The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2000 Fighting God (four more subscriptions)

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

Zhao Fu also noticed that god, turned his head to look at her, opened his pupils, and an invisible force quickly attacked that god.


The god didn't react, and was instantly knocked out and fell to the ground, with a trace of blood flowing from the corner of his mouth.

At this time, the other gods had all rushed in front of Zhao Fu, pouring a huge force into the weapon in his hand, and the weapon emitted a strong light with a terrifying aura.

Many gods were trying to attack Zhao Fu from all directions.

Zhao Fu's expression did not change much. He stretched out a hand, and a huge force was injected into the colorful rune circle. The colorful rune circle emitted a strong light and began to spin rapidly, exuding a terrifying power.


Zhao Fu stretched out his hand and pushed, and the colorful rune circle carried terrifying power, and the speed was extremely fast.

bang bang bang...

There was a loud noise, and the gods who rushed forward were knocked out one by one, and fell to the ground with a trace of blood from the corners of their mouths.

The colorful rune circle dissipated.

Now it was deadly quiet, and many gods were lying on the ground, looking at Zhao Fu with ugly faces.

Many people also looked at Zhao Fu in surprise, without making any sound,

They only have one feeling now, "How can the person in front of him be so powerful, there is no advantage for a group of people to besiege him."

However, they will not admit defeat so easily. They only suffered a little injury and still have the strength to fight.


A strong man held a hammer, jumped forward, jumped into the sky, burst out all his strength, and a powerful momentum spread in the sky.

The big man poured all his strength into the hammer, and the hammer sent out an invisible force field. With the momentum of the falling, like a meteorite falling from the sky, it smashed Zhao Fu with the power to shatter the earth. bulged.


A huge roar sounded, Zhao Fu directly raised one hand to catch the hammer that fell, an amazing shock wave spread, and the ground under Zhao Fu collapsed instantly, showing how strong the blow was.

The strong man looked stunned, he didn't expect Zhao Fu to catch his desperate blow so easily.

Zhao Fu's eyes showed coldness, and he caught the hammer's hand, exuding an invisible force to grab the hammer, and then pulled down, the strong man's body was forced to fall towards Zhao Fu.


Zhao Fu twisted his body and kicked with astonishing power, directly hitting the strong man's abdomen. The strong man's body flew out like a ball, fell to the ground, spat out a large mouthful of blood, and passed out.


A thin middle-aged man holding a pair of knives quickly appeared behind Zhao Fu. The terrifying power was injected into the two knives, and with a strong blade light, he crossed and slashed towards Zhao Fu.


Zhao Fu turned around with a roundabout kick, and kicked the thin middle-aged man in the chest. With tremendous force, the thin middle-aged man was kicked out, and he fell to the ground.


Holding a sharp sword, a young man shouted, with a strong momentum, and then attacked Zhao Fu from the side.

Zhao Fu just grabbed the hammer and slammed it hard. The hammer carried a terrifying force and smashed towards the young man at a high speed.

The young man slashed out a sharp beam with a sharp sword and slashed towards the hammer. But Na Limang was directly smashed by the hammer, and even smashed at him.


The boy didn't respond in time, his body was hit by a hammer, he spat out a mouthful of blood, and fell to the ground, seriously injured.

The three consecutive attacks ended in serious injuries.

This terrifying scene made some gods who wanted to rush up to stop and looked at Zhao Fu with a solemn expression.

They stopped the attack, and Zhao Fu started the attack.


I saw Zhao Fu's body instantly disappear in place, many gods were startled, the next second Zhao Fu appeared in front of a fat woman, punched her stomach, and the woman's body flew out like a meat ball Stop at the wall.

Blood flowed from his mouth, his whole body felt like he was smashed, and he had no strength to stand up against the wall.

Seeing that Zhao Fu took the initiative to attack, the remaining gods no longer hesitated and continued to attack Zhao Fu.

boom boom boom...

The gods tried their best to slash out of the 100-meter-long Limang, with terrifying power and a strong wind, severing everything, and slashing towards Zhao Fufei.

bang bang bang...

Zhao Fu stretched out a hand, and a huge force radiated out. The intense colorful light of the palm, and countless colorful runes spread out, forming a colorful rune semi-circle shield, blocking one after another attack.

Waving his hand to remove the rune hood, Zhao Fu looked at those people with a pair of eyes, and charged towards them quickly with a powerful aura on his body.

Many gods were a little panicked, but they still rushed forward.

bang bang bang...

Facing the rushing gods, Zhao Fu gathered a huge immortal power in his fists and punched forward with force, a huge colorful beam with terrifying power, and a huge wind, hitting those gods. past.

Those gods didn't think of this trick and didn't react.

They were beaten out one by one, lying on the ground and spitting out a mouthful of blood.


A strong young man appeared on Zhao Fu's side, raised the giant axe in his hand, jumped, and slashed towards Zhao Fu.

The giant axe radiated a strong light, with an astonishing power.


Zhao Fu ducked to the side, and the giant axe smashed into the ground, making a tens of meters long opening, and the rocks collapsed.

At this time, Zhao Fu looked at the strong young man with a pair of eyes.

The strong young man's hair exploded, and he immediately felt a strong danger, but before he could react, he was kicked and flew out.

Zhao Fu turned his head to look at the nearest deity beside him.

The **** had just seen Zhao Fu kick a strong young man to half death, his face showed fear, and an energy shield immediately appeared on his body.


Zhao Fu's body appeared in front of him, and he punched out with astonishing power, directly smashing the protective cover. The fist hit his chest with a colorful streamer, and the god was also sent flying out with a punch. He spat out a mouthful of blood and couldn't even get up.

And Zhao Fu's eyes turned to other gods. The expressions of the other gods became more frightened.

bang bang bang...

The dull voices continued to sound, and the gods flew out one by one, spit out a large mouthful of blood, and then appeared to be half-dead. In the end, no gods stood on the field, all of them were lying on the ground.

Zhao Fu's eyes were cold, and his voice was majestic, "Now that I'm the God of Fighting, who else of you will disapprove?"

All the gods on the field bowed their heads proudly, no one dared to say no, the severe pain on their bodies made them clearly understand what they had just experienced.


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