The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2013 Origin Family (Subscribe)

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Zhao Fu took out the Sword of Ten Thousand Kings, and with a wave of his hand, streaks of light shot out from the sword seal, turning into silhouettes, which were exactly the sword spirits.

Nie Longmei smiled and jumped into Zhao Fu's arms at the first time, and shouted, "Master!"

Zhao Fu responded with a smile, then raised his sword, the Sword of Ten Thousand Kings emitted golden light, and a figure appeared in front of Zhao Fu, the sword spirit of the Sword of Ten Thousand Kings.

As I said before, the origin of this sword spirit is not simple, because the situation was tense at the time, so it was not dealt with in time.

Now that he is out of danger, Zhao Fu wants to deal with the Sword of Ten Thousand Kings.

First of all, this sword spirit is not an ordinary sword spirit, but a person from the source family.

The Yuanyuan family is the oldest race in the world. It not only knows the mystery of opening the sky, but also has the power to reverse the yin and yang and destroy the sky and the earth. Even a real immortal would be afraid of its existence.

It's just that the Yuanyuan family has disappeared for a long time. It seems that it disappeared in the ancient times, and it is many times rarer than the immortals.

And Zhao Fu was able to have today, but also mainly one person's help, that is Tuoba Qing, she gave Zhao Fu one of the most important origin imprints in the past, in order to awaken the Heavenly Emperor Star, and then slowly awaken the other Emperor Stars.

Tuoba Qing is the original human race, which has disappeared for many years.

The sword in front of him is an alien of origin, and the Sword of Ten Thousand Kings uses the soul of an alien of origin as the sword spirit, which makes people feel frightened and frightened when thinking about it.

Even if it's just an ordinary iron sword, as long as it is integrated into the soul of the original alien race, it will instantly grasp the power of slaying gods, destroying demons and destroying heaven and earth.

What's more, the Sword of Ten Thousand Kings itself is not simple. It is made of the rare body of the original alien race, and it also integrates the original power of the ten thousand worlds, and finally adds the original alien race as the sword spirit.

This power has been unimaginable, it is the kind of terror beyond imagination.

The power of the Sword of Ten Thousand Kings can be said to be in the entire Apocalypse World, including the God Realm and the Underworld Realm.

Back then, the first generation of the King of Kings held a sword and led all the alien races, forcing the other seven races to retreat. They did not dare to confront it directly, and could only avoid its edge. It is conceivable that this sword is terrifying.

However, the King of Kings is not simple at all. Such a terrifying Sword of Kings was originally built by him.

Zhao Fu now has the inheritance of the King of Kings, and he also knows some information, but it is not comprehensive.

From the beginning, the King of Kings was just an ordinary person, not a born king, with no terrible blood, and no terrifying identity, all seemed very ordinary.

But he was adopted by a mysterious man from a young age.

This mysterious man does not know whether it is a male or a female. He is very kind to the King of Kings. He not only raised the King of Kings, but also taught him various things, and told him that he has a very important mission since he was a child.

The Sword of Ten Thousand Kings was also built with the help of a mysterious person, otherwise it would be impossible to do this with the ability of the King of Ten Thousand Kings.

Because the King of Kings at that time was still young, but he was not as powerful as in the future, and it was impossible to obtain those peerless talents of foreign races, let alone the soul of the original family, so he could not build the Sword of Ten Thousand Kings by himself.

And this sword of ten thousand kings, from his birth and experience, to his final death, accompanied him throughout his life.

The King of Kings has also completed his mission, leading the alien race to unprecedented splendor, an era that the alien race is most proud of.

After the mysterious man cultivated ten thousand kings, he did not appear. After becoming famous, the king of ten thousand kings had been searched for many times, but he did not find any news. That person seemed to not exist.

From Zhao Fu's point of view, that person is definitely an alien of origin, and definitely not an ordinary alien of origin, otherwise it would be impossible to cultivate a terrifying character like the King of Kings.

And that mysterious person also gave the origin imprint of the King of Kings, and the bloodline of the King of Kings should also be the origin bloodline.

Because only the original imprint can be promoted to the original bloodline, the process is also very difficult, but the King of Kings is the most dazzling person in that era, and he must also upgrade the bloodline to the original bloodline.

Zhao Fu also understands the difficulty, because he can awaken six emperor stars, plus many spiritual treasures and medicines, so that the bloodline can be upgraded to holy blood, which is still a long way from the original bloodline.

In the end, it is a little strange that the king of kings with such terrifying strength and the imprint of his origin has only a life span of 1,500 years.

This is really strange. The average person in heaven and earth may have a thousand lifespan, but the king who is evil to the entire alien race and the person who the immortals must avoid, only has a lifespan of fifteen hundred years, which makes no sense.

However, in this aspect, the Sword of Ten Thousand Kings records very little. Zhao Fu is not very clear about what happened and why the King of Ten Thousand Kings only has so little lifespan.

From the eyes of other races, this is a great good thing. If the first generation of the King of Kings does not die, the other seven races will not have a bright future.

If the King of Kings can live longer, maybe he can destroy the other seven races and unify the whole world.

This is absolutely no exaggeration. If you give the King of Kings a period of time to develop, you can definitely do it. During this period, other races can only worry about it.

In the face of the high unity and unity of the entire race, they are not opponents at all.

Countless people at that time, for

To stop the King of Kings from unifying the world, it really shows all kinds of means, and as long as the goal is achieved, there is no scruples.

The King of Kings actually has the idea of ​​unifying the whole world, because the completion of the unification of alien races is only the first part of the mission, and the final mission is to complete the unification of the entire world.

At that time, he will become the only king in the world, and no one can compare with him. If he really succeeds, the world of Apocalypse will be different now.

It is a pity that King Wan died too early. More importantly, after his death, no one has the ability to inherit his position. In addition to the joint attack of other races, and the provocation, it is extremely powerful. Whoever competes with alien races such as Dashan It collapsed and became what it is now.

The position of the king of kings is indeed very difficult to inherit. Back then, the alien saint son and the owner of the alien emperor star could not draw the sword of kings and could not obtain the inheritance of the king of kings. If Zhao Fu hadn't stepped forward to draw the sword, It may take countless years.

Zhao Fu found that he and the King of Kings have some similarities, that is, everything is related to the Yuanyuan family.

However, it was purely an accident that Zhao Fu met the Yuanyuan family, and the King of Kings was trained by the Yuanyuan family since he was a child.


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