The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2035 Yin Qi

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

The power of the endless heaven and earth around was affected by ten beams of light, which were continuously injected into the body of Luna Sprout.

In the world of consciousness, Luna Ya is still doing the same action as before, raising her slender arm with a fist, constantly absorbing the power of heaven and earth pouring into her body, and her body emits a strong colorful light.

With the continuous injection of the power of heaven and earth, the momentum of Luna Ya's body became stronger and stronger, and the color light emitted became more and more dazzling.

At this moment, Luna Ya wanted to turn her fist. Originally, that fist seemed to be imprisoned by an unimaginably huge force and could not move at all. His fist turned slightly.


A loud bang erupted, and the ten fixed spheres in the consciousness space, the innate Yinyuan formation formed, began to slowly rotate, and an unimaginable force erupted.

It was like a millstone of annihilation turning, that terrifying to despair power that instantly made everything in the consciousness space collapse.

On the altar, Luna Ya, standing in the center of the magic circle, seemed to have something extremely terrifying opened up in her body. An extremely dangerous coercion enveloped the entire world in an instant.

Fear of running wild beasts, frightened birds, flowing streams, fluttering clouds, falling leaves, and countless people present, at this moment the whole world seems to be frozen.

Standing on the altar, Zhao Fu immediately felt a huge incomparable Yin force, and suddenly imprisoned himself in place.

The White Mist Dragon God and the Golden Flower Ancestor, who were guarding at the periphery, looked a little scared, and their bodies were suddenly imprisoned at that moment. They had no resistance at all, and they all felt the danger of death.

As for other ordinary powerhouses, under this huge Yin force, their bodies were like falling into an endless abyss, and endless darkness rushed towards them, and they felt the fear from their souls.

Now they are extremely regretful, why didn't they escape from here, they are likely to die here next.

This force is really terrifying, it is simply the force that wipes out the world. What shocking event happened ahead? How can there be such a terrible power?

At this moment, some powerhouses farther away from here, their heads are all looking towards the direction of the altar.

They only felt that a monstrous yin qi was sweeping towards them in front of them. They had no ability to resist, their bodies were shaking, and they felt a sense of fear.

The same is true for those strong people, and those ordinary people are even more unbearable. Some are pale with fright, their expressions are frightened, their bodies are trembling, and some directly fall to the ground and fall into a coma.

In the consciousness world, Luna Sprout exudes a strong colored light, standing at the very center of the magic circle, the innate Yinyuan magic circle continues to rotate slowly with enormous power.

At the same time, the invisible hole seemed to be getting bigger and bigger, making the pressure emanating from Luna Ya even more and more terrifying.

However, in less than a while, Luna Ya felt a stronger resistance, causing the originally rotating Innate Yin Origin Array to stop slowly.

Luna Sprout needs stronger power to turn the Innate Yinyuan Formation.

The ten people standing on the altar also felt that Luna Ya was in urgent need of stronger power, and without any hesitation, all the power exploded, and there was not a single bit of strength left.

boom boom boom...

A loud roar sounded, and the ten huge colored beams of light became even larger, more than twice as large as before.


As if the world had been shattered, the power of the origin of the whole world was like finding a funnel, and it poured into Luna Ya's body fiercely and spectacularly.

In the consciousness space, the magic circle that was about to stop slowly due to huge resistance, like a powerful power, turned at one time, and the speed was faster than before.

That invisible hole seems to be getting bigger and bigger, the power of terror is getting stronger and stronger, the void is a little unbearable, and it seems to be twisted.


A huge phoenix roar sounded, and I saw a huge gray yin gushing out from Luna Ya's body, and the surrounding temperature plummeted.

Di Xi in his body couldn't help but say in surprise, "Yin Qi turns into a phoenix! This is only achieved by extremely advanced Yin Qi, and it is definitely not a Yin Qi that ordinary Yin Qi can compare with."

Zhao Fu's eyes were also on the Moon God Ya.

And that huge yin qi directly turned into a phoenix composed of yin qi. A pair of purple phoenix eyes looked at the sky, their eyes were gloomy, they spread their wings, and charged towards the sky with a terrifying aura.


That huge Yin Qi phoenix carried countless Yin Qi, dragged out a gray Yin Qi belt, rushed into the sky, made a loud noise, and a shock wave of destruction spread.

At that moment, the entire sky turned into nothingness. From a distance, the sky seemed to have collapsed into a huge black hole, and an unimaginably huge Yin Qi poured out to the earth like the water of the Tianhe River.

The huge yin energy fell on the altar, and then spread fiercely like a tide. At that moment, the ground, trees, flowers, and stones were all eroded by the powerful yin energy and turned into yin attributes.

It's just that the ground for ten thousand miles turned gray, the flowers and plants turned gray, the trees and stones also turned gray, there were wisps of yin, and the temperature dropped to the extreme.

And this

This huge yin force is still expanding outward, and nothing can resist the erosion of this kind of yin force.

The black hole in the sky was tens of thousands of meters long, and the yin qi pouring down from above also blocked the sight within tens of thousands of meters.

The original ten huge beams of light also dissipated. Affected by this force, Mu Xiang's ten bodies were like heavy blows, spitting out a mouthful of blood, and collapsed on the altar.

Now they were useless. Zhao Fu, who was standing on the side, waved a dozen iron chains and shot out, quickly wrapped around the bodies of ten people, and then pulled them to his side.

At this time, Zhao Fu released a defensive shield, blocking countless gray yin qi, and said solemnly, "You all leave this place immediately, Luna Ya's ten yin immortal body has only been initially opened, and it will become extremely severe next time. Danger."

Everyone's faces were solemn, even a little ugly. They had just experienced that kind of huge power, even Shen Xiaoyi, who had the bloodline of the King God and liked Moon God Ya very much, also showed a fearful expression.

They also understood that this place would only cause trouble, so they responded and quickly left the altar.

Ye Lanxi looked at Zhao Fu with a worried expression, "Sir! You must be careful."

Zhao Fu kept looking at Luna Ya, whose body was covered by countless yin, and nodded earnestly.


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