The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2029 Dragon (Subscribe)

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

Ye Lanxi looked at Zhao Fu with pale eyes, and said a little embarrassedly, "Sir! Can I also go with you?"

Luna Ya frowned and looked at Yelanxi.

She didn't like it a little in her heart. Some woman has been clinging to Zhao Fu's side, making her position very threatened, and said with some jealousy, "Then I will go with you too!"

Zhao Fu chuckled and said, "It's no use, I just arrest one person and come back, not to deal with other things."

"Oh!" Ye Lanxi was a little disappointed.

Seeing her like this, Luna Ya felt a little apologetic in her heart, and couldn't help but say, "Let's go! He will come back later."

"Yeah!" Ye Lanxi responded with a faint smile.

Afterwards, Zhao Fu rode on the White Mist Dragon God and flew towards the sky. The White Mist Dragon God was very fast, and the surrounding scenery flashed by, and a strong wind blew Zhao Fu's cloak.

Zhao Fu was on the dragon's back and began to ask for information about the land of the goddess.

It turns out that this goddess land is in a very hidden place, and usually does not communicate with the outside world, and the power is not very large. There are only three gods and millions of people.

A day later, Zhao Fu rode the White Mist Dragon God and came to the land of the Goddess with a huge momentum. Because this power was weak, Zhao Fu did not have any scruples.

The white mist dragon was entangled in white mist, and the huge coercion on his body enveloped the entire force, like an invisible big hand pressing on everyone, everyone felt their bodies sink, it was a little difficult to breathe, and the atmosphere became a little depressing.

Some people came outside to look at the huge dragon in the sky, and felt a sense of fear in their hearts, and some people fled the place in a panic.

Zhao Fu looked at the people below, and sure enough, they were all women.

At this time, three powerful women flew out from the temple.

One has a plump figure, with a touch of charm, wearing a green palace skirt, one is slender and handsome, wearing Tsing Yi, the other is tall, with a cold face, wearing a white skirt.

The three women looked at Zhao Fu with serious expressions. Although Zhao Fu didn't exude any great aura, the divine dragon under him turned out to be a dragon god, exuding an extremely terrifying power.

Who is the person in front of him? To use such a terrifying dragon god as a mount, his identity may be extremely ancient.

The cold and beautiful woman said, "I don't know what happened to your Excellency when you came to us?"

Zhao Fu didn't hide his purpose, and said directly, "I need someone with power, you hand her over to me, then I'll leave immediately, and I won't hurt you alone, but if you don't cooperate, then I can only robbed."

The faces of the three women became ugly. With their strength, the White Mist Dragon God as a mount could not beat him, let alone resist Zhao Fu.

"What a big breath!"

A squeak sounded, and a mature woman with a beautiful face flew out from the ground with a seventeen-year-old girl with a pure face.

Zhao Fu frowned and looked at the mature woman.

The other three women watched this woman come forward, their faces softened, and a hint of smile appeared, because of her appearance, this matter would be resolved soon.

Zhao Fu looked at the mature woman and said, "Who are you? The saint next to you is this place?"

The mature woman said coldly, "I am from the Goddess Palace. She is already a member of our Goddess Palace. If you are wise, let me go, or you will be responsible for the consequences."

Bai Wulongshen was startled, and hurriedly said, "Sir, let's forget it! When looking for power elsewhere, that goddess palace is a group of female lunatics, it's best not to mess with it."

Zhao Fu asked indifferently, "What power is the Goddess Palace?"

Baiwu Longshen was a little surprised, and immediately explained, "The Goddess Palace is a very powerful force in the center of the God Realm. Its strength can enter the top fifteen, and its behavior is very crazy and domineering."

"For example, if a person accidentally offends them, then they will kill that person's relatives and friends, as well as everyone related to him. Others can't speak ill of the Goddess Palace, and they can't bring anger, ridicule, hatred. Looking at them with eyes, it is better that the result is the same."

Zhao Fu didn't care much and looked at the mature woman, "Now that I know, leave me before I get angry."

The mature woman's face became angry, "You know that I am from the Goddess Palace, but you dare to speak to me like this, you must die!"


A huge momentum erupted from the mature woman's body, forming a gust of wind to spread. This mature woman's strength is indeed not weak, but it is just a little worse than the white fog god.

Taking out a long red whip, the mature woman charged towards Zhao Fu with a powerful aura.

Bai Wulong God's eyes were a little contemptuous, with a hint of ridicule, this woman dared to do something to Zhao Fu, and she didn't have to think about her fate.

Everything was just as the White Mist Dragon God thought. Zhao Fu's body instantly disappeared in place and appeared in front of the mature woman.


Zhao Fu punched out with terrifying power and hit the chest of the mature woman. The mature woman's body, like a falling stone, slammed heavily on the ground, hitting a big hole and spitting out a mouthful of blood.

The other three gods were terrified, and sure enough, that person's power was extremely terrifying, and

And the people of the Goddess Palace dare to fight, and they don't take the Goddess Palace in their eyes at all.

The mature woman had blood on the corner of her mouth and shouted angrily, "You are dead, and the Goddess Palace will never let you go."

Zhao Fu stood in the air with contempt in his eyes, "Do you think I would be afraid of the Goddess Palace? You will die soon, and everyone present will die."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhao Fu charged at the mature woman with a powerful aura, wanting to kill the mature woman.

The other three gods rushed forward to stop them first. One was that Zhao Fu planned to kill all the people here, and the other was to kill the people in the Goddess Palace. Even if Zhao Fu let them go, their fate would also perish.

boom! boom! boom!

Facing the three gods from before, Zhao Fu just waved his hand, and a huge force waved out, directly knocking the three gods out.

Zhao Fu quickly rushed in front of the mature woman. The mature woman looked terrified and was trying to resist.

"Wait! Don't hurt the people here, I'm willing to go with you, you promise me... I'll die here."

That seventeen-year-old girl with pure appearance, holding a dagger to her throat, shouted to Zhao Fu with some fear.

Zhao Fu thought about it, there is no need to delay important things in order to kill these people. The power is extremely difficult to find. If you miss this one, you really don't know when you will find it, so he agreed.


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