The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2047 King

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Even though Yelanxi's current potential is not comparable to that of Moon God Ya, her potential is still huge, and she will become a peerless powerhouse in the future. Zhao Fu doesn't want her to die like this.

Ye Lanxi looked at Zhao Fu firmly and said, "I feel that there is my final destination. Only there can I obtain the strongest power. I also want to be someone who can help you."

Seeing Luna Ya awakening the Ten Yin Immortal Body and awakening the Emperor Star of the God Race, Luna Ya will become a very scary person in the future, and Ye Lanxi feels even more inferior.

In the end, she made such a decision. She also wanted to be a person like Luna Ya, and help Zhao Fu to do various things in the future, relieve the pressure on Zhao Fu, and make Zhao Fu happy.

She has personally been to the dark forbidden area, and she naturally understands how terrifying the dark forbidden area is, and it may be life-threatening. She will even be sealed there by that sealing force and will never be able to come out, but she still wants to go there, it is her only place Chance.

Luna Ya stared at Ye Lanxi in a daze, and admired Ye Lanxi for making such a decision, and understood Yelanxi's intentions for Zhao Fu.

If she died in the dark forbidden area, Luna Ya would feel a little uncomfortable in her heart, and she also said, "I don't mind that you become the husband's woman, anyway, there are so many women, I want you to go to the half-immortal world with me, with you His potential will definitely be valued and become a very strong person."

Hearing Luna Ya's words, Ye Lanxi was flustered and shy in her heart. She didn't expect her thoughts to be seen by Luna Ya, but then she became firm, "Thank you for your kindness, I still decided to go to the dark forbidden area."

Zhao Fu looked at Ye Lanxi with serious eyes and asked, "You really decided to go there?"

Ye Lanxi nodded firmly.

Zhao Fu continued, "Is there a way to guarantee myself after entering there? If not, I will not allow you to go to the dark forbidden area."

Yelanxi has a great connection with the Dark Forbidden Land, and it is possible to gain a very powerful power by entering it, but Zhao Fu has not explored it clearly, and there may be a big accident when entering it. Zhao Fu does not want his subordinates to die.

Hearing the concern in Zhao Fu's words, Ye Lanxi felt a warm feeling in his heart, and a smile appeared on his face, "I have a certain degree of confidence in entering there, and there are ways to ensure my safety, adults don't need to worry about me."

Zhao Fu looked at Ye Lanxi's firm appearance, and sighed, "That's good! After the matter here is settled, I will personally send you back to the dark forbidden area."

"Yeah! Thank you sir." Ye Lanxi said with a smile on his face.

Later, the altar was also built, more than 30 meters high and more than ten meters wide.

Zhao Fu brought everyone to the altar, and the next step was to contact the people from the Immortal Spirit Palace.

Standing at the center of the altar formation, Zhao Fu took out the Sword of Ten Thousand Kings, and held the hilt of the Sword of Ten Thousand Kings with both hands. Terrible pressure.

Now Zhao Fu's power of ten thousand kings is still relatively weak, and he has not been in control for a long time, so he can only simply use the sword of ten thousand kings.

Holding the hilt of the Sword of Ten Thousand Kings in both hands, Zhao Fu lifted the sword and thrust it into the ground. The Sword of Ten Thousand Kings inserted into the altar with powerful force.


A huge roar sounded, and the array was instantly activated, emitting a powerful golden beam, rushing towards the sky with an astonishing force, hitting the sky hard, and the golden light waves spread out.

A golden beam of light was formed, and the magic circle absorbed the power of heaven and earth, maintaining the golden beam of light that would not dissipate.

Wan Wang Jianling said, "After so many years, this is the first time I have contacted the Fairy Spirit Palace. The process may be slow, and you need to wait for a while."

"Yeah! I know." Zhao Fu responded.


Just after Zhao Fu finished speaking, a huge roar sounded, and an extremely terrifying coercion poured out from the sky, and the void seemed to be frozen a little bit, very terrifying.

A figure appeared in the sky, and anyone descended slowly along the golden beam of light, with an extremely terrifying sense of oppression.

The last woman stood in front of Zhao Fu. She was extremely beautiful, with long black hair and a graceful figure. She was wearing a long white dress with a fairy-like temperament. There was a rare purple around her waist. sword.

The Sword Spirit of Ten Thousand Kings was a little surprised. I didn't expect people to come from the Immortal Spirit Palace so soon. According to the general situation, it should take a long time to contact and talk, and finally someone will come, but now it's coming directly, and the people who come are still Unusual.

The woman's eyes fell on Zhao Fu, her expression was very serious, "You are the second king of kings? The owner of six supreme emperor stars?"

Zhao Fu's face was stunned. It seemed that the woman in front of him should have heard of his news. It seemed that he had already attracted the attention of some holy-level forces.

This is very dangerous. Saint-level forces can surpass emperor-level forces, and their abilities are even more terrifying. If they pay attention to Zhao Fu, Zhao Fu will be even more dangerous, and they will be even more powerless in the face of such holy-level forces.

Facing the woman's words, Zhao Fu did not hide it, nodded earnestly and said, "I am!"

There was a touching smile on the woman's face, "I am Xianle, the eighth palace lord of Xianling Palace, and there are many saint-level forces about you.

Pay attention, I have always wondered what kind of person you will be, and now I finally meet you, you are indeed extraordinary. "

Hearing the words of Xianle, the palace master of Xianling Palace, the matter that he caused has indeed been paid attention to by the saint-level forces, and Xianle also expected that he would definitely find her, so Zhao Fu used the Sword of Ten Thousand Kings to contact her, and Xianle came here immediately. .

Now she doesn't have any malicious intentions, Zhao Fu's heart is slightly relieved, the woman's strength feels much more terrifying than the power, if she makes a move, Zhao Fu has no hope of escape at all.

Zhao Fu showed a smile. Although this woman looked young, she didn't know how old she was, and she had mastered a holy-level force in the face of such a terrifying existence.

Zhao Fu's tone of voice became respectful, "Senior! You are overrated, and I am far worse than your saint-level forces."

Xianle chuckled, "Holy-level forces can't breed people like you, your appearance can surprise many holy-level forces, some holy-level forces are also looking for your whereabouts, and your future achievements will only be above me."

"What are you looking for from me now? According to the contract back then, the Immortal Spirit Palace will be your most reliable ally, so you can rest assured."


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