The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2037 Immortal Body

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

The endless power of heaven and earth was injected into the Innate Yin Origin Formation, and the power emitted by the Innate Yin Origin Formation became more and more terrifying.


A huge roar sounded, and Luna Ya radiated a strong colored light, turning into a huge colored beam, rushing into the sky with astonishing power, and shooting into the center of the Innate Yin Origin Array.

The rotation speed of the Innate Yin Origin Magic Array became extremely fast, and the even larger power of heaven and earth was violently sucked away. Countless plants under the altar began to wither, and the earth seemed to be dying, with no vitality at all.

This kind of situation continues to expand outward, and more and more dead plants and the earth are dying, and the scene is extremely scary.

The innate Yinyuan magic circle in the sky is spinning rapidly, like a rotating colored compass, that terrifying force has reached its extreme, and the sky can't bear it, making a cry of lamentation.


A sound like the explosion of heaven and earth sounded, and the innate Yinyuan Formation that was constantly rotating in the sky radiated colorful rays of light.

Then it turned into two colored beams, one beam charged into the sky with the power to destroy the world, as if to pierce the Nine Heavens, and one colored beam charged towards the ground with the most terrifying power, as if to penetrate the Nine Netherworld.

A huge and incomparably colored beam of light was formed, like a beam of light that stood above the ground, exuding an extremely terrifying aura.

Below the beam of light is on the altar, and the huge power is continuously injected into the body of Luna Sprout.

At this time, Luna Ya had put her hands down, her eyes were closed, her head was raised, and she was absorbing that enormous power with all her strength, and her body was beginning to transform.

As the power continued to pour in, the speed of Luna Ya's body transformation became faster and faster, and the body's mortal aura seemed to be stripped away, exuding a vague and illusory immortal aura.


Luna Ya, who raised her head, slowly opened her eyes, and her pupils were like colored gems, emitting a magical light.

I saw the Innate Yin Origin Array in the sky suddenly stopped spinning, and ten huge spheres, controlled by a force, flew to all directions, forming a circle that surrounded the huge colored beam of light.

Ten huge spheres emit more intense light of different colors, like a small sun in the sky.

The power of the colored beams of light gradually weakened, as if the strength was being absorbed by the ten spheres. The colored beams of light became smaller and smaller, and eventually disappeared, but the ten huge spheres became larger, and the rays of light emitted were even stronger. Like ten huge suns, they are suspended above the sky and form a circle.

bang bang bang...

There was a loud bang, and the huge balls exploded, and a terrifying shock wave spread with the power to destroy everything.

The sky was torn apart by cracks in an instant, and all the ground was crumbling in an instant. The heaven and the earth were like destruction, and bursts of huge roars spread, and the aura of extinction made people fall into despair.


The power of heaven and earth is gathering, and ten phantoms slowly appear in the sky, forming a circle, and the place where they stand is the position of the sphere.

These ten phantoms are very blurry, and it is not clear what they look like, but they are all women, with an illusory immortal energy, and the immortal coercion that transcends the world, which instantly enveloped thousands of people. A world, as if everything in the world is under their control.

at once!

Countless people in this range only felt their bodies sink, as if there was an invisible pressure pressing on them, their bodies felt cold and small, and a wave of fear poured out.

The powerhouses in the entire gods world also felt this breath, and their expressions changed immediately.

"Ten Yin Immortal Body?"

The power of the Supreme God, everyone sat cross-legged under the Supreme God Star, felt this terrifying momentum, and showed a surprised expression.

"In recent years, there have been a lot of important events. Not only have the two emperors of the gods appeared, but now the ten yin immortal bodies have appeared."

"Yeah! And this time is also the time when the gods' competition is held. Is it a coincidence that the awakening of the Ten Yin Immortal Physique is at this time? son confrontation."

"Hehehe, I also want to see the showdown between them. The Ten Yin Immortal Body is as rare as the Emperor Star, and its power will not be weaker than the Emperor Star."

"The Ten Yin Immortal Body has not appeared for many years now. Ordinary people have long forgotten that kind of terrifying power, but for those of us, it has a deep memory, and I also look forward to seeing that kind of power again. "

"Then just wait! I have a hunch that the ten-yin immortal body will definitely come to the center of the God Realm. We can see the person with the ten-yin immortal body with our own eyes."

"Well! This time the gods have a lot of expectations for the competition."


The power of the Demon Emperor and God, in the hall shrouded in black magic light, everyone's faces were a little serious, and their bodies carried a terrifying aura.

"How can a Ten Yin Immortal Body emerge at this time? Our emperor has to face a formidable competitor again."

"I'm also a little worried, although our Emperor Keer already has the luck of becoming a Demon Emperor God, and he may even break through to the Demon Sage, but if we lose consecutively in the hands of others, it will not only be a blow to the soul, but also a good luck. will be severely affected.”

"Why don't we let our emperor take part in the contest of the gods?

, This time, there are already two emperor stars, and now there is another ten yin immortal body, it is too difficult to get the first place. "

"This is absolutely not possible. The gods are blessed with huge luck in the competition. Even if we lose, there is still a lot of luck. Even our emperor can awaken the emperor of the gods. If we choose to escape, it will also have a great impact on our luck."

"I think this is also correct. Kerr is the emperor we have cultivated with all our strength, and everyone knows his strength. We should not have any confidence."

"Hahaha, yes, but two emperor stars and a ten-yin immortal body, what's so scary?"


In an exquisite palace, many beautiful women are sitting in it, and their expressions are full of surprise and excitement. This is the Goddess Palace.

"Finally, the Ten Yin Immortal Body has appeared. This time, no matter what method we use and what price we pay, we must invite the Ten Yin Immortal Body to the Goddess Palace. This may be an opportunity for the Goddess Palace to rise."

"Giggle, I absolutely agree with this. We have waited for the Shiyin Immortal Body for so many years. We must not miss her this time, or I don't know how many years we will have to wait."

"This is a very gratifying thing. If our Goddess Palace has a ten-yin immortal body, then we will have an immortal, and who will not give our Goddess Palace some face.


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