understand the power of the god of halberds.

Zhao Fu stood there, looking at the God of Long Halberd calmly.

The God of Long Halberd looked at Zhao Fu with a serious face and said, "I saw the battle just now with my own eyes. You are indeed very strong, but I will not be defeated so easily in your hands."

Zhao Fu laughed contemptuously and asked, "Really?"

For Zhao Fu's attitude, the God of Long Halberd was furious, and a huge momentum spread out, turning into a stream of light and rushing towards Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu, the god of halberds, was so terrifying that he directly used the strongest attacking method he mastered.

I saw that the god of the halberd injected a huge force into the halberd, the halberd radiated a strong green light, and a green deer appeared. This green deer seemed to be made of metal. This green deer looks vicious.

With a powerful momentum, the momentum is metallic, giving people a sharp feeling, as if it can cut people's skin.

The God of Long Halberd took the green deer and charged towards Zhao Fu.

The people around were quiet, watching the God of Long Halberd directly use the strongest attack to attack Zhao Fu. How does Zhao Fu resist now? It's probably not as easy as it used to be!

Zhao Fu looked at the god of the halberd, and the corner of his mouth rose, revealing a contemptuous smile. A huge force was injected into his right hand. Zhao Fu's right hand grew black scales, his fingers became sharp, and then turned into a black Dragon Claw.

The God of Long Halberd quickly rushed in front of Zhao Fu, only ten meters away from Zhao Fu.


The god of the halberd injected another strength into the halberd in his hand, and the halberd emitted a strong green light. The fierce green deer, with a more powerful aura, slammed into Zhao Fu, causing a strong storm.

At this time, Zhao Fu just slowly raised his hand and waved it hard.


A huge dragon roar sounded, resounding in all directions, and a huge black dragon claw, with the power of destruction, attacked the God of Long Halberd.


The green deer that charged fiercely was directly caught in half by the huge dragon claws, and an invisible force hit the halberd's chest, and the god of the halberd flew out, spitting out a mouthful of blood, and the strength to get up was all No.

Now the God of the Long Halberd was lying on the ground with a pale face. He didn't expect that she would be defeated so easily by Zhao Fu.

Everyone was equally astonished. Just how terrifying the attack by the God of Halberd was. They had seen it with their own eyes, but they were still defeated by Zhao Fu. It was not that the God of Halberd was too weak, but that Zhao Fu was too strong. .

After the surprise, countless people continued to cheer and shout, expressing their joy and excitement.


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